I’ve been meaning to make this post ages ago, and a lot of it was already written up, but time has a way of creeping up on you. And I forgot about it.
As we are approaching winter, I have done the last bits of preparation for my hive. I’ve fed them a bunch of sugar fondant, made sure that they’re nicely packed etc and had a last inspection to make sure that the queen was still around and there were enough bees about to go into the winter.
In the next few months, I will only open the hive once or twice to give them a mite treatment. Something which is very important for the future of bees. More on this some other time, or maybe in this same post, who knows! I sure don’t…
Ok no that’s a lie, I totally know, I’m not doing it right now.
The girls did a good job, the past few weeks were hotter than they usually are and that gave them more time to bring in more pollen and some nectar, things they will need in order to make it through the winter.
They will bunch up together in a ball, keeping the hive and each other warm and go from frame to frame, feeding on their stores.
And then in spring, it’s time for them to work again! And for me too, since I have decided to add at the very least two extra hives in my little apiary!
Not only that, we’re currently fully preparing to make something extra happen. Mostly because I want it, but also because if it does work, others will be able to enjoy my Boobees too.
What is it that I’m doing you ask? Well as you know in my previous blog post I have a site, one that I still have to translate to Dutch, but beside the fact that people will be able to buy Boobee honey. You’ll also be able to check them out.
I’ll be setting up a stream that will keep an eye on the entrance of the hive.
The main reason for this is because I just enjoy watching them do their thing, going in and out of the hive carrying their pollen and other things is just a very relaxing endeavor.
At the hive itself I have setup two benches on which myself and my family go to sit and just watch the bees from time to time.
With the fact that I sit behind my computer screen a lot I also decided to make it possible for me to watch my Boobees from afar. So soon(ish) there will be live.boobees.be to enjoy.
Something that I’m sure will have people surf to it and them wondering why there’s bees instead of something else. But I kinda look forward to those reactions too. Because deep down, I’m a troll and as an eve player, harvesting salt is a thing we do too.
I don’t think there will be much activity on them during winter, but once spring starts, things should become very interesting.
That is, if the hive survives winter. We will know in a couple of months.
Did you know that when creating honey, bees actually regulate the temperature and humidity in their hive to a certain point so that it’s just perfect for the honey. And that this is one of the reasons why honey can be preserved for basically forever?
If someone told me 10 years ago that I would become a beekeeper I would have smiled and gone “Sure, whatever you say”
But here I am, owning a hive with plans on getting a few more in spring. I never suspected that I’d enjoy it so much, that it would be so relaxing to just watch the girls do their job, coming and going from the hive. And seeing the transformation inside of the hive.
It’s one of the reasons why I’m looking into setting up a live stream on the landing board. Not because I’m thinking “Oh people will want to watch this and maybe sponsor the stream!” No, it’s purely because I want to watch it happen, I want to be able to look at one of my screens and watch the bees go back and forth.
Another added extra to that would be that IF something were to be happening to them, I can see it happen and act accordingly.
I even made a site for these girls, something that’s still a work in progress, but I own a brand name of sorts now. If you’re curious, feel free to go and have a look at the BooBees. Yes, I called them Boo Bees. Partly because I just think the name is funny and technically it’s also true that all the honey you eat, has been made by bees long gone. The site isn’t quite where it needs to be just yet. I’m still testing things and making it better. I’ll also do a dutch part since, you know.. I live in Belgium and most people here talk Dutch as their main language, they know English, but not that well. I also absolutely love our logo.
Right now, Winter is coming. And this means that the girls are getting towards their last days of getting ready for it. This means getting their stores of honey up and preparing winter bees.
Normally most of the worker bees only last for a couple of weeks, the only bee inside the hive that last for longer is the Queen, who can live up to 2 years, longer even in some cases. That is if she’s doing an ok job and the hive doesn’t decide that it’s time for a new Queen. Something I might talk about some other time.
