Every time I write here, it’s because I want to tell a story. I want to entertain my reader(s) with the words I put down. I like to think that most of the time I succeed in doing so. Mostly because 99% of the time I feel like I’m the only one reading my own blog and it does entertain me somewhat!
Despite the fact that I’ve been playing EVE Online for more than a decade, I have never ransomed anyone. Until a couple of days ago that is.
I shall now regale you with what happened.
It was a Tuesday like most Tuesdays, working from home and reading up on the news and discord. One of my corporation buddies found a reinforced POCO and decided that he wanted to be there for when the new owners of the system would turn up and bash it.
What he had failed to say was that it would take about 9 more hours, meaning that today we wouldn’t be using our static C3 much. Luckily, we had a random pop up and were able to use that for some other content.
It turned around midnight eve time and the poco came out of reinforcement. We had not seen anyone yet but suddenly someone logged onto the POS and then another and another.
The first thing they did was scan our hole down.
We were ready in Leshaks but the moment we saw the scanner we decided to quickly dock and log of our leshak pilots. I had a sabre cloaked on the hole, waiting in case they would decide to roll it.
And they did in fact decide to roll it. 2 praxi and an onyx came to the hole. Little did they know that we were watching them.
Seeing that at the time I was only in a sabre and my buddy was with his eyes on their side, I was only able to catch one praxis.
We killed it with the Leshaks that had logged back on and then just stayed on the hole for a little bit, only to then decide “Hey, let’s see if we can have them fight us, let’s go shoot the pos”
While doing this I kept the hole bubbled seeing that I also wanted to catch the praxis and onyx. Another one of my Corp mates then decided “I’m going to see if we can get him to pay to stop us”
At this point we thought that the pos might not have any strontium in it. Meaning that if we would get through the shield, it would not even get reinforced and we could just grab everything in there.
But we’re nice people at heart and offered him a ransom. He had a Kronos floating around in the POS so we told him that if he gave it to us we would stop shooting.
I did not think he would, but he told us that he was ok with that, he just needed the Onyx back in the hole because that pilot was the one able to fly the Kronos.
Just like you dear reader, at this point most of us thought “No way, he just wants to try and roll us out”
But no, once I released the Onyx pilot and let him warp, he went into the Kronos, flew it back to our home entrance and went out of it. Only for me to get in it and it up.
We stopped shooting the tower and went our merry way, One marauder richer. A badly fit one, but still.
The POS was more than likely not stronted at all, but I don’t mind, we could have left with a lot more loot, but we left with a marauder and someone new in wormhole space, who can now bat phone us if he needs help.
If we come across him somewhere we will still kill him, but if he needs help, we will be there for him.
That’s the wormhole life. We don’t really do politics, we just shoot each other, but we will be there for the friendly people that need help.
I’m enjoying my time in the C4 quite a bit, and I’m certain more good stories will come.
There’s content everywhere, we just have to find it.
Stay tuned o7