So much to do, so little time

As per usual, I have been “busier” than I thought I would be doing other things (gaming, lots and lots of gaming).
I have been meaning to write more often but unfortunately, didn’t.

My fault, so, hello there.

There’s been a few things going on in EvE, on one hand you have the new event that’s Dr. Who inspired, and on the other you have all the people complaining about it. That’s about all I know since I am staying away from reddit a bit. At least the eve one.

Every single time I go on /r/eve I regret it, mostly because everyone is so damn negative.

Sure, they’re not wrong about the fact that whomever is at the top is currently making very, very dumb decision (Ratati?).
But instead of being an echo chamber of negativity, at least try to spread some joy too.

What I was meaning to write about a week and a half ago is about me being a dumbass. Not necessarily out of stupidity, but more being a bit too cocky in what I was trying.

The new event started, I had a nice little Astero, and I was going to do some scanning.

There was a nice connection to our wormhole and a few relic sites around so I decided to hit them up. The high-sec static was nice little extra, because this meant that maybe, just maybe someone would come in with a purely hacking ship and land on me.

And lo and behold, a little heron popped up. Now my train of thought was “Oe a Heron, that’s going to be an easy kill”

I was wrong, very very wrong. Turns out that I was actually scanning around in EVE University’s home hole and I had no idea. Not only that but instead of looking up the name of the heron pilot, I was just “eh easy target”

This little Heron had a bite and I lost an Astero. It was fun though, and I learned a lesson. The first one being that I shouldn’t judge a Heron for it’s cover, and the second that my Astero was not tanky enough at all. If I had better repair modules on it there would not have been any issue at all. But hey, live and learn. Afterwards had a nice chat with the pilot and I asked for his fit, mostly because I wanted to know where the bite came from, this so I could have it happen less in the near future.

Two days before this we had a fleet going on, I am trying my best to join every single one that we do since I do want to play the game more often. We were messing around in null with Horde a bit, trying to get them to undock more ships. Which they did, but hey, I survived, so that’s nice!

Escaping intact is always great

Stories like this is what makes EVE great, the sandbox in it all. Yes, the scarcity is bullshit, yes there’s less pilots in space and that’s a shame. But those who are still out there are still making stories. Less so than before but they’re still there.

And they’re more than willing to bring out the big guns

So how about instead of complaining on reddit about the lack of pilots, you start undocking? Who knows, you might actually have fun.

Stay tuned o7


Diving in and out of null

A few weeks ago I decided to make an effort to play EvE again. I was going to join my old Wormhole Corporation again and fuck around with them.

But a few minutes after joining, I got a private message from one of my old CEO’s.

One of the guys I flew with in Stain, the guys that were basically my first corp that I joined and PvP’d with. I’m sure there’s even a few posts about that time back in 2015-2016. I was going to be lazy about it but this one right here is from when I first joined them. Up until June of 2016.

At the time of that PM they were still a part of CO2 but were about to move out of the alliance, back to Stain and go do something new. That new thing being wormhole space.

And I was asked if I was interested in joining up. Seeing that I had just rejoined Yacht I figured that it couldn’t hurt to see what these guys were up to. Always fun to see new things happen.

And here we are. Set up in a C3 with a null static, and a bunch of people around on a daily basis to play with. Even killed a few things already.

I like it, I missed EvE a LOT the past few months that I didn’t play. I even got one of my buddies to join up again, he’s close to subbing his other accounts. He just doesn’t know it yet.

I’m looking forward to seeing where this all leads, and I promise, for the few out there still reading whenever I post something. I’ll be more active again.

In the meantime, have a few screenshots I made in the past week.

Stay tuned

Getting paid for tackle

It’s been a few weeks again. I actually forgot that I was going to write something down. I had a whole post stuck in my head for days. And then suddenly it disappeared.

I’ve been playing EvE a lot in the past few days. Been having quite a bit of fun in Null sec.

As in, killing the people living there.

A few days ago I made a nice amount of ISK. One of our rules is “Scout gets to keep the loot”.

