
Last week I finally joined a new corporation, and the past few days I’ve gotten more action than I did in the past few months.

I’ve gone on roams, I made a jita shopping list, even tried out ships I had never flown before.

I’ve been on two roams now in a Svipul and I enjoy the ship. I love the fact that it changes it’s look if you go in a different mode and it’s quite fun. Not only that, I haven’t lost one yet! Hooray

Svipul Roam

I did lose a claw a few days ago but that was my own fault. Silly me trying to be hero tackle. That obviously failed because I also failed to land on any other kill mail at the time.

The one thing I still need to get used to is that unlike when I was in High Sec, I can’t just open the market browser and buy whatever I need. I can’t, because the current market is non-existent. The corporation I joined does have a service from Jita to their home so that’s nice. Means I just need to make more shopping lists and figure out what I need and when I’ll be needing it.

Although it did got me thinking of maybe, just maybe setting up shop over there too. I’ll be looking into that once I’m used to it some more.

Unfortunately my ISK making ways have dried out a bit. My production lines are currently not doing anything because the profit I was making per day wasn’t enough anymore. 20million a day vs 100+ half a year ago. It’s a shame, it was easy ISK, and now I have no idea what to do to make more of it.

I’m trying my hand at station trading in Jita and Amarr a bit and I’m making ISK with it, but also only a few million per time, my production used to net me more. So I’ll have to figure out something new. Maybe in Null, maybe somewhere else.

I’m still thinking of w-space, and I’m looking around, I still have another combat character that I’m training to get into a wormhole, so maybe I can have her join a wormhole crew. If they’ll have me.

We’ll see

Stay tuned o7