But when winter is around the corner, the queen starts laying a different kind of worker. Namely the winter bee. They live for a couple of months and their job is to make sure the hive stays a nice temperature during the winter and that the queen survives too.
Us beekeepers use this time to feed them if they need it, and make sure to get mite treatment done, since the varroa mite is one of the most important things that we need to handle in our hives.
In my case, they had their varroa treatment around the end of July, so that means I’ll only have to have a look at it in December. But what I am doing now is feeding the girls, and boy are they hungry. When I got the hive, they were using about 6 or 7 frames, I had hoped that in the past two months they would have grown to use a bit more but alas, that did not happen.
In an inspection a couple of weeks ago I had also noticed that only one frame out of the ones they were using was filled with honey, which is not good when winter is almost there. So what did I do? I started feeding them. I gave them a bunch of sugar syrup and the other day I gave them 2.5kg of sugar fondant.
I had hoped that the syrup would be enough and that maybe they wouldn’t want the fondant since they had enough in store, but I was wrong, they’re taking it in too.
Seeing that the girls know best what they might need, I’m just letting them have it all and in a couple of weeks I’ll take the hive apart one last time. At that point I’ll change the current cover board with one that has no hole in it and add some news paper to the top to make sure it’s nicely isolated.
And then it’s mostly hoping that they make it through the winter because there won’t be much I can do to help more.
I like this new hobby I have though, it’s definitely different than what I usually do (gaming) and it’s good for the bees! And let’s be honest, bees are awesome.
Even those among you that might be allergic to them realise that without them, we’d be properly fucked, since without bees to pollinate things, we’d have a lot less food going around.
That reminds me, I wonder if I’m allergic. I have yet to be stung by one in the past few months. I remember having been stung years and years ago when I was a kid. And despite there not being anything wrong at that time, people’s physiology changes as they grow older, so who knows I might react very different to it than when I was a child.
But there’s only one way to find out, and I’m hoping that me getting stung won’t happen for a long time.
Did you know that bees dance in order to communicate where they can find water or good flowers? It’s called the waggle dance.
The other day we went on a search for the queen. As most of you probably know, the queen is at the centre of the colony. No queen, no new bees, no new bees mean nothing will happen, no bees mean sad me.
In general, the queen bee is one of the biggest ones in the colony. She has a larger abdomen; she is surrounded by her workers and she’ll be busy laying. She can lay about 2000 eggs a day when it’s a good day, so she is one busy little bee.
One would think that it’s easy to find the queen. One would be very, very wrong. At least not when you’re new at it and have no idea what you’re doing.
Well, ok no, that’s a lie. I know what I’m doing, I just don’t quite know yet what the correct way to do it is yet. If I didn’t know what I was doing I’d probably feel a lot more stressed when working with these girls but it’s really relaxing, and it’s just fun to watch them at it.
So the other day, before we were going to go out for dinner, my buddy and I decided to look for the queen and mark her. This because that way we’ll have an easier time finding her in the future and in general beekeepers mark their queens to know how old she is.
This would also be the first time I’d open my hive officially. Sure, last week she was opened too to put them in, but this is different. This time it would be the first time opening her up with a purpose, finding the queen.
We started at the back of the hive, these frames had no brood in it but honey and some pollen. Which is good! Means they have a source of food ready for the winter. The next few frames had brood on them, and lots of bees. Seeing that we were basically looking for the biggest of the bunch, it took a bit. Imagine two guys in their beekeeping outfit looking intently at frames. That’s basically what we were doing for a good 20 minutes.
Then came the remark “I think I found her!”
I quickly took out the queen clamp I bought the day before and we got her! Put her in the tube to mark her and boom.
My sister was there to take a few pictures too so she took a picture of our newly marked queen. We were happy and after this could go for dinner.
Were we sure that we had the queen? Not at all, hell in the car we were talking about the fact that we probably marked a normal bee, but if that were to be the case, at least we’ll have had some practise.