This is literally what it sounds like, if you tackle something and we kill it, whatever drops is yours.

When I play and lead fleets I fly two ships. One being my tackle, and one the DPS that waits on the wormhole for when scouts catch something.

I tend to warp in on a LOT of Rorquals these days. I have yet to actually kill one that doesn’t self-destruct halfway through the battle but from time to time, they do dumb things. Like the one from the other day.

I landed on a Rorqual that was aligned, the moment he saw me pop on d-scan he warped of. But.. He forgot his drones.

Now as most of you will know, they use Excavator drones, these things are worth 1bn a pop. So as you can imagine, seeing those 5 on grid made my day.

We took the fleet there along with a DST to pick them up (750m³ per drone) and escorted the DST to our wormhole again. I made 5billion on a Rorqual’s stupidity. That was a good day for me.

A few rolled holes later and I missed tackle on an orca. But he left his ice mining drone. I also had a rattlesnake on scan so I wanted to tackle that one. Unfortunately I couldn’t catch him, so I went back for the drone, which is worth about 250m

Going back there was a Stratios picking it up. I tackled him, called the dps and we killed him. We did have to bail though because his friends were scarier than what we had. So another little payday was lost.

But I don’t mind, we had content, and fun.

I like our nullsec static quite a bit. This thing brings us content each night. And content makes people want to keep logging in.

Stay tuned o7

Null-sec mining operations

The other day, one of the guys in corp asked on TeamSpeak if anyone felt like going to null. Other than some people bringing stuff in through a High-sec deeper in the chain.

Me and one of the guys had been scanning the chain earlier, having checked out both Null-sec connections in it I knew of some mining going on in it. We couldn’t really do much about that earlier with two of us but I figured we had a better fleet now so might as well go check if we could grab something.

After a few bio breaks, bit of “Who’s bringing what” we had an Omen, Deimos, Jackdaw, Sabre and a Gila. Seeing as we were going out to null it was more of a: “bring whatever you want” kind of thing, instead of “bring a doctrine fit”.

After forming up on the hole to Null-sec our Sabre pilot went in, only to tell us there were a bunch of Procurers and a Rorqual on grid. Our Sabre pilot landed, went “aaawh” because of the fact that all the Procurers had warped off and asked if he should tackle the Rorqual. Seeing that due to the changes we didn’t think we could kill him, we decided to just go for it. Hit him a few times for shits and giggles and get on with it.

Imagine our surprise when his shield was going down faster than it’s supposed to be going down.
At this point I decided to ping on slack to see if anyone felt like bringing in some more DPS. Bringing in our resident mister AFK and one of the US guys. I heard later that someone was burning from deeper in the chain, but he was slow as fuck (This is what happens when you’re running sites in a C3 when others are out looking for pvp ;D)

On TeamSpeak we were guesstimating on whether or not this guy was trolling us. Due to our Sabre’s great bubbling skills and drone kiting we were able to get his shields down. And at about 75% armour he initiated self-destruct.

The funny thing is that despite that. We still thought he was trolling us. The system we were in had a Thanatos and a few Machariels in it. Not only that but about halfway through us pecking his shield a Crow came in to have a look at us. It is still unclear on why nobody came in to help him but, this guy was not trolling.

Thus the beginning of our roam, already ISK positive beyond the fleet composition and we had only just started, OP success.

We went a bit further into Cache but most ice miners had already heard about what had happened.
We did find a Rattlesnake but unfortunately he warped off as soon as the Sabre landed on grid with him.
Funny thing about that however, was the fact that a Viator landed a few seconds after the Rattler had warped off. Doing what he seems to be enjoying, bubbles went up and another ship got killed.

On to our direct connection into null.

In this we found another mining fleet a few jumps in. Hearing the Sabre pilot on comms go “jump jump jump jump!!!!” was fun to hear.
Almost as fun as hearing him get annoyed at losing when playing rocket league. (Almost, it’s seriously hilarious when that happens)

Not only did we kill a group of retrievers, we also killed one of the new Porpoise. Op success!
But luckily, null sec dwellers are either retarded or stubborn, since a few jumps later we found another group of ice miners. FCON sure likes their ice.

