Everyone likes free capitals

I was only personally involved in the following for a small part. Most of this is written as a bystander, hearing about the things going on. It was pretty entertaining nonetheless.

“I just scanned down a C5 hole that’s attached to our home. It has a dick star in it. But it also has a Chimera. That’s sitting outside of the POS field unmanned. I have a warp in for it. Who can fly a Chimera?”

That was a question asked on our slack a few days ago. It was the start of a 5 day long operation, but it was totally worth it.

What happened was that in a Black Hole C5, one of the US TZ guys found an unmanned Chimera sitting outside a POS force field that he wanted to steal. It took about an hour or two before he found someone due to this happening early morning for the EU TZ and nobody being around yet. In the end a friend of ours was able to come help and get into the Chimera.

A few hours later, after them teasing the black hole residents about them losing a Chimera, we got a ping on Slack to come shoot another one. I have no idea how it happened and forgot to ask but the C5 residents had warped in a Chimera, on top of the other one. Only problem for them was that the other Chimera, was sitting right on top of our static connection to their hole.
This made it extremely easy for us to kill it.

You’d think that would be the end of it, but nope, not at all. Our US guys decided to keep an eye on them, staying in their hole to see if they’d do more stupid things, and they did. A day after the Chimera kill we were told on coms that they had managed to steal an Apostle.

And not long after that a Minokawa.

Thanks guys

For those of you reading this “how the hell is this possible”. Well it’s easy, these guys had all of their capitals in a POS, they didn’t have a XL Ship Hangar to store them in. So when someone bumped a carrier, the inertia of the bump and it being a black hole made it fly out of the POS. Where our guys waited for them.

Fit could be better though

Fit could be better though

In the end, we decided to evict these guys. We gave them the option to pay us for leaving them alone and giving them their capitals back. But they wanted to take the honourable way out. By not fighting, suiciding most of their ships and letting us kill everything.

We had our fun, and the Alliance got a little something out of it too.

Time to find the next target.

Stay tuned o7


Roaming nullsec

Tonight, is a good day to die..
Unless you go roam in Providence, because they don’t want to fight.

Or at least that’s how it felt the other day.

The evening started as any other, checking if the corporation or alliance were up to something. Just minutes after logging we were asked to get into one of our doctrines, a citadel was going to come out of reinforcement and we were going to come help and defend it, because supposedly people were going to come out and kill it.

After getting into our ships, moving out of the chain and into highsec, we burned to destination, where the rest of the fleet was waiting. We had about 50+ people in fleet so it was going to be a good fight.

But unfortunately nothing happened, the attackers supposedly saw our fleet and decided that they didn’t want a fair fight.

That was quite unfortunate but that’s the way EvE works, sometimes you get people to kill, other times you get blueballed.

So the next plan was going out on a little roam across Providence, we’re red to them, so we figured that we could get a fight out of them. But before doing this, we went a few jumps further.

Someone knew of a group that was helping a bunch of new players get their first steps in wormhole space. And it was agreed upon that we’d go drop on them. Our FC was going to reimburse the newbie’s ships but it would give them a feel of getting dropped on. Seeing that in w-space you’re supposed to be prepared to at all times have someone de-cloak on you.

We killed about 5 of them, and supposedly they loved it. They must have had a major adrenaline rush going on, I know I would have. It definitely made me smile, knowing that these guys loved the fact that we killed them, instead of being salty about it. Newbro’s are great like that.

I have killmarks!

I have killmarks!

After this, we lost a few people due to the fact that it was a bit late and a workday, I on the other hand took a day off so I could go on for a little while longer.

Ready to go

Ready to go

We decided to reship into remote repping battleships and go to Providence, we’d lose the ships but hopefully get a few good fights out of it.

Unfortunately, that didn’t happen, not even close. We jumped around providence for 2 or 3 hours, the only thing we were able to kill a Crane. Here we were, hoping to die, and Providence did absolutely nothing, I’m hoping that it was both due to the late hour and it being a weekday. But still.

These days null seems to not want to fight, either docking up and waiting until we leave, or logging off.

So for those of you in null-sec reading this. Please, please don’t dock up, get your friends, form a defence fleet, and have a brawl. It’s a lot more fun than ratting, I know, I’ve been on the other side.

Stay tuned o7

Survival of the fittest

Another day another bit of ISK gained, or lost. Depends a bit on what you’ve been doing.

The past week I’ve been busy trying to make things work corporation wise. Spoiler: it didn’t.

With our recruitment drive we had the misfortune of getting the attention of wannabe spies/awoxers. And they’re easy to figure out, but unfortunately some don’t like the word “No”.

We had that certain someone invade our wormhole with some of his alts. Turns out he had more alts than we thought, we figured we’d bait him out. Have an epithal run between pocos and I’d follow in my cloaky proteus (starting to love that ship). Once he would decloak, I’d grab him and our third guy would come in to help on the kill.