During dinner my sister who had stayed at home sent me the same thing we had just been talking about in the car “I don’t think you marked the correct bee”
And then she sent me the photo she took. The photo of the “queen” with the yellow mark on it.
She then sent me the same picture but also circled another bee. I just laughed and showed it to my buddy, who also started laughing.
We had indeed, marked a regular bee.
Normally another buddy of us would have joined us for dinner and we would have hung out for the evening but he ended up not being able to make it so we checked what time sundown was and decided we had a bit of light left over to see if we could find the queen in the last rays of the sun.
We did not!
So, we returned in the morning with one thing on our mind, well two actually. The first one was finding the queen, and the second one was taking something out of the brood box.
See the boxes I bought had this metal strip in the bottom of them to make sure the frames would not move much. This is perfect for when you’re moving your hives, but we noticed in putting the frames back that this was making it super difficult to do it whilst trying not to squish any of the girls.
We first tested our little theory on my spare brood box and then decided to move the frames to the spare, do our little feat of engineering on the other one, and then move the frames back. All the while searching for the queen.
It worked out well, moving the frames to the box without the strip on was a LOT easier to moving them into the one if the strip was on, so after moving most of them and meanwhile looking for the ones with brood on it and new larvae, we spotted what I thought was the queen.
Lo and behold, I was right. I put the tube around her and a few of her friends but due to how heavy these frames are, my buddy lost balance for a second and she was able to escape from the tube again back onto the frame.
No worries, we now know what frame she was on, I quickly changed the rest back over to the normal box and then we searched again.
When I spotted her the second time around, I’m getting better at this, I used the queen clamp, and then from there deposited her in the tube. You have no idea how nerve wrecking it is to have one of the most important bees in your hive in a tube while you’re trying so hard not to squish her in between a frame and a piece of sponge so you can mark her.
I however, now do know what it feels like.
After marking her we deposited her back on the frame. Well, not before I almost dropped her on the ground but I was able to catch her on time in my gloved hand. And then everyone was happy again!
We now have a marked queen, marked in such a way that normally she won’t have any issues with it. So hopefully we did it right and the bees can live happily again.
During this inspection I did decide that I’m going to have to switch out a few frames. The beekeeper I got this colony from had used a few old frames and you can definitely see that they’re old. But no worries, this will just be another new experience.
Did you know that depending on where they get their nectar, the honey will look and taste different?
As I’ve explained in my first post about these wonderful little creatures, it’s only been a few weeks since me and my buddy decided on becoming beekeepers ourselves.
As per usual, my motus operandi doesn’t consist of “Let’s think this through” but more of “Oh yeah cool, let’s go!”
Usually this just means me buying something I don’t really need but just want, because in general I’m too lazy to start new hobbies. But as I said before, I like bees, and here we are.
As I said in my last post, I got myself a Simplex hive. I gave it a nice little ground layer and then painted it blue. Why blue? Well, from what I’ve been told, bees tend to have a very good sense of direction, but colouring their hive actually helps them a bit. Bees can see white, blue and yellow the best. And seeing that I like the colour blue, it was an easy decision to make.
After clearing the land and setting up the hive there was only one more thing to do. And that’s getting the bees there.
Last Monday after I had levelled the hive to my liking, had it in the correct spot and everything, I told the guy who was getting me the bees that everything was ready. At the time I figured that he’d just tell me he’d do it on of the next few days seeing that it was already getting closer to the evening, but no. He sent me the text that he could do it that day and if I could make it between 20:00 and 21:00.
I obviously said yes, because this was what I had been preparing for in the past couple of weeks, to finally have bees!
When the time was nearing 20:00 I took a quick shower, because I had been working up a sweat. And I had read that bees hate smells. They don’t like the smell of sweat, dirt, gasoline etc etc. So best to take a shower as to not aggravate them. Jeans, shirt and shoes on and let’s go! Off to where they shall go.
