Speculations for everyone!

I’m sure that by now, most of you have already read the Dev blog. And if you didn’t you just don’t care or didn’t know there was a new one out there.
If it’s the latter, here’s a link for you so you can read up on it.
Reading the Dev blogs for the upcoming summer changes are making me gleeful, Industry is getting a work over and the things they showed us are already looking good. Or at least not too bad.

I’m not that good with numbers, and I couldn’t make heads nor tails about the reprocessing changes, but that’s because I don’t use reprocessing, at all. I have a POS, I invent stuff and I manufacture them. If I’m lucky I even get them sold. That’s about all I do industry wise.

Being an inventor means copying, a lot of copying. So I can tell you that I had somewhat of a smile on my face when I read said change in copying, making it last a tiny bit less long as it does today.

The rest of the changes had me smiling too, but I don’t know why yet, I just think it’s because of the fact that there’s probably going to be some other good stuff incoming, or at least I hope so.

I can’t help but wonder what all of the factory changes will bring about though. No more waiting in line to do something in a station, no more standings needed to put up a POS. What exactly does this mean for the current POS owners? Will they have more people coming over to fight them, declaring wars in order to kick them out of their POS, will the fuel suddenly rise in price, or will it just be a little skirmish for a few weeks like the POCOS and then be quiet(ish) again?

Part of me is even wondering whether the station changes mean that I might be able to shut down my POS and do everything through a station.

Due to the fact that I’ve been slacking in the past few months I don’t use all the slots I can use, I pay for my fuel and I put some work in from time to time, but my POS is not working at 100% capacity.
“Should I stock up on you?”

Maybe the upcoming change will allow me to drop it and save a few hundred million ISK in fuel each month.

I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what the next dev blogs say.

Stay tuned o7

Four step plan

When people ask me questions, I tend to answer them to my best knowledge. 

For some reason I get a lot of questions about industry, I bet it’s because I own a POS and dabble in manufacturing a bit. 
I say dabble because as most of you know, I make way too many runs to Jita when starting my jobs for the coming few days. And a real industrialist wouldn’t be doing it as much as I do. 
I go to Jita to get my materials, go back to my home system, try and start the job only to notice that I forgot a few things back in Jita. That’s one of those things I should have grown out of ages ago.
A friend of mine decided that it was time to start a new alt and try out manufacturing himself, so he asked me and a few others for hints/tips. 
I told him the four step plan that I kind of use or should use;
1) Gather material
2) Bring material to place of manufacturing
3) Start manufacturing
4) Profit 
I admit that this makes it sound easy, but in general, manufacturing isn’t all that hard. You just need the correct skills, a few bpo’s, the materials and the place to manufacture.
Once you want to go to T2 manufacturing it gets a bit harder and the skills you need take a bit of training, but in the end it’s all pretty straight forward.
Just make sure that if you do go into manufacturing, try not to flood the market. I’ve done it a few times when I first started, and that kind of thing eats quite a bit of your profit. 
Stay tuned

Trying something new in a roam

It has been quite some time since I tried out something new, so last night I changed that.

The alliance was having a little null sec roam and when deciding on what to fly, someone asked for people who could fly in a Burst. Not paying much attention, and being the noob that I am, I said that I could fly the fit that was just linked, I even had most skills at level IV and some at V. Who knew.

“What do you mean, you never did this before?”

As most of you know, the Burst is a remote shield booster frigate, which was something I didn’t know at the time. Turns out I just volunteered as one of the Logistics for the roam. Something I had never done before. But there’s a first time for everything, right?

“Come fly with me”

I got a few hints/tips from the other people in the logistic channel, someone told me to Anchor one of them, and I had no idea what that meant either, turns out that just means orbiting/staying close to said person. You learn something new every day.

“Orbit you say? I can do that!”

While we were out searching I made sure my watch list was up to date. Put the other logi’s on top, the FC and then some.

Turns out all a logi has to do is check their shield status and make sure to check up on broadcasts too. Not that bad of a job.

We used a wormhole to get a bit further into null and went out in search for targets.
A few jumps in, we struck the proverbial “gold”. One of my ingame friends had landed on a Golem and pointed him. It didn’t take too long before the rest of the fleet caught up and killed him. I can’t help but wonder: “What went through his mind when he saw us coming”
“Guys! Wait up, I’m falling behind!”

