What you get when not paying attention

I decided to run some missions in my Machariel while deciding which corporation to join. I’ve been running them for ages and mostly enjoy the cleaning up afterwards in my Industrial character’s Noctis. Which I lost, due to forgetting about a certain trigger.

Imagine if you will, being told that you have to rescue a certain Damsel in Distress. She needs to be rescued from a warlord’s “pleasure garden” and you’ve been tasked with doing so.
You jump in your pod and attach to your trusty vessel, ready to kick some pirate ass.

As you warp in you get trash talked a bit by some cronies and you make them explode into the vacuum that we call space. After that, their boss shows up and you do the same thing. Everyone’s dead, so you call in your little helper that everything’s safe, after which you remember that you actually needed to rescue someone and not just shoot everything that moves in the face (woops).

At this point your little helper is already collecting the lovely loot and stripping your enemies’ wrecks for their mods and anything else that’s worth something, even poking a few corpses.
You lock up the pleasure garden and demand them to hand over their captive. Which of course, they do not. So you shoot them in the face too.

Which, in retrospect isn’t really helpful if you shoot the place where the hostage is captive into oblivion. As it turns out, as soon as that started, something was triggered.

Namely a little alarm for the pirates and all of a sudden 5 battleships are shooting my little helper and a few spider drones are webbing her and the frigates are scrambling her so she is unable to warp out or run away. Cue a nice little explosion and the loss of her Noctis.

Not only that, but due to the fact that I was already reveling in my victory, I did not notice that I was out of drones. I could destroy my enemies.. Except for those nasty little frigates and drones. So I had to sit there, laugh as they try to penetrate my shield, while my little helper shipped into another ship to come shoot their faces for me.

A nice little lesson for me here, despite being pretty much unkillable by the NPC’s in the missions, my little helper is not. She’s extremely squishy in fact.

Good thing the insurance pay out for the Noctis was more than what I paid for a new one and the old one was already a few years old, way best it’s fly date anyhow.

Loot and mission bonusses made up for the rest of the losses.

As for my industry, still chugging along, creating and inventing things that pay the bills.

I also bought myself a few dozen frigates I’m excited to go and get blown up.

Stay tuned o7

Nothing says I love you like a rocket to the ‘face’

I think it’s safe to say that at least 90% of the people out there love explosions. Or at least looking at them. So what better way to say ‘I love you’ than by showering them with rockets/missiles.
My newly subscribed character Lctus Aivo has just joined Blue Republic and seeing that I haven’t played with rockets in a long time, I decided to stock up on a few of them. I based myself at blue base and have about 50 kestrels waiting to be blown up, or do some blowing up themselves. Why a kestrel? Well why not? They’re cheap, easy to fit and can still pack a punch if flown correctly.

Or so I’ve been told seeing that I have no idea what ‘flying correctly’ actually means. I got a fit of a friend of mine, which we tried out a few weeks ago, me in a punisher and him in a kestrel and holy crap that Kestrel was fast! In the end the Punisher did win but it barely survived. I think that at the time I had about 10% hull left, so it was only a matter of who would be firing the last shot.

I joined RvB together with a corp mate who bought a new character just  for that. I’m looking forward to flying with him and the other RvBers.

Now to go and blow things up


I flew the Kestrel tonight in a fleet along with other Blue’s, I loved it. Despite not actually packing a punch, the kestrel is still pretty fast, and seeing that I fit it with a Microwarp drive, scrambler and webber, I helped a bit in keeping the other fleet’s ships from fleeing. Or at least I like to think that I did. 

First fleet: Big succes!