I arrived right behind him, talk about timing.
The thing I find fun is the fact that hobby beekeepers just tape up a hive and put it in their car. They literally just pick it up and then go to wherever they need to go while they have thousands of bees in the back of their car.
Today was the same, he opened up the back and there was the hive, the little nucleus. 11 frames of bees, buzzing away as they couldn’t leave for now.
We took a wheelbarrow and made our way to the spot. I had put on my gear and my sister, wanting to see this happen too, joined us. She used my phone to make a few recordings from a safe distance.
A safe distance that soon became clear she didn’t really need to keep since the bees are not aggressive creatures at all. They’ll get mad if you steal their honey or provoke them, but in general they are quite docile.
A fun little thing with this is that the beekeeper was wearing gloves, I was not. I have them, but I didn’t use them. At one point one of the frames was unable to correctly go in so I took it upon myself to correct this. While there were a few thousand bees in the box already. But hey, look at me being fearless. Or you know, just mindless since at the time I didn’t even think about it. My thoughts were just “ok this needs to be fixed lets go”
After about half an hour the deal was done, the bees had moved into their new permanent home and I could finally call myself a beekeeper.
In the next few months, I’ll be learning more about them but in general it won’t be that much work. The bees need to be prepared for winter, which I will do by feeding them about 10liter of sugar water in the next couple of months. But other than that, they will be able to go on their buzzy little lives.
I will obviously go and look at them as much as possible, my plan is to open the hive once a week, just to have a little look and become more familiar with everything.
My buddy will be joining me, as he will get his own little colony soon. Well, he already has one, but one of his own, one that we shall be taking care of together.
The only small issue is that he has a Langstroth hive and I have a Belgian Simplex one. The reason why this is an issue is because due to the difference of the hives, it would make it harder on both of us if something goes wrong. New beekeepers are always told to start with at least two hives. The reason for this is that if something goes wrong with one hive, you can always use the other hive to fix things. But since they won’t be doing much now, I should be fine with the one hive.
I already have a plan in the back of my mind to split this hive when the bee season starts next year. And then boom! I’ll have two hives.
My buddy’s hive is a cool one though, it’s called a Flow hive.
For some reason it gets a lot of flack by the beekeeping community, but I think that’s because when it first came on Kickstarter they marketed it in a way that you supposedly put the flow hive in the backyard and you’ll have honey on tap.
And that’s not how it works, you have to take care of your bees or they will die. There are so many threats in this day and age that they need constant care. Mites, pesticides, infections and other insects mean that you can’t just NOT look at your bees.
But the Flow hive is super cool and supposedly makes it super easy to collect your honey. Unfortunately, it’s a Langstroth hive, so his frames will be different than mine. But I’m sure that we’ll figure something out eventually. There’s always a way.
And if I’m going to be honest, if things go well, I might just get one of those myself in a year or two.
But that will only happen if I can keep my current ones alive and get through the first year!
Bees have been kept throughout the centuries. There are cave paintings in Spain out there from thousands of years ago that shows people on a rope trying to get to that sweet sticky stuff we call honey.
It was the ancient Egyptians themselves that were the first to keep bees themselves in a kind of clay hive.
And even Aristotle wrote about them, although he didn’t quite know what he was talking about, parts of what he said were in a sense correct, others not so much.
‘The honeycomb is made from flowers and the materials for the wax they gather from the resinous gum of trees, while honey is distilled from dew and is deposited chiefly at the raisings of the constellations or when a rainbow is in the sky’
Not only that, but according to him bee babies grew on trees. I guess that would make sense if you see a hive in a tree and look at the brood comb hatch. But not quite how it actually works, then again this was written between 344 and 342 BC, so I guess he had a good excuse.
In the late 18th century, a Swiss beekeeper by the name of François Huber made a pioneering work that had taken him over 20 years of observation to make. Helped by his assistant because of his blindness. He established the mating process and the fact that the bees kept a bit of space between their comb in order to make moving around easier. He also produced the “folio” or “leaf” hive, but this was more to make it easier to look at the bees since you couldn’t remove the comb, so there was no way to get the honey.