All went well, up to the part where he decloaked, I did too and scrammed him. He was in a stratios. Suddenly, when he reached 50% armor, I had more red on my screen than what there should have been. Turns out, he had about 4 other alts in our system. Instead of one Stratios, I suddenly had 2 Nestors and a Guardian decloak around me. All of which locked me up and started to shoot me.

As a Proteus pilot, I have quite the tank, so it takes ages to kill me with drones, but doesn’t mean you can’t. Slowly moving away from them with my mwd on, I started aligning out.

They could have gotten me if not for the fact that they decided to target my friend’s bomber first. With one less web on me I was able to get out of range and was able to warp of. As you can see below, I barely made it.


EvE definitely gives me the shakes from time to time. This little rush is one of the best things about this game.

Nearly lost it

Unfortunately, despite the fact that we had a lot of interest in our corporation, had people our public channel and making new friends, we screwed up a bit with the whole recruitment drive.

We didn’t really think things true. Not knowing/remembering how much work it would be to actually do all of it. And instead of enjoying the game, it started to become a second job, logging in, logistics, trying to find things to do for corporation members. Note, this was only two weeks in and we already started to hate it.

So last week thursday we decided to disband the corporation and evacuate the hole. It was fun but we bit off more than we could chew once more. Luckily the new members understood and most of them were able to join one of the guys that we got friendly with in public chat.

But no big deal, onwards to greener pastures! I’ll more than likely be joining another wormhole corporation, I just need to decided which one.

Stay tuned o7


Job interviews aren’t as hard

Finding a corporation to join in EvE Online, is a pain in the ass. Or at least it is for me. Why? Because I want to find the best fit that I can have, and that means checking out a LOT of corporations and having a LOT of conversations and mailing go back and forth.

And even when you finally figure out that you want to join a certain one, someone else invites you to have a little conversation and you start thinking “Oh, wow these guys could be it too”.

One of usSource: Control Alt Delete comic

Not only that, but even if you then finally figure out which people you like best, you get interviewed by them too. This all made me think of a CAD comic from some time ago. It describes the process vs other MMO’s quite well. Even to the part of the blood sample, although I’m sure they were kidding about that one… *shifty eyes*

This was how I spent most of my day yesterday and the day before.

I made a post on the forums, stating that I was in need of a new corporation, new friends and what I was looking for.

Turns out, what I’m looking for is too general and that made sure that I was not only contacted by the kind that I was looking for, but also by people who did mostly mining.

I wondered where in my post I ever defined that I wanted to mine but turns out that some people define ‘Industry’ as mining. Who knew, I sure didn’t.

For those of you out there that do define this as mining, I get where you’re coming from, but it’s not, not really. My definition of industry as a whole would be the invention and/or manufacturing of the products, not really getting the raw material that you need to make them. Processing could work too but mining is just that, mining.

Anyhow, after two days of getting mails, having conversations etc etc, I finally decided to apply to one. I gave them my api key and am currently waiting to be accepted or denied.

I’m leaning towards the first, seeing as I don’t think I look like a spy, I’d probably suck at it anyhow.

If I do get accepted, I’ll be going back to Null sec, give them another shot, I really hope that this time will be different. What I talked about with the Corporation’s CEO was positive, even their public channel was active and fun so, fingers crossed.

I still have a wish to go to w-space though. So I decided that I’m going to have my alt join another corporation, one that one of my readers joined a while back and sounds like fun. The alt isn’t that well trained and still has a ways to go, but I’m sure I can have fun in w-space as well as null sec. Best of both worlds I guess/hope.

We’ll see what happens

Stay tuned o7

Stranded in a wormhole

In the life of a wormholer, there comes a time, where you go inside a hole, and forgot to check it’s life. 
That is what happened to me a few days ago. I decided to log onto E’dyn again and wanted to do some scanning. Or at least check if I was still able to scan things. So I went into a hole that was scanned from our Home system and didn’t look at the time.
Only about 20 minutes after going in I was asked in chat if I knew that it was ‘End of Life’, obviously, I did not.
After going back to where I came in I noticed an absence of any hole, meaning that it collapsed after I came through. Good thing I had my scanner with me.
It took me about 2 hours to find my way out of the wormholes. Not because I didn’t get any connections out to Low, High or Null. No, only because, I actually suck at scanning.
Pinpointing a system takes me ages, and I’m not sure if it’s skill point related or just because I’m terrible at placing my probes but it’s not a fast process. 
I’m currently parked in Amarr, after being able to get out in a low sec system and taking 20’ish jumps there. I needed a place to spin and buy things while wondering if I should train my scanning, or just set other priorities.
Oh, and in case you haven’t noticed yet, I’ve had a little domain change. This site is still hosted at blogspot but I’m currently working on creating something a bit “bigger” as I am not just playing EvE and have been thinking about putting down my thoughts on other games somewhere too. So I bought a domain, some hosting space, and am now in the process of doing the actual design. 
Stay tuned o7