I started a station trader a few weeks ago. I don’t think I’m very good at it. I think I’m just a bit too lazy to do the research which would be good to sell and what wouldn’t be.
I made him start out with 100m and am currently working with a 1b buy order and 400m in sell orders. He was working in Dodixie but I decided to go to Amarr since it’s a bit closer to where I usually am at with my other characters and I actually haul things between Jita and Amarr every once in a while if the goods I manufacture sell for more there.
While trading I kept thinking who on earth would sit in front of his or her computer all day updating the orders for 0.01 isk. That has got to be the most boring way to spend your game time. Some of the people who do it are probably botters but still.
I like undercutting them with bigger margins though. As long as I make a profit, even if it’s only 5%, I’m a happy camper.
Working as a station trader is helping me get to know the market a bit more, I can see why some goods sell well, others don’t. But I’ve only been working it for a few weeks and have yet to get that ‘Eureka’ moment where I know of a few goods that I can invest in and sell in order to get my billions a month.
But it’s fun, it’s new, it’s .. Well not very exciting but at least I’m doing something new.
Speaking of doing something new. I’ve had a few offers from Wormhole corporations, and one in particular was a bit interesting, I’m going to try them out, be their so called “Guinea pig”
Yay, Viator!