I lost another ship this weekend. This time it happened due to another person blowing me up, and my own stupidity. Well, just my lack of common sense and staying somewhere for a bit too long while not cloaked.
I’m planning on joining a friend’s corporation in a few days, said friend is setting up a WH corporation with a few other people he knows. Seeing as I have no idea how to scan down signatures, or even use d-scan, I decided to train myself a bit.
So I shipped up in a cheetah, set out to low sec and started to scan down the different sites and signatures in a system in order to train myself some more on the “how does this work” part of it all.
While doing so I found a relic site, and as it turned out, I had a relic analyzer in my Cheetah. So I decided to go and have a look, maybe even get lucky in “hacking” the site.
Not only do I know nothing about scanning, I also have no idea how hacking works… Zero clue whatsoever. So while I was staring at the screen wondering what all those things that I could click meant and why some would lock up after clicking five times, someone found me.
I suddenly saw a manticore pop up on my screen and immediately got locked and scrambled. One volley of torpedoes later and I was warping away in my capsule to the nearest gate.
I learned that I should pay more attention, and definately should not be trying out hacking if I have no idea what it’s all about. Using D-scan would probably not have helped in this case seeing as the manticore was cloaked, but still, it wasn’t even opened.
The person shooting me convoed me afterwards, thanking me for getting myself blown up, he had been in the system for a few days waiting for a kill to happen and told me that I was his first ever solo kill. He was even kind enough to offer me to pay for half of my loss.
I declined this of course, I have plenty of ISK and congratulated him on his first solo kill and patience. I would not be able to just wait for days until something happens.
After doing a few jumps, I got back to Jita and shipped up in a new cheetah. Ready to continue my training.
I need to be ready in a few days, need to be able to hold my own in W-space. Because if nobody’s there to get me an exit, I’ll have to do it myself.