After killing these we got camped in, and here is where my screw up happened.

We gave them about half an hour, the Sabre had gotten out, he felt bad about leaving us but it was time for bed for this poor little baker. So he had my permission to go home. I’m a generous Lord.

We safe logged and gave it about half an hour to 45 minutes.

At that time one of the guys was flying around in an Interceptor, telling us they had docked up. He was wrong. Oh so wrong.

Logging back in we warped to the gate to be greeted by a Broadsword, Deimos and some other stuff that I couldn’t be bothered to check. Safe to say that we lost the two cruisers.

Our Magus was able to get out eventually. So there’s that.

Still, we killed about 6bill in ships, losing roughly 500m, I’d say we did well.

What did we learn the other day?

  • Not every Rorqual will be fit according to the new changes. It might be worth it to check them out
  • If we are killing someone, maybe talk to them sooner about a ransom. Before they initiate self-destruct
  • Miners are not very smart. 15 retriever drones would have killed us
  • Null-sec dwellers do not enjoy risk. Even with 4-5 people they wouldn’t come to us in a site.
  • FCON really likes Ice and hates fights.
  • Sabres are love, Sabres are life

Blingu’s rise and fall

Last night, was a good night. I got to use my Proteus again! It has been with me since I started my wormhole adventure way back with Raka, and despite it surviving for that long, I haven’t used it as much as I would have liked.

But! Storytime!

Yesterday started with a little roam in null. I was supposed to get to a gate-camp the guys were doing but once I got there the null-bears had finally decided to fight and we had to move back home with our tail between our legs after losing a few of the fleet. Once back, the guys who didn’t drop fleet since it was getting late, decided to go out for a little roam again. As per usual these days we didn’t really find much.

We did have a frigate hole in our chain, in which there were a bunch of miners on scan, and even a few Brutix’ etc. We knew this thanks to the scouting skills of one of the guys. Supposedly they even put up a bubble on the incoming wormhole to their system. So they knew it was there, and they had eyes on it. We hoped to get a fight out of it going in, or at least piss off a few miners. Seeing as most of them really hate being disrupted.

We decided to go out there in interceptors.
The frigate hole was connected to us through a C2, we wanted to go through, grab point on a few miners and keep them pointed, our heretic pilot was a bit slower, so we waited on him in the C2. When you live in J-space, you tend to use d-scan more often than in k-space. Most of us do it every few seconds, and it works. We saw an Epithal on scan, it wasn’t at a POS, not at their Citadel, so we searched for it and found him at a POCO. Before you know it we had three points on it and started to shoot. A few seconds after first point, a Tengu pops up on d-scan, the Epithal has backup. Seeing that I tend to make bad calls, we killed the Epithal and engaged the Tengu. This is with four interceptors and a heretic. We didn’t even put a dent in the Tengu’s shield.

The heretic died and we disengaged, we didn’t want to lose more ships to this. Luckily the interceptors are quite fast and getting out of point/scram range was easy.
After that our heretic pilot wanted to keep eyes on him, hoping to get revenge. “I don’t care if it takes me all night I want my revenge.”
I put my Proteus pilot in the C2 too, keeping an eye on the entrance to our home.

Meanwhile the pilot out for revenge kept an eye on the citadel and we went into nullsec. Our primary goal wasn’t forgotten, we still wanted to do annoy the miners. But they weren’t around. All of them were just floating in their POS.

As we came back a Brutix landed on the home connection, it was 60k off the hole, 70k off my Proteus. I started slow boating towards him with my Proteus, one brave Raptor went ahead and put a point on him. Giving me the opportunity to decloak and make my way over there to point him too.