The person that made beekeeping easier was a priest from Pennsylvania called Lorenzo Lorraine Langstroth. He calculated the width which bees would need in order to move around easily without filling it all up. If the space was too small, they would fill it with propolis, their way of making insulation. If it was too big, they’d fill it with wax comb.
After he established this, he designed wooden frames that could be removed without breaking up the internal structure, he literally came up with the first moveable beehive. His design, the Langstroth, is to this day still one of the most commonly used hive by beekeepers around the world. There are others of course and I’ll talk about them maybe at some point in time, but this is nice to know.
And now, there’s me, a new beekeeper, a newBEE, someone who knows stuff because he’s read about it and watched a bunch of youtube videos. If the ancient Egyptians, Greek, Romans all did it. Why shouldn’t I, right? Right?!
The hive I picked is similar in design as the Langstroth but due to the fact that here in Belgium and the Netherlands most beekeepers use a slightly different design, I decided to go for a Simplex. This one is based on a hive designed from the 1890s in England that was supposed to be a bit nicer on the bees than a Langstroth. The thing with these is that I honestly can’t really see the difference versus a Langstroth, I think my frames are a bit different? And the size of the brood box and the honey super? If I’m not mistaken it was mostly because it was thicker and therefor a bit more insulated.
But the concept is the same as Langstroth, and at some point, I too will probably go for a Langstroth hive.
But for now, I have a Belgium Simplex one, purely because it would make my life easier in order to get bees in there.
And it was quite easy.
As you may know, dear reader, I have been spending the past few weeks getting ready for the moment of their arrival.
The past Saturday I spent most of my morning putting down the finishing touches, clearing a bunch more brambles and other annoyances.
Yesterday I even set up the hive in the spot where it needed to go.
I’m not the handiest of people when it comes to anything really. So it took me more effort than I am willing to admit to in order to get this setup correctly. Mind you, the hive needs to be level from side to side and a little incline so that water and condensation can get out. Water out from the top, and condensation from inside. So it needed to be, somewhat “perfect”. It doesn’t look it, but it is to me
And because the weather was nice and it was the perfect time for it, got the bees in it too.
But that last bit, is for another post, since I’m rambling on enough as is.
Did you know that male bees (also called drones) only have on purpose? They only live to mate with a virgin queen in order to have somewhat of a genetic diversity in hives. This because a virgin queen mates with multiple drones from multiple colonies in what is called a drone congregation area. Oh, and their penis explodes after mating.
Welcome back to my blog dear reader, in which I shall take you along on my journey, be they in beekeeping, or gaming, or whatever I feel like writing about.
We are in for a treat this week; it’s going to be about 40 degrees Celsius tomorrow and it’s about 34 right now. Meaning that I myself, will be huffing and puffing about being too warm. That being said, if I’m not mistaken most people in Europe will be experiencing this heat wave, so make sure to drink well and keep your pets well hydrated too! People tend to forget that the warmth can kill just as well as the cold.
My beekeeping gear finally arrived on Saturday after having ordered in on Monday. It should have arrived on Wednesday but it didn’t, then on Friday they said they’d deliver it and they didn’t. Even Saturday I thought “It won’t be here today” but it did, although it was quite late.
The plan had been to put a ground layer of paint on the hive on Saturday morning and then the actual paint on Sunday morning. Morning mostly because I really, really don’t want to be outside when it’s too hot. And too hot for me basically means everything above 24 degrees Celsius.
Unfortunately, that plan failed, so I put the first layer on the hive yesterday. The actual painting will probably happen Thursday since it’ll be raining on Wednesday and super hotness today and tomorrow.
But whatever! It’ll get done eventually; I don’t have bees yet so I have some extra time.
