Big Succes .. Sort off?

Today was one of those days where I logged in and actually did something different than just sitting in station, looking at my orders and spinning my ships.

I logged in, and did what I’ve been telling myself to do for a while. Go out on a roam. 

Few corporation members were going to go on a BC roam so I decided to join them in a Hurricane I had lying about. Seeing that I am no PvPer at all I had to ask them for a fit for it, once that was done, and after adding a remote repairer I was ready.

It’s been ages since I had to use TeamSpeak so of course that had to update but once I was on it all went fine, my new headset works, everything’s great and I can follow the FC’s commands.
“No! I want to be on top!”

We jumped around a bit, failed to find anything and then came into a system where I saw a Venture on D-scan. As the veterans out there will point out, we did something extremely stupid next.

We split up, and went in search of the Venture, everyone going to a different belt. One of us the top one, other bottom, well you get the picture.

Some might have seen this coming from miles away, I certainly didn’t, and it seemed the rest of the fleet didn’t either. The venture was a trap. Not long after I had warped towards one of the belts I heard the venture was in the top belt and he got pointed. About 1 minute after I heard: “Oh, guys, I think this was a trap” and the fc telling us to quickly jump to top belt. There were about 11 of them waiting for us. Now, all in all we did pretty good, I repaired, I took a few shots, and then I jumped out back out at the command of the FC.

After which I kept thinking: “What do I do?! Am I supposed to go back in, what’s going on?”

Turns out the others got blown up and I was the only one still in my ship. Guess that was because I was late to the party and they didn’t point me as fast as they probably could have.

The roam was not what you would call a success except for the fact that I did go out in low sec in an “expensive” ship. That’s something isn’t it?

After that I went back to the so called market pvp and made a few 0.01 ISKers unhappy. But it’s making my own wallet grow bigger so that makes me happy.

Stay tuned o7

Trading and other things

I started a station trader a few weeks ago. I don’t think I’m very good at it. I think I’m just a bit too lazy to do the research which would be good to sell and what wouldn’t be.

I made him start out with 100m and am currently working with a 1b buy order and 400m in sell orders. He was working in Dodixie but I decided to go to Amarr since it’s a bit closer to where I usually am at with my other characters and I actually haul things between Jita and Amarr every once in a while if the goods I manufacture sell for more there.

While trading I kept thinking who on earth would sit in front of his or her computer all day updating the orders for 0.01 isk. That has got to be the most boring way to spend your game time. Some of the people who do it are probably botters but still.

I like undercutting them with bigger margins though. As long as I make a profit, even if it’s only 5%, I’m a happy camper.

Working as a station trader is helping me get to know the market a bit more, I can see why some goods sell well, others don’t. But I’ve only been working it for a few weeks and have yet to get that ‘Eureka’ moment where I know of a few goods that I can invest in and sell in order to get my billions a month.

But it’s fun, it’s new, it’s .. Well not very exciting but at least I’m doing something new.

Speaking of doing something new. I’ve had a few offers from Wormhole corporations, and one in particular was a bit interesting,  I’m going to try them out, be their so called “Guinea pig” 

Yay, Viator!

A good day to blow things up.

Yesterday was a fun day on EvE. Not only did I receive a few evemails about joining WH corps, I also tried out something new.

Let’s talk about that first. What did I do? Well in a spur of the moment I decided to try and get the last Interbus Custom Office in our system down. I was checking my planets and saw that most offices had already been shutdown except for one. So I asked people in the channel I chat in if they were up to it and after about 20 minutes of me going to Jita in 3 accounts and buying a few “glass cannons” we were ready to start.

Seeing that I didn’t actually know what to use to destroy the POCO and I thought that you might get a suspect flag (can you tell that I haven’t read up on this?) I decided on two hurricanes. Neither of them doing that much damage, one was at 750dps, the other 540dps. The lower DPS one wasn’t able to use T2 turrets so that was why it was a bit lower.
The third account is a newbie 1 month old one that was flying a drake with 150dps.

Suffice to say, what I had was not nearly enough to take it down. Luckily I have people who sort of like me enough to come and help me. 
Hey guys, when did we get shadows?

Seeing that we’re all noobs one way or the other, our DPS total was about 3-4k across 6 characters.

While we were shooting at the Office my Industrial character was slowly making her way to Jita in an Orca to buy a gantry and the necessary upgrade items.

When I got back to our home system we were at about 40% shield left. So I did what any person would do. I let my Orca drones fly out. That’s right, we have an orca on our Interbus kill mail!
I’d have laughed if the Orca had the final blow

It took awhile, but I’m pretty happy with the fact that our corporation is currently the proud owner of a POCO. I have no idea how long it will take but I like it because we did something new, and as a group. It was fun.
Yay, building things!