I didn’t get in on the kill, not only did I arrive late and only saw his pod disappear, but I didn’t have any drones in the Burst to whore on the mails… Yet.

Further in the roam I managed to get a hold of a drone by another friend in fleet putting one of his out and telling me to scoop it to drone bay. Allowing me to join in on kill mails.
Which I did, we managed to destroy a few more ships, including a Tengu, so that’s nice.

“Don’t worry, I’ll keep you alive!”

My first time as a logi, and I didn’t have to do anything but follow. Which could be boring to some, but at least I learned how to fly a new ship, despite only having to repair someone once due to having a bomb dropped on top of him.

A few people did get killed when they lemminged through a gate, or accidentally got caught while scouting. They should have stuck with me to save them. Although I would have probably gotten killed in the process to because I was way too sleepy.

97 jumps later and we’re back home, the killboard spiced a bit.
I might just try to do this more often. 

Stay tuned o7

Using a bit of that liquid isk

Decided to finally use some of my ISK and buy a few PLEX.. So here’s hoping the market won’t suddenly crash on me! Because I’m currently sitting on a few of them and still have a few buy orders up.

Although I will more than likely be using them to make sure that the sub on my industrial/trader account won’t run out.

Stay tuned o7

PvP, Bombing and then some

Sunday was a better day for me than Saturday. There was a call for bombers and after dusting off my Nemesis I joined the fleet. After waiting for a while we had about 25 bombers ready to go, all of us with scorch bombs.
Okay, let’s do this!”

We got bridged about 62 jumps from our starting point, in order to get perched around a POS. I couldn’t help but tip my hat towards the FC for making two perches for each squad. Each perch giving another angle of attack.
“Sitting here, waiting, anticipating”

According to intel there was a fleet was going to come into the system soon..Ish.. So we waited for their cyno to light up, ready to shower them with fire, just to show our appreciation.

It took a while but they eventually got there, which meant that the party could start for us. We did a warp bombing run. Something I have never done before (but hey that’s not saying much). 
What this means is that we aligned to the target, and then we got a squad warp about 30km off, when landing you de-cloak and drop your bomb, after which you get the hell out of there.
It was fun, on the first run I killed an Eos and got a few extra kills on my board. But the second run they were prepared. A Sabre bubbled up and silly me had an afterburner instead of MWD, so I got killed rather quickly.

But it was enjoyable and that’s what mattered. We all brought bombs for 4 runs, so 2 more to go. I saw a few other kills and some of the other bombers dying.
But in the end, operation success.
“I hope I survive this!”
I warped to one of the stations and then noticed a few other ships for sale in another one of the stations. I should have known better than to warp there, but I didn’t.

So I lost a capsule and an Impairor, no big deal, it was an instant ride home and I could grab some coffee while figuring out what to do next.

What I was going to do next involved going to Jita on my industry and buying a few implants.
I have a bunch of jump clones around, but wasn’t using any of them. I was flying in an empty clone because I live in Null. And getting podded is just a silly way to lose ISK.

So I bought +4’s, jumped into another empty clone and am currently parked in that one. I’ll be jumping back and forth from that one on days when I go out in Null. That’s mostly on the weekend so I can jump to him on a Friday and jump back on Sunday.

My other implant clones were sporting +3’s but that 1 extra gives a little more oomph.
Implants are handy to get a little bit of extra training done, so I’m going to use that. Should have thought about that 2 months ago.

Stay tuned o7

Patience is a virtue

Patience is a virtue. But it’s not one of mine.

“Patience, young padawan”
Unfortunately, from time to time, this game is all about having patience. Your skill queue, your invention queues, manufacturing, waiting for fights… Everything you do in EvE needs some amount of patience in order for you to actually start enjoying the fruits of it.

Most of the time I can do other things while waiting. There’s enough to do in the game that you shouldn’t actually be bored any time at all. Shouldn’t being the key word here. Because as most, if not all, of you know, station spinning is something we do quite a lot.