While all that was happening the Tengu undocked again and warped to zero on the hole.
We pointed him too tried to kill the Brutix, who jumped into our home hole once he figured out we’d kill him. Seeing as we still needed to have our revenge on the Tengu, we started to shoot him. We couldn’t scratch it, it couldn’t scratch us. This is where alts come in handy. We made sure that we had a few points on him while others shipped up. Seeing that we couldn’t kill him with the interceptors earlier, having one Proteus as help would probably not do much either. I shipped E’dyn into a Hurricane and in the end, due to Pilgrim neuts, Falcon jams and our DPS, we were finally able to exact vengeance on the Tengu that killed the Heretic. He was shiny and had an amazing tank, but no cap and a combined total of more than 4k dps means certain death. Even if it took more than 20 minutes that fight was pretty fun. Hooray for alts! If we didn’t have those on standby, we would not have been able to break him. Kudos to him.

The loot fairy was good on us too, we had 1b in loot drop on us, so we got out with 250mill each. I paid the guys with my liquid ISK and have the mods waiting for my next Jita run where I’ll be able to sell them.

After that whole fight we decided to go and play with the miners again. They were still POSsed up. In a small POS, with no defences…. Seeing that it was late and we wanted to have some laughs, we decided to go and poke it with a few bombers.

So juicy

So juicy

I have to say, it was the most exciting POS bash I’ve been in. Mostly due to the fact that they started to panic.
The skiffs were being packed up in the Rorqual. The Phoenix started moving and logged out. It almost seemed as if they knew their tower wasn’t stronted. Due to the moving around of ships, one of the online, AFK pilots was bumped out of their shield in his hulk. It died quickly, so did the pod.

Unfortunately, the POS was stronted, so I’m still not sure why they panicked. We might have to go back there tomorrow. Even if it’s just for a few laughs. Op success.



All in all it was a good night, just a shame I didn’t record it.

And on a little side note, to show that I’m still a noob. During the Tengu fight my point kept getting turned off, and I had no idea why. Turns out that instead of turning off overload, I had accidentally turned off auto-repeat. Yes, you can laugh, that could have cost us a Tengu kill, I’m glad it didn’t.

Stay tuned o7

I don’t even know what I’m doing

FC: “Could you take over for a bit”

ME: “Sure”

That’s how it went on TS but in my mind I was going “Oh fuck, I’m not even sure what’s going on, I’m not good at this FC bit, we only kill MTU’s when I lead a roam”

I basically don’t feel that comfortable yet in the role of an FC.
I like doing it, but I dislike not finding us anything to shoot. It makes me wonder if I’m boring my fleet members, if they’re even enjoying themselves.
I guess it’s partly due to bad luck, partly my fault? I don’t know.

Did a few things in the last week.

We had to go help defend something in null-sec. I don’t remember what because it was so damn boring. It just showed me once more why sov-null is not for me at all. Something about ihub, enthosis and waiting. All of those things are not fun, especially the waiting part, and supposedly the other two translate roughly to the same thing. You wait for things to happen.

I get that some people don’t mind that kind of playtime. Where you just follow orders, wait for the FC to call the shots and undock when you have to, dock up when told etc etc.
I’m not a fan of that. After about half an hour of waiting, finally allowed to undock, we warped to where the so called fight was happening, only to warp away again because our numbers were not needed (WHAT?!)

So that was lots of fun. But not really.

We did a roam the other day. As is usual since that’s what happens about 80% of the time.
I took over as FC for about half an hour. And while I was wondering about my own incompetence we caught an Ishtar, and a bit later a miner. It’s not much but at least it’s not just an MTU.


After that little roam it was decided to “rageroll” the static. Which basically means that we were going to keep rolling the hole in search of targets.

Let’s just say that ended up in me dying.

My death, once more taught me that station games are bad.

Fighting is fun if you outnumber them and even fun if you get outnumbered.
But only if you have a chance to beat the odds. Dying because someone drops a carrier on you or suddenly undocks in the exact counter of your fleet. No fun in that.

Well, it’s kind of funny if they drop a carrier on you to save a mining fleet. That one did make me smile.

