
I have a problem

I have a bit of a gambling addiction. Luckily it’s not one that is using my real life money, but I am addicted to the EvE Online Hypernet. For those of you who don’t know what it is, it’s basically a raffle lottery. You buy a few tickets and you have a chance that your…


I’m still alive!

Hello dear reader! It has almost literally been six whole months since I last made a post, I’m still alive! I just don’t have much to talk about really. Not when it comes to EvE Online at least. I still play the game, I log in at least once, usually twice a week, but other…

Updates and rocks

The other day I logged on to do my PI in the hole only to come to the conclusion that I couldn’t undock my Epithal. Turns out I was not allowed to have 3 warp stabs in it. Now, I tend to live under a rock when it comes to eve online updates. I don’t…

The best ship in EVE

The other day I was reminded of some of the people I’ve met in EvE who I have also met in the offline world and it made me smile. It made me realise that the whole “Friendship is the best ship” is an actual thing. I’m quite happy with having met some of the people…

The thrill of the hunt

The thrill of the hunt A few days ago I was getting familiar with scanning again. This because in the past few weeks I haven’t been doing it much while playing on the laptop. During my mapping of the holes surrounding our home I came across a few people on my dscan. Nothing major, a…