Diving in and out of null

A few weeks ago I decided to make an effort to play EvE again. I was going to join my old Wormhole Corporation again and fuck around with them.

But a few minutes after joining, I got a private message from one of my old CEO’s.

One of the guys I flew with in Stain, the guys that were basically my first corp that I joined and PvP’d with. I’m sure there’s even a few posts about that time back in 2015-2016. I was going to be lazy about it but this one right here is from when I first joined them. Up until June of 2016.

At the time of that PM they were still a part of CO2 but were about to move out of the alliance, back to Stain and go do something new. That new thing being wormhole space.

And I was asked if I was interested in joining up. Seeing that I had just rejoined Yacht I figured that it couldn’t hurt to see what these guys were up to. Always fun to see new things happen.

And here we are. Set up in a C3 with a null static, and a bunch of people around on a daily basis to play with. Even killed a few things already.

I like it, I missed EvE a LOT the past few months that I didn’t play. I even got one of my buddies to join up again, he’s close to subbing his other accounts. He just doesn’t know it yet.

I’m looking forward to seeing where this all leads, and I promise, for the few out there still reading whenever I post something. I’ll be more active again.

In the meantime, have a few screenshots I made in the past week.

Stay tuned

EvE and me

In EvE, like in any other MMO there will be a time when you just need a small hiatus. Most people playing EvE know this feeling well or will know this feeling because it happens to all of them. You might not stop playing altogether but you’ll just let your “game time” go to other games.

Which is basically what happened to me a few weeks ago. I wasn’t feeling it anymore and spent a few weeks playing Elder Scrolls Online. Which was a fun way to spend my time.

Last week however I felt like playing again. Why? Well, I was in London. Not by a twist of fate or anything, but because the corp was going for another real life meetup over there. One of the guys was going to go there from 15th till 20th of February and it was decided that those able to join should do so too.

And thus I met up with another bunch of my corp members.

Which was fun. It’s nice to be able to put a face to the guys I’ve been talking to since August. Well, most at least. One of them was there for the Prague meetup too.

We had fun, did the touristy stuff, talked about EvE, plans for the corporation etc etc. I did bring my girlfriend along because she’s still jealous she wasn’t allowed to join me when I went to Prague so this was to make sure I wouldn’t hear her complain again for month on end that I don’t take her along.

One of the reasons why the EvE bug bit me again was due to talking about it. That never happens when I go out with real life friends. They know that I play but are not interested at all in the game itself. So I can’t really discuss anything, or tell them anything about it because they just don’t care or don’t understand it anyhow.

I’m still a big noob but I like talking about the game. Even though I don’t know too much about it 😉

Coincidentally, the EvE London meet was during the weekend too. This wasn’t something we planned in advance but we went over to the pub, sat in a corner, drank, laughed and met a few people. Most guys in the pub were Null-sec residents. So we didn’t really have much in common with the risk averse guys there. But there was one other wormhole corp and we kind off banded together.

We did meet a few guys from PL. And some guy came to say hi to us, we were supposed to know him by name but it literally didn’t ring a bell with any of us. I think it was JakeMeister or something. At least that’s what his shirt said. I’m guessing that due to null sec people knowing him he figured that others would too. He was wrong but still.

London was fun. I’m looking forward to more of these meets, although maybe in less expensive places…


The past few days have been, interesting to say the least. Not so far as content since it’s a been a bit slow in wormhole space ever since we moved to a C5.

But there were a few structure changes within our corporation and I’m now the new CEO of the New Eden Yacht Club.

Is this a good thing? I have no idea, maybe, maybe not. I have been CEO in the past, and it didn’t work out that well due to the fact that I was super new at wormhole space and didn’t have the experience I have now. I’m still a noob, always will be.

The reason why I was made CEO is because I’m basically around all the time, supposedly know what I’m doing and I can make decisions. As in, I don’t care as much if not everyone will be happy about the decisions I make.

I want this thing to succeed, I love flying with most of the guys in this corp and enjoy talking to them. Even when we’re not playing EvE we have fun in Rocket League or Stellaris together. Which is good. I enjoy the fact that we can also play other games and not feel bad about it.

But, like I said, our content has been a bit lacking since we moved into a C5. I’m pretty sure this is due to the fact that the move and all that took ages. And that we currently have a lot of people AFK due to holidays, sickness, RL stuff. It’ll change, I’m sure of it. But in order to make it better, I made a small decision that might have huge consequences for the corporation as a whole.

