The way of life

A while back I told myself that if I ever decided to go check out K-space again, I would join up with Goonswarm. Not because I know much about null sec politics and because I think they’re “cool” and whatnot. But mostly because I thought that if I were to join a group, why not join the group everyone loves to hate.

So when the guys I flew with decided to go back to Stain for a while. I just went ‘Ok, let’s see if I can get into Goons’

At the time of writing this, I have literally been part of the Goonswarm for seven days.

In those seven days I have setup jabber, mumble coms, other authentication stuff like their forums etc etc. And joined in on a few fleets. I had a few problems with the fleets itself but that’s the way of life out here.

I killed a few Rorquals earlier today, so that’s nice. We did a two hour roam with a 100+ man fleet. Which was new for me, not really as exciting as doing the same thing with only 10 to 15 people.

But I did come to the conclusion that I really, really don’t like nullsec.

I hate local with a passion, I hate that they have programs like Vintel or TACO or whatever else that can scrape the chatlog and give you a literal warning sound when a neutral arrives because scouts told you.

I hate that you are literally safe from everything as long as you use those things. It’s just not for me. I like wormhole space and the fact that my home will randomly pop in your home from time to time.

That I can scan around and watch someone without them knowing I’m there.

Kspace is just not for me.

I am currently making a few new plans. I will be setting up in a wormhole once more. But this time I won’t be joining an old one, it’ll be a fully new set up. New citadels etc. New way of living.

This is giving me a new objective. And that’s what you need in this game. Objectives to aim for and succeed in.

I’m sure it’ll work out fine. I have a few things in mind that will happen in the next few weeks.

On a little ISK related notice. I have put a big part of my liquid ISK into PLEX. There have been a few rumors that make me think that we haven’t seen the end of the price inflation yet.

A few weeks ago I had bought a few dozen Machariel hulls, right after the announcement that in the near future alpha clones will be able to use them. Since then their price has gone up by almost 50% so that was fun to watch. I still have about 16 hulls left right now. Once the price starts to drop again I’ll probably sell them. Until then, I’m keeping them around. You never know.

Stay tuned o7


Back to square one

The past month or so was interesting, but alas, our little experiment came to an end.

We were in a wormhole with three different corporations. Living together, fighting together, trying to get things to work together. But due to different mentalities things went a bit sideways.

We didn’t really disagree on anything but we didn’t communicate. And communication is key. Due to this lack of communication people stopped logging in and those that were logging in were not used to being in a wormhole and missed their Kspace.

Which I get, being in wormholes is a lot different than being in null or low. And it’s just not something that everyone can adjust to.

It was fun while it lasted but unfortunately, I’m back on the “streets” again.

Due to this, I will be applying to Goonswarm. Mostly because I want to see what nullsec is like. And what better way than to do nullsec in the group that everyone supposedly hates.

I really like the whole “Grrr Goons” mentality that people seem to have. I personally don’t get it, at all. But I never really bothered reading up on why people think certain ways about the entities in kspace because I literally don’t care.

But when joining a group in there. Why not go for the ones that everyone loves to hate. The one you know will get you things to do. So I’m curious how that will pan out. I still need to be accepted first though.

In slightly different news, I did kill my first super a few days ago. In a little joint op with hole control. They were baiting with carriers, we were waiting on a blops a few out. And someone took the bait.

It was fun, a bit unfortunate that I only got one of the kills but can’t have it all I guess.

Stay tuned o7

Update ahoy!

Crius will be deployed today, the only reason I know this is because I noticed the Facebook update post from EvE Online stating that everyone should make sure that their queue is nice and long. You know, just in case.
“Changes are coming”

What does this update mean for people? For some, nothing at all, seeing as there are people out there who don’t really care, or read up on anything and they just play the game, figuring it out as they go.
Others on the other hand will have their way of working in the game changed completely. Just think about how blueprints now have to be inside of the installations instead of safely in station while you’re copying them, or doing anything else related to them.
I have to admit that I myself don’t really know too much about the coming update myself. This due to the fact that the past few weeks I’ve been busy slowly melting due to heat and the last thing in my mind was sitting in front of my computer reading up on things and testing on the test realm.
I do know however, that my POS production will change completely. In the past weeks, the one thing I did when logging in was copying a lot of BPO’s again. Mostly things that I used to invent in the past but haven’t in over half a year.
I figured that with the coming update, it’d be nice to try and go back to my normal way of manufacturing, so right now I’m sitting on about 400 T2 bpcs waiting to be put in production. (See, I did do something productive!)
I can’t wait to try out the new way POS’ work. I’m also rather curious on whether or not we’ll see more of them popping up. I’ve seen people speculate on the fact that there will be a lot more in high sec because there will be no restrictions to put them up (aka standings).
Good thing that I have about 4 months of fuel stocked up just in case the prices will suddenly rise.
In addition to all of this, depending on how that in station invention/manufacturing will turn out, I might just decide to take down my POS. But that’s something that I will have to look into soon(ish). It all depends on what the numbers will say.
As for none industry related news;
I’m still looking for a Low Sec corporation to join. I haven’t been looking that hard but I’ve got my eyes open. If you know someone, or are someone, who wouldn’t mind having me around spinning my ships and joining whatever it is low sec corps do. Feel free to give me a shout.
Stay tuned o7

What can’t you do?!

When people talk about EvE, you will usually hear about the endless possibilities EvE gives you. Hence the name sandbox, you can do whatever you want, however you want it. Well, within the bounds of the game at least.
You know, in case you’re wondering.

There’s a problem about this though, something that seems to be something that both veterans and noobs have to deal with. With all the options out there for you. How are you ever going to pick what you want to do? How are you even going to be doing them?

A few months ago I had a friend of mine join the game, and he liked it, but he had a problem with the diversity. He had no idea what he wanted to do. He started training something, and every time his queue finished he said just put something new in it and then logged off. 

Because he didn’t feel confident enough that he’d be able to do anything with what he just trained. He didn’t believe the whole “You can still do things with a low amount of SP” that I kept telling him.

Which is why he stopped playing and went back to WoW. Because he felt that in WoW he atleast has the ability to keep up to, and even surpass other people by being better than them.
It’s a shame that he stopped playing because I’d love it if I could get some real life friends to play. But c’est la vie.

I too am trying to get rid of this problem though, what on earth shall I do. Is a question I ask myself everything I log in. One that doesn’t get answered 90% of the time, I make plans, but fail to go through with them.

Right now I’m looking at a hangar with 510 BPC’s in it to invent, and I have no idea which one to start with.
I’m also looking at another word document in which I’m trying to write up a ‘Looking for Corporation’ post for myself. Seeing that I really want to join the wormhole life. Or at least get to know it.

Guess I need to be more decisive in general.