But station games, they’re not fun. I don’t like it when people try to bait you into getting them only to then dock up, and undock in something bigger. Either you try and shoot people, or you run like hell. That’s the way it should work, and it does work. Sometimes in your favour, on other times. Not so much.

Next time I’ll just check it out from a distance and if we do get to destroy something on station, I’ll come and help. Next time, I’ll try not to die

Stay tuned o7

Boom goes the ship

I lost one of my favorite ships in the whole game last Sunday, a Machariel. It’s one of my favorite ships because it’s the first one I fully mastered (by doing level 4’s in it shhh) and it’s just super pretty.

Luckily, I also killed a few ships so it kind of evens out.

One of the places I live in with one of my alts, well… my main actually, is NPC null. Stain even (I don’t know names that well but do remember this one, and I’m sure you guys will know better than me).

NPC null is one of the stepping stones into the other null secs, you have stations, there’s a bunch of corporations and alliances, and you don’t need standings to dock, which means you can just put yourself somewhere and be on your merry way, coming back if you need repairs etc. It’s handy and you don’t have those silly Null alliance politics going on. Or people telling you to dock when there’s a neut in local because there’s a bunch of neuts in local almost all the time.

Back to how I lost the ship though. Due to the benefits of null, from time to time other groups decide to come and take up some territory. This is now the case with a few Russian corporations, taking down towers of our allies etc. Sunday was one of those days in which two of our towers was going to be coming out of reinforcement. We made a defense fleet and went out to meet the attacking fleet.

It was fun, despite the fact that the other guys played a game with us, warping off to another ping when we landed, going back and forth etc. We always were able to catch a few stragglers.

Them doing this only meant one thing, they were stalling. Getting a few more people on field. We knew this, and despite knowing this, we didn’t run. Because this was content, and we were getting kills.

So when all of a sudden bubbles started popping up around us, we weren’t that surprised. Our FC kept himself cool, calling out targets etc etc. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to escape the bubbles on time. Despite our logi trying hard to save most of us, they couldn’t quite keep up.

I don’t mind, I had a good time and some good fights. The fact that we now have a few new neighbours only means one thing.

More good fights in the future 😉

Stay tuned o7


Let’s talk, Planetary Interaction (PI)

Let’s talk about, Planetary Interaction. Bear with me here, this is going to be quite a bit of text but worth it.

For those of you who have no idea what Planetary Interaction (PI) is, you’ll find out here. And even find out a bit on how to set it up.

PI is basically the extraction or reprocessing of materials from planets based in any given system. You can do it in High, Low and Null sec.

High Security planets are slightly worse for extracting materials but if you feel like setting up a factory planet (we’ll get there) it’s perfect.

The extracted and processed materials are mostly used in the creation of T2 items or fuel. Meaning that the items you extract and process, are worth quite a bit of ISK on the market.

In order to start with PI I urge you to get the following skills: Command Center Upgrades (Get it to lvl 4, your command center needs to be upgraded in order to get more buildings on your planet), Interplanetary Consolidation (Each level in this means one extra planet. At 3 you have 4 planets, at 4 you have 5 planets and at 5 you can have 6) and remote sensing (this is so you can check out the goods on the planets from a few light years away).

The main reason people do this, is to make a passive amount of ISK each month. Why passive? Well because you need to do a minimal amount of effort for a few hundred million ISK a month.
In general all you would need to do is set up your planets (20 minutes, ish) and afterwards come back to them every other day, press a few buttons (not more than 5 minutes) and be on your way again. And in the end you go get your materials (30-60 minutes) and get them to a market hub for sale.

Lava? I'm not afraid of lava!

Lava? I’m not afraid of lava!

Now! On to the good part. Setting up your planet.

I’m not saying that I know much about correct set ups or even what works well and what doesn’t. I’m just going to show you how mine are set-up. I’m sure that there are things I can improve upon and if you have any comments, feel free to drop them below, I’d be happy to discuss and improve upon what I’m doing now.

