I’m not going to be talking about PvE sites on eve, no, literal site. The wordpress.
I’m sure that you as a reader (hello there) have noticed the slowness of the site. There’s not many plugins running here but I am running from a shared hosting.
I have decided to go out and see if I can get this fixed somehow by, you guessed it. Going to a different provider.
So the weekend will be filled by getting a bit technical and doing an export of my site to a different wordpress. I have also registered a new domain for this site. To make it a bit, better I guess. But unfortunately I’m having some SSL issues with the new provider so I need to fix those before I can start doing that stuff.
I’ve been playing a bit of Path of Exile since the new season started last week, it’s been quite fun. Doing a righteous fire build which basically means you’re putting yourself on fire the whole time and hope you don’t die.
On eve we messed around in null on a small nano roam a few days ago. I lost my Omen Navy Issue with 6 killmarks on it (RIP good boy) but it’s fine, I came out isk positive and have 3 others to replace him with.
I’m rather enjoying the smaller roams, they’re making me learn more than being part of a drop fleet. Although being part of a drop fleet is a different kind of fun too.
The past few weeks of playing EVE made me realise that I’m an idiot for waiting this long.
The joys of procrastination I guess. It took me forever of myself saying “I’m going to find myself a new eve corporation to join so I can have fun again” before it finally happened.
BUT we’re there! And I have just finished the trial, because I’m awesome. So I’m now a full fledged member, huzzah.
I have been scanning a LOT. And been wishing that I had better implants but I’m in a virtue pod already so, I don’t think I can get any better than this. It’s just picking up the whole scanning thing again.
I do think I should start doing it with combat probes instead of normal ones. Because at some point I’ll be going out hunting again instead of just being part of the fleet waiting for stuff to happen.
Which was something I did yesterday while we were doing an operation in Thera. Unfortunately nothing got caught but, there’s a new Path of Exile league so I’m also playing that one. Doing it in a slow pace I have just reached act 9. Righteous fire build is quite fun.
The one thing I didn’t miss about wormhole space is the logistics of it. There’s so many things that I have brought in, and so many I still need. I’m currently flying Omens in the kitchen sink fleets but want to have an Orthrus or Cynabaal on standby if needed. But in order to get them I need to bring them in, so that means I need to find a good high sec from Jita. Seeing that Amarr is basically dead.
Speaking of, I should probably put my second DST pilot there just in case I need it.
Having set up the PI means I have a slow but steady income. I think I’m bringing in a few hundred mill a week with it. It’s not much, but better than nothing.
At some point I will also bring myself an astero, so I can do some hacking. PvP fit obviously if someone drops a saber on me that I can fight back at least 😉
Despite the Thera fleet not really bringing anything to the table for us to dine upon, we did catch a rorqual mining last week. So that was fun. When he panicked we honestly tought he’d get friends of his to drop on us. But turns out it wasn’t the first rorq he lost in the past few weeks so I guess they didn’t want to help anymore.
It seems like I came back right around the time that Goons are at war with a bunch of New Eden once more. Nothing new here, happens every few years and provides content for the null blocs, good for them.
The only thing I know about it is that they dropped a LOT of titans on each other for the armor timer, and that when the hull timer arrived test was a bit late to the party and instead of jumping the whole fleet, there were a lot of issues with the servers and they just fed one titan after the other. Sucks for TEST but hey, that’s content for you.
I’ve lost one of my favorite ships to fly the other day, my good old Omen Navy Issue. Turns out I have no idea how to correctly fly this thing anymore and I got myself webbed and scrammed by a Praxis which had already killed a bifrost of one of my fleetmates a few seconds earlier.
Oh well, live and learn, I thought I could handle him, I didn’t.
The good thing however, is that we more than made up the loss later on in the evening. Including and not limited to this juicy, juicy pod. https://zkillboard.com/kill/89769609/
I’m pretty sure the guy was accidentally still in the pod he was in when he lost his Hel. Either that or he has enough ISK to not give a damn that he’s flying a 5 bill pod in his Isthar, if that’s the case, good for him!
Another thing that happened where I was extremely lucky and taught a new lesson, was when trying to roll a hole.
Turns out that these days HICs have new modules that get their mass down, it no longer works with putting up all 4 bubbles, no you need the module now. I had a hole that was critical and decided to roll it with my good old trusty hic rolling fit. Lucky for me it didn’t collapse behind me in nullsec because as it turns out, my mass wasn’t anywhere near as low as I thought it was.
Lesson learned, time to bring the new modules in the hole too.
After not having played for so long it’s a bit confusing, there’s new ships, new fits, old fits that may or may not work. But it’s all fine, I know what to do.
Also, what happened to the captain’s quarter? I can’t find it anywhere!
There’s only one thing that I truly hope for 2021, and that’s that we can go outside more than we did last year.
I have been working from home since March, haven’t seen most of my friends since then either. One lockdown after the other here in Belgium, but we’ll get there eventually. They finally started with the vaccinations, maybe by the summer I’ll be on the list. As a 32 year old I’ll be one of the last ones, which makes sense, those that are more vulnerable to this shit virus need priority.
Past few days I’ve been trying to figure out the way I used to make ISK again, only to come to the conclusion that I no longer have some of the required skills to even make T2 stuff anymore. Not that I really feel like doing manufacturing but I found a container with over 100 T2 bpc’s in it and figured that maybe I should just create them. That’s not happening.
I’ve put a few other things on contracts, found a bunch of cruiser BPO’s that I once bought and researched with the idea of selling them at some point, well, some point is there. I need the ISK to buy new ships to die in.
The market confused me for a bit, I was used to having an alt in jita and one in Amarr and then just sell stuff in Amarr from what I bought in Jita, but due to the whole gate dissapearing between the route, that’s no longer a viable option. I’m not willing to make those 50 ish jumps myself and definitely not paying for it. So I’m doing a bit of station trading in Jita itself.
In theory I should actually set the buy orders up in perimeter but.. I’m lazy
For now the trading is working well, I made about 2b in the past week, so that’s not too bad. I could probably make more but I’m not a big fan of keeping an eye on it. So I put up a few buy orders and then forget about them for a few days, only to then realise I should update them.
Most of the things I’m looking at right now is around a 10-15% margin, I could do more for slower moving items but they move too slow to my liking, don’t want to wait too long for buy orders to fill.
Other than that I’ve also started PI in the wormhole. It took a bit of messing and a lot of clicking but I think I got it going where it needs to be. Only thing I need to mess around with a bit more is the extractors, seeing that I’m not extracting enough in the cycle I put it on. But I can fix that one too by just doing it every few days instead of every week.
I’m enjoying EvE again, and that’s what matters. The things joining a corporation can do.
In the past few days I’ve lost on ship, a Nergal. I had no idea they existed until a week ago, luckily I had a bunch of SP saved up so I just injected myself in one. Just training the weapons to V now, gives me something to do other than training for a Nyx I will never fly. I avenged the nergal’s dead though by sacrificing a few TEST people to BOB
Speaking of Nyxes, look what I made!
I’m trying to find excuses to use my 3D printer some more, finally printing a few EVE Online related things to put around the appartment.