Meet Steve.

Steve is the name of the drifter battleships that can sometimes make wormhole space a bigger pain than it already is. Not only does he put out about 2k DPS, he also neuts like crazy. And that’s the most annoying part of him really. The DPS is something most people are able to handle fairly…

Bad at EVE

I can freely admit that I’m not the best player when it comes to EvE as a whole. I am at best “ok” in PvP, and when I do my trading I am well aware that I’m making stupid decisions from time to time. There are times when I feel like I am better than…

Industry and Bombers

I’m getting better at scanning down the wormholes that connect our little hole to the rest of space. Which is nice, seeing as I used to hate scanning mainly because of how bad I was at it during the tutorial missions. Which is really the one and only reason why I never decided to try…

Other pastures

Last week, a friend I made in EvE told me that I should join the corporation he had joined. He’s been talking about it for a few weeks now ever since he moved into Wormhole space and he said that I should try it too. Seeing that it might give me an opportunity to come…

How do you EvE?

I’ve seen these going around the EvE blogosphere and on Reddit the past week or so, and I figured I’ll join in. Don’t mind the mess So this is how I EvE. My current setup is two screens, on the one screen I usually have all of my clients running, and I just switch between…