The first thing you need to do, is decide in which system you want to start your PI endeavours. Do you want to do it in your home system, or do you have a system your industry is based in? Well, click on the name and check which planets are there. You will see all different types of planets (Barren, Temperate, Storm, Lava…) every planet has a different kind of materials that can be extracted from them.

To know what you can do with the planets in your system, head over to this site allows you to click on a planet, and it’ll tell you what can be extracted/created here.

Resources are split up into 4 groups (T1, T2, T3 and T4) T1 are the basic materials, the ones you extract directly from the planet. T2 and higher are created from the other materials. T2 uses T1 materials, T3 uses T2 materials and T4 uses T3. Easy right? Right.

In this example I will be using a Barren planet. And on it I will be creating Mechanical parts. These sell in Jita for about 10 000 ISK each at the time of writing. My planets can create 240 parts a day. Meaning that at the end of the month I have 288mill (4 planets * 240 parts * 30 days * 10 000 ISK). Not bad for only a bit of work right? Right.

Please not, that if you want to set up a planet, you need a command centre in your inventory, in my example it will be the Barren Command Centre.

In order to create Mechanical Parts, you need to extract Base and Noble metals from a planet. Go to the planetary overview and press scan. Press the base metal options and you’ll see a bunch of green and red, maybe white on the planet. These are the concentrations of the metals. Now, press Noble metals. You’ll see the same thing. What you need to do, is to find a spot, with Base and Noble metals concentrated near each other. Or at least near enough. Seeing as you will need to put an extractor on each. Place your command centre around here somewhere, I’ve been told that your command centre doesn’t need to be too close by but, just put it there, better safe than sorry.

Scanning a barren planet for Noble metals

Scanning a barren planet for Noble metals

Once this is done we can start with the extractors, click on extractor control unit, and set one at the edge of each concentration. Once you click on it, you can assign Head Units. Click on the metal of which the concentration you picked, and place four of them on it (check my below example if you wonder what I mean with this.) Once this is done, check the extraction size. I put mine on 3 days of extracting. Make sure that the areas don’t touch, you get a slight penalty when they do. Once this is done, do the same for noble metals.

You’ve just started extracting. The next problem to tackle is sending the good around your planet.

What I do is make a storage facility, send everything there, and from there on out send things to the different facilities. That way you have one local point on your planet that gets used for storage.

Set your storage facility, press control, click it and then click your extractor. You’ve just made your first link. These are used to send goods from one facility to the next. You can send your products by clicking your extractor, and the second icon (products). You’ll see that your metals aren’t routed yet, so click create route, press your facility and create route again. Now every single cycle it will get send to your storage facility.

Next, place a basic industry facility near your storage unit and link it with the unit. These are needed to create the reactive/precious metals. Click on it, press schematic and scroll down for the correct one (reactive or precious). Make sure to link up your facility once more. And make a route for the product created.

You also need to send the T1 product to this facility, so go to your storage facility, click on routes (4th icon) and make a route with your noble/base metals to your factories. There we go, you have just started your creation of T2 material.

One more and we’re almost good to go.

The last one works the same as the Basic facility. Put down an advanced facility, link it up, press the schematic and make sure they’re linked to your storage facility, set up routes and you’re now making mechanical parts (once the first few cycles have completed from your basic facilities).

In order to get your products off planet, you will need a space port. This is the last link in your chain. Put down a space port, link it with your last factories or storage facility, and set up a route for your mechanical parts to the space port.

PI extraction barren planet

Once a month, you will be going to the customs office of the planet, and transfer everything in your space port to it. Which you can then drag into your cargo bay.

Not, that you can transfer your materials from planet to POCO without being near the customs office, you just have to be in the same system. So make sure that you’re safe until you go grab it. Don’t blame me for dying 😉

As a little added extra, you can also make a factory planet. This usually means that you import the T1 or T2 materials to the POCO and from there on make it into T2/T3/T4. This is what high-sec planets are usually used for. Buy your T1/T2 in your local hub, and process it for a nice little profit!



I hope this was somewhat enlightening for you my dear reader. And may you make a nice little profit from whichever planet you decide on.

