Too many copies

A few months ago I decided that once I was through all my T1 copies I’d try something new in my manufacturing. Turns out I first should have checked my copies before stating this.  With the new way industry works these days copies don’t get destroyed when you try to invent them into their T2…

Update ahoy!

Crius will be deployed today, the only reason I know this is because I noticed the Facebook update post from EvE Online stating that everyone should make sure that their queue is nice and long. You know, just in case. “Changes are coming” What does this update mean for people? For some, nothing at all,…

Four step plan

When people ask me questions, I tend to answer them to my best knowledge.  For some reason I get a lot of questions about industry, I bet it’s because I own a POS and dabble in manufacturing a bit.  I say dabble because as most of you know, I make way too many runs to…