These days I spend the time I can spare to play EvE looking at my queue, skill plan and deciding whether or not I want to do a trip to Jita in order to get myself some more materials. All of this because I manufacture and invent T2. My combat alt gets shoved aside for this, priorities and all that.

The other night I had some free time, something I usually do not have on a Saturday evening. So I decided to help out my alliance by joining a fleet that was going to go out in defense of a small tower. I asked in alliance chat if someone could loan me a Typhoon because I haven’t gotten one myself yet, and joined TeamSpeak. It was supposed to take about 10 minutes of forming up and then going out there. 

“Fear my rustyness!”

How wrong I was. Bear in mind that I know absolutely nothing about how Null Sec is supposed to work. I have done a few roams with my new alliance but I’ve been quite busy so haven’t actually done anything else yet (working on that).

While I was on TeamSpeak, people started talking about Carriers and Dreads. I was just listening with half my mind occupied on whether or not I’d be dying in someone else’s ship. Not knowing what was going on or what everyone was talking about I just sat and listened, suddenly hearing the faithful words: “Everyone that can fly a dread or carrier X up. We’re going out with them, the rest of you can wait in the station but stay in fleet.”

This was bad news for me, I didn’t feel like waiting a certain amount of minutes/hours while other people were going out in Dreads/Carriers. I had logged on hoping for a fight, not to spin my ship some more. I do that enough on my industry alt.

After waiting 30 minutes I gave back the borrowed Typhoon and logged out. Cursing that I spent about 50-60 minutes doing nothing at all, because I thought I’d be getting in a fight.

In the back of my mind, I know that this is something that happens, you need to wait, need to be patient. But not everyone has the patience to do so for too long. I decided to log out because I knew for a fact that I could be doing better things than waiting while I had no idea why I was waiting.

It’s a shame really, because experiences like this is what makes people decide not to join in other operations, not to try out other things. Because they don’t like wasting their precious time.

Stay Tuned o7

There’s an app for that.

Not much to say. I spent most of my free time in the past few days reading and trying to figure out what to manufacture.

I still learn new things every day in EvE though. Yesterday I learned about a little application, I heard about it before but had never actually used it. I was talking in the channel about needing some way to just, copy and paste my blueprints so that I could easily see what I needed. And turns out, that there’s an app for that.

Or at least sort of. I have yet to figure out how exactly it works but I do think that this thing is going to make my life a little bit easier, just like EvEmon and Aura.

As always, there are apps for everything. I love it.

Stay tuned o7

Planning towards efficiency

Due to the fact that I’m going to a Steel Panther concert tongiht, I decided to spend last night making sure that I have enough materials ready for manufacturing on Thursday. I made sure that I wouldn’t have to worry about the queues until then.

Or at least I hope I did. As most of you that have been reading my blog may know, I’m not that good at planning.

I tend to forget one thing or the other every single time I go about my production runs. You’d think that after failing at bringing everything with you that I’d have learned. But you would be wrong.

Next to my production planning I installed EvEMon again and made a queue for both my industrial character and combat character. Due to me not knowing what to do with the industrialist for now, I’m training her to become an Ishtar pilot. It’s one of the many ships that I’ve always enjoyed watching and that I still can’t fly. Thus she’s learning right now.

According to the plan it would take about 50 days before she can fly it and use the correct drones. I’m hoping on shorting that a bit.

Giving her the ability to fly a combat ship is not without reason though. There’s a deeper meaning than just wanting to fly an Ishtar. 

Due to the fact that I tend to mostly create T2’s I decided that it was high time for my industry alt to start using research agents herself. I know, I know, you’re thinking: “Why haven’t you done that already?!” 

Pure laziness really, but I’m on my way to changing that. This is part of my ‘Get a bit more efficient’ plan.
It’s a small step, but I’ll get there… Eventually.
“This will help too.”

Stay tuned o7

Radio silence, done, hopefully

I’ve had a busy week behind me. Haven’t been able to do much on EvE. My employer sent me on a Microsoft training (Hyper-V and System Center Virtual Machine Manager) and I’ve spent most of my free time playing around in my own server environment.

Next to that I decided to drastically change my complete home experience by going from Windows 7 to Windows 8. And I did that by formatting my computer, I made back-ups of my important files but everything else went *poof*.

