Always a Noob
The adventures of a clueless MMO vet
Latest blog posts
Finally, we got ourselves a little speed boost!
Remember way back when this blog started on Blogger? Of course you don’t you probably didn’t read it, but I do remember it.
All the way in the beginning of this blog, it was hosted on After a while of that I decided that it would be a good idea to move it to my own domain and host it as a WordPress one.
Over the years I noticed the blog taking longer and longer the load, making a lot of the people coming here give up on loading and just leaving the page. I kept telling myself that I’ll fix it at some point and never did.
From Wormhole to Nullsec: Writing the new chapter
“We should have done things in null ages ago”
As I said in my previous blog. In the past week and a half or so I moved over the rest of my alts and even my main to Nullsec.
This due to the fact that it was getting a bit annoying being spread over multiple holes and toons. So everything is now consolidated under one roof (well sort of, it’s in 3 different stations)
It helped though, we made it into the Pandemic Horde alliance coming from renters. While I can’t quantify the exact impact of our two-man team, bringing in 11 capital pilots and PvP veterans certainly can’t hurt!
We did a few small filament roams and tried some null PvP, nothing large scale yet. But it’s new and somewhat exciting.
Kspace is a scary place mkay?
Recently, I decided to consolidate my characters and moved all but one out of wormhole space.
This due to the fact that our friendly neighbourhood Titan builder needs some help with the killboard.
Not that I’m that good at pvp but I have a bunch of combat toons that can pretend they are.
I was spread out a bit too thin, having my main in Jita for the time being after deciding to take a break from C5 space, and then two of my toons in a C2 C4/HS hole with a bunch of friendly people that were so nice to take me in.
But I decided to switch a few things around and joined the C2 corp fully with one of my toons and then fully committed my other characters to null.
Which is, weird.
Recent posts
- Finally, we got ourselves a little speed boost!
- From Wormhole to Nullsec: Writing the new chapter
- Kspace is a scary place mkay?
- Trading Wormholes for Nullsec: A New Home and New Opportunities
- C4 to C5, my EVE year and a bit in review; wspace
- And we’re back once again!
- What do you guys do in the game?
- My very first ransom
- I have a problem
- EVE Online Activity is picking up!
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