Ship ahoy, or something like it

“Ahoy mateys, we’ve got targets ahead.”

Or at least that’s what I was thinking when scanning the chain, seeing a bunch of retrievers on D-scan and jumping 100 off the only ore site, only to find them warping in.

It’s always fun when you have people warp in right when you get there, means you’ve got people to kill. Or to kill you I guess.

As soon as I saw the retrievers I logged onto E’dyn and grabbed my Sabre, while asking the few others online if they were up to killing them.

About twenty minutes later, we had a little fight going on. I did lose my Sabre but all in all, we came out ISK positive, and that’s what we like seeing.


One of the miners we killed came back in a Cerberus and the other in a Stratios. Luckily we had a tanky hurricane with us that could take them on, if only for a while.

It was a first for me, seeing as I hadn’t killed someone in a wormhole for quite some time, and this was the first time I found the targets myself.

Yesterday was another first for me, the first time I played FC. Before starting I warned the others to go in ships that they wouldn’t mind losing. Seeing as I obviously have no idea what I’m doing.

Unfortunately, we didn’t get any kills other than an MTU (Yay us)! But it was good practise, and you have to start somewhere.

If any of you feel like joining us in our little adventures, join up the Y4CHT channel ingame, come and say hi. We’re friendly, I promise

Stay tuned o7


Roaming nullsec

Tonight, is a good day to die..
Unless you go roam in Providence, because they don’t want to fight.

Or at least that’s how it felt the other day.

The evening started as any other, checking if the corporation or alliance were up to something. Just minutes after logging we were asked to get into one of our doctrines, a citadel was going to come out of reinforcement and we were going to come help and defend it, because supposedly people were going to come out and kill it.

After getting into our ships, moving out of the chain and into highsec, we burned to destination, where the rest of the fleet was waiting. We had about 50+ people in fleet so it was going to be a good fight.

But unfortunately nothing happened, the attackers supposedly saw our fleet and decided that they didn’t want a fair fight.

That was quite unfortunate but that’s the way EvE works, sometimes you get people to kill, other times you get blueballed.

So the next plan was going out on a little roam across Providence, we’re red to them, so we figured that we could get a fight out of them. But before doing this, we went a few jumps further.

Someone knew of a group that was helping a bunch of new players get their first steps in wormhole space. And it was agreed upon that we’d go drop on them. Our FC was going to reimburse the newbie’s ships but it would give them a feel of getting dropped on. Seeing that in w-space you’re supposed to be prepared to at all times have someone de-cloak on you.

We killed about 5 of them, and supposedly they loved it. They must have had a major adrenaline rush going on, I know I would have. It definitely made me smile, knowing that these guys loved the fact that we killed them, instead of being salty about it. Newbro’s are great like that.

I have killmarks!

I have killmarks!

After this, we lost a few people due to the fact that it was a bit late and a workday, I on the other hand took a day off so I could go on for a little while longer.

Ready to go

Ready to go

We decided to reship into remote repping battleships and go to Providence, we’d lose the ships but hopefully get a few good fights out of it.

Unfortunately, that didn’t happen, not even close. We jumped around providence for 2 or 3 hours, the only thing we were able to kill a Crane. Here we were, hoping to die, and Providence did absolutely nothing, I’m hoping that it was both due to the late hour and it being a weekday. But still.

These days null seems to not want to fight, either docking up and waiting until we leave, or logging off.

So for those of you in null-sec reading this. Please, please don’t dock up, get your friends, form a defence fleet, and have a brawl. It’s a lot more fun than ratting, I know, I’ve been on the other side.

Stay tuned o7

The joys of d-scan

The one thing you should always do when living in a wormhole. Is use d-scan. It’s important to use that in low and null sec too since it helps you find targets. But in wormholes you don’t have local. So you use d-scan to check if there’s anyone around with you. Of course a person using a ship with a cloak won’t show up on d-scan, and a recon ship won’t either. But still, it gives you a bit of a warning if you pay attention to it.