Saturday morning was also spent with me and my buddy clearing some space in the field I talked about in my previous post.
We spent roughly three and a half hours cutting away brambles, trees and such to make a little bit of a clearing. And it’s looking mighty fine. I should probably make a few new drone (the controlled flying one, not the male bee) shots there so I can show a comparison, I will probably do that one of these days too.
As I said the plan was to also do some painting etc so we could prepare a bit more but alas. We weren’t even able to test the hive yet because at that point it had not yet arrived. We worked from around 9:00 till 12:30 and the gear only arrived around 19:45.
But oh well, it’s here, the clearing has been made, now to go get some bees!
Another hiccup there. I had reserved a colony and their queen online, but the person I was going to collect them from let me know that the queen had gone missing. Chances are that she had left the building because the box they were in was a bit too tiny. They usually tend to make a new queen and the old one up and disappears. If a new queen hatches it can take up to 3 weeks before she starts laying eggs at a good speed. Which would slow down the whole “getting them ready for winter” bit.
So now I either have to wait for the person to get a new hive ready for me, or find someone else to get me bees. I have contacted a few beekeepers, so we’ll see how that ends.
Did you know that bees take care of approximately 30% of our food? Neither did I, the more you know.
About a week ago from this writing I decided that I wanted to become a beekeeper. The other day my equipment arrived.
‘But’ you ask yourself, why on earth would you make a decision like that so fast.
Well! Let me tell you a little story of how this came to pass.
A couple of years ago I first started hearing about the whole “bees are dying” thing and that we need to help the bees more. I read that there were beekeepers out there that if you pay them a little bit for a hive setup, they would LOVE to use your land to keep their bees. So I set out to find someone that could do this for me, seeing that where my parents live there was a huge swat of farmland we don’t actually use so that seemed perfect.
Easier said than done though, most of these kinds of beekeepers would rather do this with a company that is able to pay a little bit more and give them some exposure for more potential clients.
About a year ago a friend of mine had finally finished building his house, and knowing what I wanted to do he was like “well lets just put it on my company, have them do it in our backyard and boom”
We found a beekeeper who does this for a living, “renting” out his hive, bees and skills for a monthly fee. He comes to take care of them and you have bees in your garden that you can watch and relax with. And by the end of the season, you’ll even get the honey they harvested.
Sounded awesome so we did it!
Now we’re a year later and despite it being a very cool thing, it was a bit expensive. We were paying about 80/month for this. So, what’s the next step to take when you want something but don’t want to keep paying for it?
You do it yourself!
And thus, my new little adventure started, I bought myself a book “Beekeeping for dummies” and within 2 days I have become an expert!
That’s a big fat lie of course, I am nowhere near being an expert on this subject but at least I know more now. I’ve watched countless movies and I was thinking to myself “Yeah this seems fairly easy I’ll give it a go”
One more day and everything was ordered and I even found a local guy that was willing to sell me a colony, including a small 6 frame “hive”.
In a couple days I will be going to collect them and start my little adventure.
Tomorrow I am going to take a brush cutter and a chainsaw along with my buddy and clear a bit of land so that I have place to actually put the bees, because the land is a bit of a forest right now.
I’ll also be painting the hive, I ordered paint for the outside of it and a thing called Propoleum, which exists of 70% alcohol and 30% propolis, for the outside. The paint is obviously all natural so that the bees won’t get any effect from it, and the propoleum on the inside will make it easier for them to isolate their hive. Yes, they isolate their hive, bees are incredible little creatures and I shall try and take you along on my adventures with them!
The first steps of which is taking those 6 frames and bringing them in the new one I ordered, feeding the bees and then making sure that they have enough to survive the winter.
Sounds easy enough, but as a newbee (see what I did there) the challenge is there.
But I’m super excited about it! A new hobby! We’ll see what happens
It has almost literally been six whole months since I last made a post, I’m still alive! I just don’t have much to talk about really. Not when it comes to EvE Online at least.