Due to this little decision recruitment might get a bit harder for us, and I probably stepped on a few toes in doing so. But so be it. Can’t make everyone happy and it seems like most of the guys are happy to be doing something again.

Once our little “deployment” is over I’ll talk some more about it.

Right now I’m busy with making plans on how to get stuff going again inside and outside of the wormhole. Not as easy as I thought it would be. But it never is.

I guess it’s a good thing I have all the time in the world for EvE right now.

Stay tuned o7

Let’s go fishing

I learned something new the other day. Which, surprise surprise, can happen every once in a while.

Well two things but we already knew about the first one so that didn’t count. Let’s talk about that first.

Waiting on a hole before doing something. Don’t do that, just, don’t.

We have a few scouts in certain holes, holes of people we want to play with.

Are we doing phrasing?

The other day, one of our exits was about 4 jumps from our “friends” so we decided to go pay them a visit. We put up a fleet and went towards their entrance, having most of the fleet wait one jump out, and the tackle on the hole. The plan was basically for me and our Lachesis to warp in, point an Ishtar and Megathron, and poke them into fighting us.

Where we missed, is that we were waiting for too long. Their scout had just jumped into the system, and warped to his entrance, right as we were landing on it, he landed to. I’m going to guess their comms were something along the lines of “Guys! There’s stuff coming to scram you, get the fuck out now!”

As soon as we saw it was one of theirs, we jumped in and warped to the site, only to land and have the Ishtar warp off right in front of our noses. We stuck around for a few minutes hoping to get a fight, but they knew we had Logi waiting for us, so that didn’t really work out the way we planned. Oh well, can’t do much about that. So off we were, on to the home system to go roam null-sec.

In our null-sec roam, I learned how to spearfish. For those of you that don’t know what it is, it’s the use of Command Destroyers and their jump portals, to warp someone away from their fleet. You use two of them, one to jump in, and one to jump out again. Bringing you, your fleet, and your target, 100km away from their buddies.

Which is actually quite fun to do. Especially if they don’t see it coming, which honestly, you should. If you see two Bifrost’ come at you, you ball up, easy as that.

So we did our little fleet jump, caught a Typhoon, who’s friends existed of about 8 Domi’s, but seeing as he was over 10km away from them, we were able to catch him off guard.

pew pew

They had a crow and a Tengu that came in to help him, it was no use. We almost killed the Tengu too but had to get out because the null-sec corporation had undocked a carrier. And as most of you know, carriers hurt quite a bit.

Oh! And I got another kill mark on my Gila! That’s number 4! Hooray!

Stay tuned o7

Survival of the fittest

Another day another bit of ISK gained, or lost. Depends a bit on what you’ve been doing.

The past week I’ve been busy trying to make things work corporation wise. Spoiler: it didn’t.

With our recruitment drive we had the misfortune of getting the attention of wannabe spies/awoxers. And they’re easy to figure out, but unfortunately some don’t like the word “No”.

We had that certain someone invade our wormhole with some of his alts. Turns out he had more alts than we thought, we figured we’d bait him out. Have an epithal run between pocos and I’d follow in my cloaky proteus (starting to love that ship). Once he would decloak, I’d grab him and our third guy would come in to help on the kill.

All went well, up to the part where he decloaked, I did too and scrammed him. He was in a stratios. Suddenly, when he reached 50% armor, I had more red on my screen than what there should have been. Turns out, he had about 4 other alts in our system. Instead of one Stratios, I suddenly had 2 Nestors and a Guardian decloak around me. All of which locked me up and started to shoot me.

As a Proteus pilot, I have quite the tank, so it takes ages to kill me with drones, but doesn’t mean you can’t. Slowly moving away from them with my mwd on, I started aligning out.

They could have gotten me if not for the fact that they decided to target my friend’s bomber first. With one less web on me I was able to get out of range and was able to warp of. As you can see below, I barely made it.


EvE definitely gives me the shakes from time to time. This little rush is one of the best things about this game.

Nearly lost it

Unfortunately, despite the fact that we had a lot of interest in our corporation, had people our public channel and making new friends, we screwed up a bit with the whole recruitment drive.

