Little did I know that transferring a .com domain would take roughly 5 whole days for it to work correctly.

So here we are, my new website up on it’s new adress and my old one without any redirects. Joys! I will fix that soonish…

The new hosting feels faster at least, so that is a good start. We will see what happens in the next few weeks.

Warping is always so pretty

I flew in a Loki for the first time in a while yesterday. It was quite fun. Even had a nice little brawl. Unfortunately the null sec group did not quite take the bait. Would have made it a little bit more fun. Guess that is for next time.

Being in fleet with people that know their EVE does make me always think that I am still quite the noob (hence the site name).

These people know who to target, know how to move the fleet, know how to anchor etc.. I barely know how to hunt anymore.
But at least I can still scan!
Soon my alt will be ready to fly interdictors too, I will then be flying a DPS and a Sabre. Not only that but I have a third account skilling into logi, still about 20 days to go for that though.
But we are getting there, albeit slowly. Not that I can’t fly logi on my main, but let’s be honest.
Most people like shooting things more than being the healer 😉

Although healing in other MMOs is quite fun too.
Stay tuned o7