I still play the game, I log in at least once, usually twice a week, but other than doing a wormhole fleet I don’t really do much. I don’t have any need for ISK so I don’t have to rat or play the market and let’s be fair, I play a LOT of other games a LOT more.
So! I have decided that this blog will no longer be just about EvE, but whatever I want to write about.
Let’s start talking about gaming though. I still game, a LOT, more than I should probably but to this day it is the only hobby I have. Sure, I try and be healthy by going for bike rides, even bought myself a rowing machine etc, but it’s not like I see that as a hobby. I see that stuff more as a means to an end. The end being “not being a fatass”. Spoiler alert: it’s not really working 😊
In February a new MMO came out here in the West, one that had already been released for a couple of years over in Korea. Those of you that know, know that it’s Lost Ark. Let’s just say that I got a bit addicted to this game. I have put hundreds of hours in it since February, mostly I think because of MMO starvation.
That thing that all of us that play MMO’s know well; You want to play an MMO but you don’t really want to play the ones you already have but you also don’t know any good ones you haven’t tried out yet. So a new one comes along, it does most of the things right that you were looking for et voila, you’re hooked. At least for a while, until you burn out of this new mmo or the endgame isn’t there etc etc.
The fact that Lost Ark is an MMO marketed for the Asian market, means that it’s super grindy. Because for some reason people east of us really, really love to grind. There’s a lot of daily stuff you can do, a bunch of things that reset each week etc etc. Because of the way the game plays you basically have a main character and a bunch of alts with which you will have to do all those daily things in order to move the materials you gain to your main. This can be very daunting for a new player, and even for those that are used to MMOs.
In the beginning I applauded this because I am an altoholic, I really love making alts, playing them and gearing them. Unfortunately, in Lost Ark gearing all of your alts towards the same item level is very hard and very very grindy if not even impossible unless you spend a shitload of time in it.
I have, and I only have two characters at a high enough item level to do the new raids. I haven’t even done the newest one because it’s so damn hard with pickup groups.
But yeah, that’s one of the games I’ve been playing a lot. The other one I pickup up again recently is elder scrolls online.
They had a new expansion out and I figured “why not”
Other than these two I play some Apex and since recently Fall Guys.
Due to the fact that I basically do nothing but gaming after my work hours, I have a lot of time to spend on this.
But! Dear reader who has made it this far.
A couple of days ago I have decided that I wanted to learn how to be a beekeeper. I don’t really like being outside and all that, but I like bees, I like what they do for us and I like the fact that we as humans can help them to try and become a bigger thing again.
Due to this about a year ago me and a buddy of mine were trying to find a beekeeper that we could “help out” by having them have a hive in my buddy’s backyard, so we could look at how the process of keeping bees works. We found a company that does this for a monthly fee, and at the end of the season we would be getting the honey.
About a week ago the honey was harvested and in a couple of weeks I should be receiving a bunch of it.
But due to the cost we kind of decided that we could probably do it ourselves.
In the past couple of days I have bought myself a book and equipment. Equipment that should arrive tomorrow, or at least one of the next few days.
I have found a beekeeper who’s willing to sell me a small colony and in the next few weeks I will be putting up a colony on some land my family owns. After which I shall be doing my utmost best to help them get ready for the winter.
“Getting ready for the winter, this early?” You ask yourself. Yes, as it turns out, bee season normally starts in April/May and by the end of august they tend to slow down their production and should already be sort of ready for the winter. So the fact that I’m starting with it in July is giving myself a bit of a handicap but whatever.
I’m hoping to write about this a bit more, my journey and such. And I shall take you along with it. Even if “you” in this case is actually myself reading this in the future since I have no idea if anyone still reads this thing.
But at least I’ll have a diary of sorts. IF I can find the words to put down.
With that being said, I shall bid you farewell and until next time. I’m quite excited about this new adventure.
That being said, I shall still write about gaming if and when the muse hits.