What’s in a name

I’ve had a few people ask me why I call myself a Noob, when I obviously am not. Or at least not quite. They use the little ISK I have as an example for me not being one. But what exactly defines being a noob? And am I allowed to call myself one? Those that…

I want it all

When I first started the game a few years ago I was at a loss, I had no idea what you could do, I had no idea what I wanted to do, or even how to get to those places. We’re a few years past that point and I now know about the different things…

Oh no, the queue!

I started a new job today, so I have a lot less online time than I did in the past couple of weeks. Which means that I won’t be able to update my inventions as much as I’d like to. Unless of course I sneak into the game on my work laptop but, I’m not…

Mad Scientist

I spend most of my time on my industrial character updating invention jobs. Most of them run for approximately one hour, so every hour or two I update them. It takes time, but it’s worth it. Too bad I’m starting a new job monday so I won’t be invention as much as I usually do….

Lost in Los Santos

Haven’t done much ingame the past few days. I think we all know what to blame this on. That’s right, GTA V. I went to the midnight launch because, well why not. Today I spent about 800m, 450 of that went to fuel blocks to pay for the POS, 3m went to Red Frog Freight…

The lessons you learn

Last night I decided that I wanted to go do a level 4 mission again. I went ahead and accepted a Guristas Extravaganza. As most of you that run missions know, it’s not too hard when you’re tanked well, you just sit there and shoot everything in sight. So that’s what I did, lock down…

Is it worth it?

While updating my invention and manufacturing runs in my POS I was talking to a friend of mine who was helping me out with the understanding of invention when I first started doing it. He asked me if my POS is starting to turn out a profit yet and I had couldn’t help but wonder…

Jump around

In order to actually do what I said I’d do, I decided to start up another account that I’ve neglected for some time. What exactly did I say I’d do? Well PvP of course, and what better way to try my hand at actual pvp than by joining RvB. But seeing that I still want…

Carebear, what?

I am, what some people in EvE call a ‘carebear’, what does this mean? Well it’s rather simple, carebears are those of us that go out of their way to not get blown to pieces in pvp. Or at least that’s why I personally think the meaning of the word is. I don’t mind being…

Industry, a start

I’m bad when it comes to making ISK. A few weeks ago, when I started playing EvE again, a friend of mine decided to go back to null. In doing so he wanted to sell all of the things he had in High Sec, the ones from the corp (all 4 of us!) had priority when…

It has happened

After months of reading EVE blogs, I have finally decided to start one myself. I’ve had this idea in my head for quite some time now, and I haven’t got a clue if anyone will actually read this but at least I’ll have a medium to get my thoughts out, and isn’t that what this…