We all know this, my corporation mates know this. All this, kind of goes wrong when you’re in a group. Seeing that being in a group usually means, being a bit more secure. Thus you stop caring much about something, especially when waiting. That’s what happened yesterday.

We were going to go out on our daily null-sec roam. Forming up on our null-static and waiting for the rest to join. Now, usually when forming up, we’re in the citadel and ready to go. Not this time, we were waiting for a few guys to log in, right on the hole. For over 20 minutes.

I’m sure that me talking about d-scan a bit higher makes you go “Ooooh, I think I know what happened.”

Right when we’re about to jump through, three sabres pop up right on top of us. Most of us were not quite aware of what was happening so when you then hear the fc jump and get the fuck out. You do just that.

Or at least try to. We lost three ships before we even got in null, in our own wormhole. Hard knocks found us and used our lulled sense of security to get a few kills.

Good fight on them, we were not prepared, not even close, we got our asses kicked. Well, the other guys, I got out of the bubble and was able to warp off. Hooray, still have my Omen.

The moral of the story? Use your d-scan.2016.

Stay tuned o7

PvP is starting to grow on me

I started updating orders again, because I’m in need of ISK, and I’ve been too busy losing ships in null sec to get some PvE going. Thus I went to Jita, put up a few buy orders and hope for the best.

Of course, outside the buy orders I’m also doing a bit of PI. As I’ve said in a previous post, PI is a great way for passive income, I currently have a setup of 10 planets across 2 characters in the wormhole which should get me about 700m a month, updating it once a day, and hauling it every other week or so. Which is a nice amount for minimal effort.

Outside the need of ISK, I am starting to feel a need for kills. It was a bit slow the previous 3 days, we didn’t get many targets, but there were a few good ones in the past week. Which is fun, I’m starting to not hate losing ships. And that’s the whole point of all of this.

Today was a bit funny, our nullsec was close to a miner system, so we went there, saw a bunch of procurers on scan and went out to look for them.

We found a few, killed a few, and went out to the next system.

Now, killing a procurer isn’t that hard in PvP ships, finding them when you already killed a few of them, makes things a bit harder. What made it a fun roam was the fact that when we jumped back in the system, just to see if they would come back. We jumped to ore sites, large, enormous, and as soon as I landed, I noticed two of them on my d-scan, coming closer to me.

Not only, did they just wait a few minutes, they warped right on top of me. And my corps mate who warped to another belt, had the same thing happen to him.

We had that happen twice in the same few systems. Unfortunately they didn’t give us a fight. It’s not like we want to kill miners, we want fights. Good fights.

We were hoping that if we caught one and held it for a few minutes they might come and play. But unfortunately, that didn’t happen.

We did harvest a few tears though.



He obviously didn’t get that we wanted an actual fight. But some people don’t fight, and I get that. It had taken me years before I got into PvP.

I’m doing well, and enjoying my time in the wormhole and the corporation.

Stay tuned o7


Everyone loves explosions

We do, even if you don’t want to be near one in real life, we all love looking at fire. It’s entrancing.

I blew up my first citadel the other day. Well, not just me, we had a fleet of course. But I did not see the explosion coming. I had no idea about it, and it was amazing.

I’ll just let you see for yourself in the few screenshots I made.

I did lose another hound this weekend. I need to stop flying squishy ships, which is why I bought an Omen and a Gila and brought them inside the wormhole. I have a bunch of other ships on my “Get them inside” list but I need to start earning ISK again because I only see my total dropping.

The fact that PLEX prices are way down since last time is not helping at all. I have 11 PLEX parked in Jita that I bought when they were at 1.2b a pop. So that’s currently little over 3b loss just on those. Maybe I should use them to get extractors instead. I heard that they are a nice moneymaker. But that’s for another post.

Enjoy the fire!

Stay tuned o7