If you still have no idea, or want to learn more, there are some pretty good videos about PI on YouTube that can help you out too.

Stay tuned o7

Happy New Year and all that!

First of all, I’d like to wish you all a happy new year and that hopefully it will be a good one.

Normally people do resolutions, I decided to skip those this year, I don’t hold myself to it anyhow. I might go back and see if I can find the ones I made last year though, see if I actually did anything that was on that list.

I’ve spent the last few days eating way too much food. Christmas party, Christmas leftovers, some more Christmas stuff at family, New Year’s dinner, after the fireworks some more food etc. etc.

Safe to say that I ate way too much, in too short a span.

But! This is a blog about gaming, and mostly about EvE since I’ve been playing more and more of it the past few weeks.

I joined a Null sec corporation two weeks ago and have been slowly learning my way around null, going on roam, getting to know them and trying to figure out things to do when not on a roam.

The one thing I hate about null is the fact that every time I think about buying something, I can’t. Because there’s no market here, at all. Most people have the stuff they need in their hangars so the newcomers are a bit fucked from time to time. Which means that I need to use the corporation’s hauling service to get stuff from Jita to the home base. But unfortunately that still means I need to wait until someone does the hauling.

This made me think about maybe making a market there myself. It’s not impossible but without no knowledge of what other people might need, it could be a bit hard. I might just grab a whole bunch of the doctrines and put them on contract with a slight profit. Should get me some ISK at the very least. But I can’t do that with my combat alt, meaning I should get one of my traders over here etc. etc. We’ll see.

For some reason nobody here does PI. It confused me, since PI is such a great way to make passive income, or even supply your own things when you make T2’s. So I’m looking into it too. There’s still Interbus POCO’s around, they’re easy to destroy and claim.

Other than that, roams! And plenty of them. I’m finally having things to do, and as you can see, plenty of things I still need to work out. The New Year is off to a good start.


Stay tuned o7


Job interviews aren’t as hard

Finding a corporation to join in EvE Online, is a pain in the ass. Or at least it is for me. Why? Because I want to find the best fit that I can have, and that means checking out a LOT of corporations and having a LOT of conversations and mailing go back and forth.

And even when you finally figure out that you want to join a certain one, someone else invites you to have a little conversation and you start thinking “Oh, wow these guys could be it too”.

One of usSource: Control Alt Delete comic

Not only that, but even if you then finally figure out which people you like best, you get interviewed by them too. This all made me think of a CAD comic from some time ago. It describes the process vs other MMO’s quite well. Even to the part of the blood sample, although I’m sure they were kidding about that one… *shifty eyes*

This was how I spent most of my day yesterday and the day before.

I made a post on the forums, stating that I was in need of a new corporation, new friends and what I was looking for.

Turns out, what I’m looking for is too general and that made sure that I was not only contacted by the kind that I was looking for, but also by people who did mostly mining.

I wondered where in my post I ever defined that I wanted to mine but turns out that some people define ‘Industry’ as mining. Who knew, I sure didn’t.

For those of you out there that do define this as mining, I get where you’re coming from, but it’s not, not really. My definition of industry as a whole would be the invention and/or manufacturing of the products, not really getting the raw material that you need to make them. Processing could work too but mining is just that, mining.

Anyhow, after two days of getting mails, having conversations etc etc, I finally decided to apply to one. I gave them my api key and am currently waiting to be accepted or denied.

I’m leaning towards the first, seeing as I don’t think I look like a spy, I’d probably suck at it anyhow.

If I do get accepted, I’ll be going back to Null sec, give them another shot, I really hope that this time will be different. What I talked about with the Corporation’s CEO was positive, even their public channel was active and fun so, fingers crossed.

I still have a wish to go to w-space though. So I decided that I’m going to have my alt join another corporation, one that one of my readers joined a while back and sounds like fun. The alt isn’t that well trained and still has a ways to go, but I’m sure I can have fun in w-space as well as null sec. Best of both worlds I guess/hope.

We’ll see what happens

Stay tuned o7