We didn’t really think things true. Not knowing/remembering how much work it would be to actually do all of it. And instead of enjoying the game, it started to become a second job, logging in, logistics, trying to find things to do for corporation members. Note, this was only two weeks in and we already started to hate it.

So last week thursday we decided to disband the corporation and evacuate the hole. It was fun but we bit off more than we could chew once more. Luckily the new members understood and most of them were able to join one of the guys that we got friendly with in public chat.

But no big deal, onwards to greener pastures! I’ll more than likely be joining another wormhole corporation, I just need to decided which one.

Stay tuned o7

Recruitment Drive

A few days ago we started recruiting for our little wormhole corporation. The reason being that we felt a bit lonely.

In all seriousness though, it was time for us to find some fresh blood. If we get more people, we get more content. It’s as easy as that. And unfortunately, being in a wormhole means that an alliance is a bit harder. And as it turns out some people think it’s weird that there were just the three of us.

That said, we’re off to a good start and have had more interest than I thought we would have. Already had a few rotten apples come knocking but that’s normal. With this I mean an obvious AWOXer/spy who started asking us questions about our killboards, alts etc etc.

We have no room for people that take all of this too serious. We know well enough that our killboard isn’t that good but we’re working on it and every day is a new day in which we learn new things.

Like how not to catch an Orca (by pointing it at a high sec hole)

For those of you, who are looking for a new adventure in wormhole life, or want to chat, or even talk about working together. Feel free to drop by our public channel “But it Works”.

Check out our forum post here.

Either I or one of my friends will be able to help you with inquiries. Although more than likely if I’m not around, they’ll get to me through other means anyhow.

Stay tuned o7


Job interviews aren’t as hard

Finding a corporation to join in EvE Online, is a pain in the ass. Or at least it is for me. Why? Because I want to find the best fit that I can have, and that means checking out a LOT of corporations and having a LOT of conversations and mailing go back and forth.

And even when you finally figure out that you want to join a certain one, someone else invites you to have a little conversation and you start thinking “Oh, wow these guys could be it too”.

One of usSource: Control Alt Delete comic

Not only that, but even if you then finally figure out which people you like best, you get interviewed by them too. This all made me think of a CAD comic from some time ago. It describes the process vs other MMO’s quite well. Even to the part of the blood sample, although I’m sure they were kidding about that one… *shifty eyes*

This was how I spent most of my day yesterday and the day before.

I made a post on the forums, stating that I was in need of a new corporation, new friends and what I was looking for.

Turns out, what I’m looking for is too general and that made sure that I was not only contacted by the kind that I was looking for, but also by people who did mostly mining.

I wondered where in my post I ever defined that I wanted to mine but turns out that some people define ‘Industry’ as mining. Who knew, I sure didn’t.

For those of you out there that do define this as mining, I get where you’re coming from, but it’s not, not really. My definition of industry as a whole would be the invention and/or manufacturing of the products, not really getting the raw material that you need to make them. Processing could work too but mining is just that, mining.

Anyhow, after two days of getting mails, having conversations etc etc, I finally decided to apply to one. I gave them my api key and am currently waiting to be accepted or denied.

I’m leaning towards the first, seeing as I don’t think I look like a spy, I’d probably suck at it anyhow.

If I do get accepted, I’ll be going back to Null sec, give them another shot, I really hope that this time will be different. What I talked about with the Corporation’s CEO was positive, even their public channel was active and fun so, fingers crossed.

I still have a wish to go to w-space though. So I decided that I’m going to have my alt join another corporation, one that one of my readers joined a while back and sounds like fun. The alt isn’t that well trained and still has a ways to go, but I’m sure I can have fun in w-space as well as null sec. Best of both worlds I guess/hope.

We’ll see what happens

Stay tuned o7

Searching for the right one

The search for a new corporation to join continues. And it’s not going very well.

I’ve found a few that I might be interested in, but some are not responsive when trying to talk in their public channels, and others have a strange recruitment process that takes way too much time to bother.

Speaking of these kind of processes, I get why some deem it necessary, but why make it so complicated. Just ask people why they want to join and their character API, if you have doubts ask more. I’ve had to fill in tons of questions about both my personal life and eve life in some of these and after a few I just gave up and moved on to the next one.

Same goes with the API keys. Please do not ask me to provide a full key for my trader. I’m already admitting that I have an industrial/trader character to make my ISK, don’t even think that I will be providing you with a full API key.

