How to get into it?

A few days ago, someone I know asked me how to get into PvP. It took me by surprise and made me think long and hard about the how. In the end, I couldn’t really give him a good answer.

EvE is so much different than other games when it comes to PvP. If you go out there, you will lose your stuff, you will lose that shiny ship you worked so hard to get. It’s never the case of if, but when.

And that’s something a lot of the PvE players don’t understand quite yet, even when they are reading up on getting into the actual fun bit of EvE. Not that I’m saying pve can’t be fun, I just don’t enjoy it anymore.

But how do you get into it, how do you stop yourself from getting burnt out after being killed a few times in a row without a clue what the hell you’re doing.

Unfortunately, I have no answer to that one yet but I’m going to try and help him a little bit.

What di dit for me was to just do the same thing as I do in real life and just think to myself “Fuck it, let’s do this”
My first time PvP in eve was just a duel between corps buddies, then a little lowsec where I died too often, then getting ganked because I was hauling an Iteron mark V with 4bill in stuff towards Jita, and then I got to where it became fun. Which for me happened after joining my first wormhole corporation and going out with them.

So, I told the guy to look at a corporation to join that could maybe teach him some PvP. He joined RvB. Now, these guys have been around since forever, I know of them, I even joined them for a few weeks at one point. But back then you were just flung into things, nobody explained anything, you got the alliance mail that welcomes you, tells you where to go and that’s it. Nobody there that took you under their wings and was like “Ok this is how things will happen now”.

Which, isn’t great at all.

Unfortunately, I live in wormhole space which is a complete different can of worms to open. But maybe I can point him in the right direction. Just being cannon fodder isn’t good enough, you must enjoy the shooting too. We’ll see what happens.

I have been joining fleets on a regular basis and am feeling close to being confident enough again to try FCing once more.

It will more than likely happen in a few weeks, once I’m back at home and not playing from a laptop. Duo-boxing on one screen is a pain in the ass and I miss my little setup.

But at least I’m blowing things up, that’s always fun.

The beauty of space

Stay tuned o7

Kite or death

It took a few days but my old domain is FINALLY forwarding to the new one. Took ages.

But we’re off to a good start. Not only did I fuck up on the site installation a few times, I also had to mess around with the import a bit. But I feel like it’s doing what it needs to be doing so that’s good!

I’m not sure, but I think that yesterday I flew an Orthrus for the first time. It was fun but once more shows how bad I actually am at this game.

Because making screenshots is fun!

We were roaming a bit in our nullsec static and came across a group that wanted to fight us. Seeing that we were flying in nano stuff the whole idea was for us to just kite them around a bit and shoot them.

Now, little did I know, that my Orthrus does not like pointing things while the MWD is on. In the past few months of me actively playing again I’ve just been basically orbiting or following the anchor. So having the kite was a new experience. I did it in the past sure, but even then was I bad at it.

So here I am, shooting things, trying to make sure they don’t come in range to me, pointing/scramming when they do. Having a good time in general despite not having a clue where my fleet mates are.

And I suddenly start getting hit. Turns out that due to what I was doing, I was suddenly running out of cap, so my mwd decided to stop working. Meaning that instead of kiting, they could suddenly catch up to me and actually hit me with their guns and tracking.

Rip me.

But it’s fine! It’s another learning experience and I had a lot of fun doing this fight.

Next time I’ll just bring an orthrus with an active tank.

I also need to get myself a better overview. I’m currently abroad and forgot to export the one I really really liked using. So I’m using one from one of those overview channels. But I really, really don’t like it.

Guess I’ll need to mess around with my overview a bit.

Stay tuned o7

A small technicality, but it’s fine

Little did I know that transferring a .com domain would take roughly 5 whole days for it to work correctly.

So here we are, my new website up on it’s new adress and my old one without any redirects. Joys! I will fix that soonish…

The new hosting feels faster at least, so that is a good start. We will see what happens in the next few weeks.

Warping is always so pretty

I flew in a Loki for the first time in a while yesterday. It was quite fun. Even had a nice little brawl. Unfortunately the null sec group did not quite take the bait. Would have made it a little bit more fun. Guess that is for next time.

Being in fleet with people that know their EVE does make me always think that I am still quite the noob (hence the site name).

These people know who to target, know how to move the fleet, know how to anchor etc.. I barely know how to hunt anymore.
But at least I can still scan!
Soon my alt will be ready to fly interdictors too, I will then be flying a DPS and a Sabre. Not only that but I have a third account skilling into logi, still about 20 days to go for that though.
But we are getting there, albeit slowly. Not that I can’t fly logi on my main, but let’s be honest.
Most people like shooting things more than being the healer 😉

Although healing in other MMOs is quite fun too.
Stay tuned o7