While all of this was going on I was looking at the wormhole mails I got and talking to one in particular. This guy turned out to be fun to talk to and I was planning on sending my application right after we were done with what we were doing.

Unfortunately, this person’s patience level wasn’t very high. Seeing that I was busy on 4 accounts at the same time I didn’t look at my main’s chat window a lot. After a few minutes he started to tell me that I should quit my corporation immediately and apply to his. I told him I was a bit busy and he kept telling me I should quit and that he’s waiting for my application.

Suffice to say that I reversed my earlier thoughts on him being a nice guy. Which means that I’m still looking out for a corporation to join. My forum post doesn’t seem to be too popular. I guess nobody wants someone with +30m SP but absolutely no idea what he’s doing. 

I will need myself a babysitter in W-space.

Stay tuned o7

Fear of the dark

I did it. I made a ‘Looking for Corporation’ post. The only problem now is, that I haven’t posted it yet.
I can’t decide on whether I want to have my main (this guy) or the alt that I have in RvB in a WH.

Logic dictates that I should do it with my main character. He’s most skilled, almost able to jump into strategic cruisers and in general the character I like playing with the most.

But will this fact not change when I am no longer able to go out without the “fear” to lose a ship.
Because this is what this is all about, I’m afraid of the life beyond High-sec, I never even went anywhere but high sec for longer than a few hours.

Fear of the unknown is something most humans deal with, and I’m dealing with it in a game.
I’m trying to do what most people in high sec are afraid of doing, and that’s taking that step towards the other life. Where danger lurks everywhere. Or at least that’s what us carebears think it does. Maybe I’m exaggerating, maybe I’m not.

But I have to make a decision

What can’t you do?!

When people talk about EvE, you will usually hear about the endless possibilities EvE gives you. Hence the name sandbox, you can do whatever you want, however you want it. Well, within the bounds of the game at least.
You know, in case you’re wondering.

There’s a problem about this though, something that seems to be something that both veterans and noobs have to deal with. With all the options out there for you. How are you ever going to pick what you want to do? How are you even going to be doing them?

A few months ago I had a friend of mine join the game, and he liked it, but he had a problem with the diversity. He had no idea what he wanted to do. He started training something, and every time his queue finished he said just put something new in it and then logged off. 

Because he didn’t feel confident enough that he’d be able to do anything with what he just trained. He didn’t believe the whole “You can still do things with a low amount of SP” that I kept telling him.

Which is why he stopped playing and went back to WoW. Because he felt that in WoW he atleast has the ability to keep up to, and even surpass other people by being better than them.
It’s a shame that he stopped playing because I’d love it if I could get some real life friends to play. But c’est la vie.

I too am trying to get rid of this problem though, what on earth shall I do. Is a question I ask myself everything I log in. One that doesn’t get answered 90% of the time, I make plans, but fail to go through with them.

Right now I’m looking at a hangar with 510 BPC’s in it to invent, and I have no idea which one to start with.
I’m also looking at another word document in which I’m trying to write up a ‘Looking for Corporation’ post for myself. Seeing that I really want to join the wormhole life. Or at least get to know it.

Guess I need to be more decisive in general.

I do it my way

When reading other people’s blogs, especially the industrial ones, I always come across the same kind of things. People calculating everything. From the amount of ISK they will make with the sale of one product, to the cost of the invention, everything gets written down and put into their spreadsheet and used to calculate their total monthly profit.

I, don’t do that. I know that EVE is called spreadsheet online for a reason, and I use spreadsheets, I use them a lot. But I just can’t bother putting every single step of the process in a sheet to see if the things I make actually have a nice profit margin or not. Wether its 5% or 500%, as long as I see my total amount of ISK rise, I’m a happy camper.

Now, is this the wrong or the right way to do it? It’s neither, it’s my way. It’s definately not the best way out there but it keeps me from having to manage every single step of the process and keeping it all written down. I probably make a bit of a loss on some items, but I probably make a nice amount of profit on others.

Note the use of probably there. I have absolutely no idea which one of my items makes me the most money. And that’s where I’m doing it wrong. But I just can’t bother to try and manage everything. I still have over 600 blueprints in my hangar that I need to invent. 600! That’s 600 updates to my laboratories, and everyone working with POSes know that this is not a nice way to spend your time.
What do you mean: “You have to do us one at a time”

I keep hoping on a POS update, but I doubt that it’ll come anytime soon.

The reason why I’m starting about this is because today I will be putting the last of the T2 blueprints that I have in stock in manufacturing lines. I put a small hiatus on invention because I started to hate doing it, I hated logging in to update the lines, invent some more. 