Although I can understand that corporations need to be protective of their surroundings, especially when in a wormhole, but sometimes these things make people (me at least) just throw away the virtual application and search for the next one.

Which is a shame, because there was one corporation that seemed promising but it just took them way too long to answer my questions and even my application that I’ve given up on them.
On to the next I guess.

At least I have GTA V again to have fun with. It came out on PC last Tuesday and I’m doing the online part of it for the first time with friends. I’ve played it on PS3 too, but the PC version is just WOW.

Stay tuned o/

Other pastures

Last week, a friend I made in EvE told me that I should join the corporation he had joined. He’s been talking about it for a few weeks now ever since he moved into Wormhole space and he said that I should try it too. Seeing that it might give me an opportunity to come out with my combat character some more.

Fast forward to Monday and I am accepted into the corporation, all I had to do was get myself a few ships and move to the wormhole.
“Who needs a scout, I can handle this!”

Something that I did yesterday, I bought myself a few frigates, a destroyer and a battleship and spent about an hour and a half moving one ship after the other into the wormhole. It gave me something to do, it even had me thinking about fits. Although I have to admit that it didn’t help me in thinking too hard about them since once I figured I was settled I noticed I had forgotten dampeners and ammo (woops)
“I’m a pretty fly, with a nasty sting”
Joining a wormhole corporation is something that I talked about in the past, I even thought I had joined one before but turned out that they were actually high sec mission runners like myself who happened to have a POS in a hole that they went to from time to time. Which is cool, but not what I wanted. What I wanted was to live inside one, and not just alongside one.

Hopefully my move will allow me to experience this side of the game from close-by instead of just reading about it. It’s scary, because I can’t scan to save my life, but I guess that just means I’ll have to learn.
“Let’s get this show on the road!”

Other than the wormhole move and figuring out what’s next on my list in the new corporation, I will be using this weekend to run a few tests on my industrialist. I’ll be updating my way out of date spreadsheet, to check if I still make a profit (because who counts this stuff psh!) and whether or not it’s more profitable for me to stay in my POS, or if I should just tear it down and start working from a station.

If the prices aren’t too high for my manufacturing and invention I might just tear down my POS and just use the headquarters. Seeing that having a POS means spending 500m a month in fuel. So if the cost of working from station isn’t too high, I can just start doing that.

While creating T2 items I noticed a slight decrease in the market movement of some of the modules I make. Meaning that I’ve been scratching a few of the list in the past couple of days. I still have a few thousands blueprints that I’ll have to invent (holy crap why did I make so much copies of everything) but once those are all done, I’ll be checking which I liked creating the most and, of course, where most of my profits came from.

So plenty to do and figure out for me in the next couple of weeks!

Stay tuned o7

Efficiency is not part of my vocabulary

I am nowhere near as efficient in my manufacturing as I should and can be. I tend to restock my products at the last moment. I click ok on my assembly line, and suddenly notice that I’m missing R.A.M. tech, or Tritanium, or any of the other things I need, to complete my process.

I really should just have a large stock of everything, but I’m lazy. Although one could argue that if I really was lazy, I’d actually have a big stock, because that would mean that I would not have to go to Jita as often as I am doing now. But the lazyness is translated more to the fact that I don’t feel like calculating/checking what everything is that I need, buying it, and afterwards getting it all to my home base.

But I should put up more buy orders, I have zero of those, and that’s a bad thing.

Trading in general is something I am not doing right now, my little experiment did give me a bit of playroom, I made about 1b from the 100m I invested in it. But I wasn’t too good at it, it took me too much time to figure out what I should buy and sell, that I just decided to not do it for now.

I do have a few buy orders on my trading alt, mostly for implants, because they keep on selling anyhow. But shh, I never said this, we’re not supposed to give away our secrets.

The past week I was able to have my net worth go up by 300m, and I have absolutely no idea how that happened, because I just did some manufacturing, then again, this week I actually did manage to make sure that every line was occupied so maybe I did good on that part.

“I’m sorry, it’s complicated”

Now to find a way to use this ISK, to make more ISK.

As a little sidenote; I’ve been thinking about trying something new, corporation wise.
My industry alt is in a corporation of her own, but it’s pretty lonely. I want to join some other corp, in which I can still do my manufacturing etc, but I don’t like the idea of giving up my POS. Anyone have an idea of what I could try?

Stay tuned o7