Most of my Friday night was spent trying to figure out how Windows 8 works and downloading the EvE Client again. I also needed to reinstall EvEmon and after doing that I smacked myself in the head for not saving my plans. Good thing I wasn’t following them anyhow.

I’m sure this is something more people do, you create a whole plan in EvEmon for you to follow, you think along the lines of: “This is the path I’m going to go on” and then once it’s time to finally update your queue.. You don’t do it, you just put something else in there, making sure that all the time you spent figuring out the best way to train, was futile.

Or I could be the only one. My training is nowhere near as efficient as it could be, I don’t have my attributes set right, and I definitely don’t have a 1 year plan to use said attributes with. I should do it but the main problem I have is that I have absolutely no idea what I want my characters to train. I just swing it and do something I might enjoy.

For example; because I have no idea what to train on my industry alt, I am currently training her to be able to fly an Ishtar, which would take about 38 days before she can even get in one. She has absolutely no combat skills whatsoever and I just decided to start her on that path. Is it smart? Probably not. Do I know what I could do with her instead? Nope.

Today I’m going to be updating my manufacturing queues and buying some things I need to do that. I’ve already spent the last hour putting up sell orders, turns out I forgot to do that too *woops*.
Next to that, it’s a very sunny day, so I’m going to be taking my motorcycle out for a spin, and spend an hour or so afterwards to clean that beast.

The evening will be spent on a roam, I can finally fly interceptors so it’ll be fun to be finally able to keep up with the guys and not be caught in a bubble.

Fun times will be had. Or at least I hope so.

Stay tuned o7

Let’s go flying!

A few days ago I came online at the right moment. The alliance was going to go out in Stealth Bombers, looking for targets.

I’m a big fan of bombers despite the fact that I only have a little experience with them. But still, this would be a great time to get some more of it.

On top of that, we’d be using a Sin along with the bombers to make use of the short range jumping technologies so that we wouldn’t have to do it ourselves. When I heard that I couldn’t help but get even more eager about this, I had never bridged before so that’d be another first for me.
The night was on to a good start.

“What now? We wait? Oh..Well okay.”

Cue the waiting. Because of the fact that we weren’t going to be roaming ourselves, we had scouts out that were checking for targets for us, I didn’t mind, that gave me some more time to check my fit and make sure that I put the bomb away. We were only going to be using torpedoes anyway.
After jumping into a Purifier instead of my Nemesis I joined the rest of the 15 or so bombers and waited until a target was found. 

“Pretty colours”

At around this time I learned that I really should pay more attention to what is being said to me in Teamspeak or even Fleet chat. As I never used a bridge before, I had no idea what I had to do. I figured that if it was lit, I’d jump automatically. I was wrong.

“Wait, what’s going on, why am I not jumping too?!”

I saw everyone around me jump, and I just hung there in space, looking around me trying to figure out what just happened. Turns out I need to right click the Black Ops ship and press jump. Oh well, lesson learned, time to wait again.

After a while we heard our scout go “Oh shit, oh shit, fuck fuck, get over here!” So I bet you guys can figure out what happened, there was a target, and the scout only noticed when he was right on top of them, or shall we say the other way around.

We jumped, got bubbled and started calling targets and shooting. They knew we were around and had prepared accordingly. I followed the Fleet Commander’s calls as I burned out of the bubble, right as I got out a, few more ships got called in and we were told to warp away if we could.

I just sat there with a smile on my face as I warped towards one of the moons and cloaked up. It was the third time in a few days that I went out for some PvP and got myself a few kills extra on my killboard. According to what was said on TS we did lose the ISK battle, but it’s not like I cared about that, I was PvP’ing, and I was enjoying myself a lot.
“Time to go”

As far as my ISK making goes, I’m still manufacturing, and for some reason making more ISK than a few weeks ago. Which makes no sense because I’m doing less work than I did before. If I had more time I would be trying to figure out how this is happening. But right now I’ll just shrug and be happy with it.

And on a final note. I’ve been accepted on the Fansite list on the EvE Online site. Yay! I doubt I’ll get more people coming over to read my stuff, but it’s nice to know that the people at CCP think I’m worthy enough to be on there.

Stay tuned o7