But unfortunately, I’m at that time again where I have to.

This time however! I will try and use decryptors, something I haven’t done before, and I think I will start writing things down more, see how much of a difference that gives me.
Not using decryptors gave me about a 55% chance of getting a T2 BPC, the use of them will (hopefully) up that chance a bit. We’ll see what happens.

I still love my POS, but sometimes, I wish this was all a lot easier, but then everyone would be doing it!

Stay tuned o7

Glorified Chat Box

“EvE sometimes feels as if it’s just a glorified chat box”
That’s a sentence that’s been going through my mind for the past couple of days. It’s something one of my in game friends said, and it got me to think about this. In a sense he’s right about this, seeing that I spend more time talking with people than I do doing things.

Not that that is a bad thing, because I like it, I like talking to the people I know about random things and about life in general, it’s a fun way to pass the time.

I also spend a lot of time talking about the things I would like to do but I never actually do them. Some due to fear of the unknown, others because I have no idea how to start doing it.
I spent countless hours looking at this screen while talking

I did spend a few hours in Low Sec this weekend, but not much came out of that, either I just missed people or I was outgunned.

The one industrial that I came across was already in warp by the time I noticed him. Learning how to D-scan is one of those things on my to do list that I have yet to start with.

I spent a lot of time looking at my market tab the past weekend, I made a bit of a profit, and spend a few bill on materials to manufacture with. So I’m using my ISK for something. But I still have too much liquid ISK that’s not being used to gain more of it.

I think my problem in this lies with the fact that I use it as a counter, the more I have the closer I get to “winning”.

I don’t have much else to say, real life made me have a busier weekend than planned which means that my search for a WH corporation was on pause. I did join a few channels that I was told about in my previous blog, so there’s that. I have yet to speak to the people in it though.

If anyone has any other suggestions about chat channels I can go in to just talk, feel free to leave them here. As I said in the beginning of this post, a glorified chat box isn’t all that bad, I’m having my fun. 

See you when I get there

As some of you may know, there was an event today. As some of you may have heard, it did not work out all that well.

As far as I could tell, CCP dropped the ball on this one, they made everyone go to one of the two systems that were supposed to be the staging areas. Only to then tell everyone to take a whole bunch of jumps further, 23 jumps to be exact.
Don’t worry guys, we’ll get there!

That’s 23 jumps with 20% tidi… It took me exactly 2 hours and 30 minutes to reach the low sec entry point.
I was one jump into null before I lost the Harbinger I put together for this.
Not that it’s such a big deal, I bought and fitted that ship with the idea that I will be losing it as soon as I came into null. The bigger problem was the fact that it took me over 2 hours to get there.

I get tidi, and I get why it’s necessary, but one does wonder; “Why on earth have a live event, just so you can have hundreds of people traveling there, but not actually getting there”

By the time I got to the low sec entry point there was a message from one of the ISD’s telling us that the RMOC facility was cleared. And turns out that the one the Gallente/Minmatar fleet was going to was already successfully defended half an hour before that.
There’s light at the end of the tunnel

I think 50% of the people weren’t even there yet by that time. 

Oh well, it did get me to go to low sec again. Even null for those few precious minutes.
Losing the Harbinger got me a step closer to losing more ships in pvp. This was a bit of a one sided pvp battle, but it’s a step.

The light, it’s so bright

Which brings me to my next point. In the coming days I will be looking out for a wormhole corp.
I have decided that I want to learn more about this, it’s been in my mind for weeks now and I’d really like to learn the ropes. And of course join one.

If only I knew what is expected of you when you join one…

Stay tuned o7

In space, nobody hears you

When I log into the game I usually spend most of my time talking to the few friends I have on there. It’s usually the same 3 people.
When they’re not online, I tend to get bored easily. Which means that I should find an extra few channels to talk in. I sometimes spend time in the E-uni channel but there’s so many people on there that it’s a bit too unpersonal for me.

I like getting to know the people in the game with me. I’m social like that.

I flew my bomber for a few hours last night, didn’t find much to do, did come across a few gatecamps but I was smart enough to leave those alone, I’m not picking a fight when I am 100% sure I can’t win it. If I had a 1% chance of maybe hitting something, I might just get suicidal.

Industry wise everything’s going great, I stopped selling things to buy orders (yay me) and make a few million ISK more per produced good I sell, so I’m happy with that.

My RvB alt hasn’t seen much action the past few weeks. Another thing I should change soon. Unfortunately due to work I tend to come home quite late, so half the time I only log in the do something for half an hour before I crawl into my bed. Here’s hoping that I find more time in the weekends.

Stay tuned! O7