Survival of the fittest

Another day another bit of ISK gained, or lost. Depends a bit on what you’ve been doing.

The past week I’ve been busy trying to make things work corporation wise. Spoiler: it didn’t.

With our recruitment drive we had the misfortune of getting the attention of wannabe spies/awoxers. And they’re easy to figure out, but unfortunately some don’t like the word “No”.

We had that certain someone invade our wormhole with some of his alts. Turns out he had more alts than we thought, we figured we’d bait him out. Have an epithal run between pocos and I’d follow in my cloaky proteus (starting to love that ship). Once he would decloak, I’d grab him and our third guy would come in to help on the kill.

All went well, up to the part where he decloaked, I did too and scrammed him. He was in a stratios. Suddenly, when he reached 50% armor, I had more red on my screen than what there should have been. Turns out, he had about 4 other alts in our system. Instead of one Stratios, I suddenly had 2 Nestors and a Guardian decloak around me. All of which locked me up and started to shoot me.

As a Proteus pilot, I have quite the tank, so it takes ages to kill me with drones, but doesn’t mean you can’t. Slowly moving away from them with my mwd on, I started aligning out.

They could have gotten me if not for the fact that they decided to target my friend’s bomber first. With one less web on me I was able to get out of range and was able to warp of. As you can see below, I barely made it.


EvE definitely gives me the shakes from time to time. This little rush is one of the best things about this game.

Nearly lost it

Unfortunately, despite the fact that we had a lot of interest in our corporation, had people our public channel and making new friends, we screwed up a bit with the whole recruitment drive.

We didn’t really think things true. Not knowing/remembering how much work it would be to actually do all of it. And instead of enjoying the game, it started to become a second job, logging in, logistics, trying to find things to do for corporation members. Note, this was only two weeks in and we already started to hate it.

So last week thursday we decided to disband the corporation and evacuate the hole. It was fun but we bit off more than we could chew once more. Luckily the new members understood and most of them were able to join one of the guys that we got friendly with in public chat.

But no big deal, onwards to greener pastures! I’ll more than likely be joining another wormhole corporation, I just need to decided which one.

Stay tuned o7

Boom goes the ship

I lost one of my favorite ships in the whole game last Sunday, a Machariel. It’s one of my favorite ships because it’s the first one I fully mastered (by doing level 4’s in it shhh) and it’s just super pretty.

Luckily, I also killed a few ships so it kind of evens out.

One of the places I live in with one of my alts, well… my main actually, is NPC null. Stain even (I don’t know names that well but do remember this one, and I’m sure you guys will know better than me).

NPC null is one of the stepping stones into the other null secs, you have stations, there’s a bunch of corporations and alliances, and you don’t need standings to dock, which means you can just put yourself somewhere and be on your merry way, coming back if you need repairs etc. It’s handy and you don’t have those silly Null alliance politics going on. Or people telling you to dock when there’s a neut in local because there’s a bunch of neuts in local almost all the time.

Back to how I lost the ship though. Due to the benefits of null, from time to time other groups decide to come and take up some territory. This is now the case with a few Russian corporations, taking down towers of our allies etc. Sunday was one of those days in which two of our towers was going to be coming out of reinforcement. We made a defense fleet and went out to meet the attacking fleet.

It was fun, despite the fact that the other guys played a game with us, warping off to another ping when we landed, going back and forth etc. We always were able to catch a few stragglers.

Them doing this only meant one thing, they were stalling. Getting a few more people on field. We knew this, and despite knowing this, we didn’t run. Because this was content, and we were getting kills.

So when all of a sudden bubbles started popping up around us, we weren’t that surprised. Our FC kept himself cool, calling out targets etc etc. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to escape the bubbles on time. Despite our logi trying hard to save most of us, they couldn’t quite keep up.

I don’t mind, I had a good time and some good fights. The fact that we now have a few new neighbours only means one thing.

More good fights in the future 😉

Stay tuned o7