Updates and rocks

The other day I logged on to do my PI in the hole only to come to the conclusion that I couldn’t undock my Epithal. Turns out I was not allowed to have 3 warp stabs in it.

Now, I tend to live under a rock when it comes to eve online updates. I don’t really look at them unless people point them out to me, and it has been ages since I had been on /r/eve.

Turns out that if I had actually looked at things, I would have known what was going on.
As most of you know there have been a few changes to both nullified ships and stabs and such. These are no longer passive things but need to be activated.

I personally am not sure if I like the change. Am I affected by it? Not much I guess, I usually use an interceptor for travel but that is about it. The stabs on my Epithal are there just in case anyone does catch me in the odd hours I do PI and even if they do it is not like they will be getting much out of it.

However I do know that this is a HUGE change, and not really for the better. At least not for those that PvP. I have heard that null sec ratters love it though. And I can’t really blame them.

With the active module you are not as quick as you used to be, you can still go gate to gate but if you’re out hunting, time is of the essence. The fact that you now have a timer that may or may not fuck up your next system you’re going through. That just makes it even easier for the ratters you are trying to catch.
And some of those are quick as they are, especially with local automated alerts and such.

I hope that CCP and I guess Pearl Abyss know what they’re doing because this has annoyed a huge part of the player base.
Although with how fast this was put out there, I feel like they may have dropped the ball on this.
Time will tell.

For now I have changed my scanning Tengu and gave him an active nullifier. It’s not like I am using it much since I am still abroad.

We caught this pretty thing last week

Stay tuned o7


Bad at EVE

I can freely admit that I’m not the best player when it comes to EvE as a whole. I am at best “ok” in PvP, and when I do my trading I am well aware that I’m making stupid decisions from time to time.

There are times when I feel like I am better than some of the people I come across in the game. And times when I feel like the biggest noob out there. I’m sure that a lot of people have that same issue when they’re trying out something new.

This game can make you laugh and make you want to strangle whoever fucked something up in your fleet as you throw your headset down in frustration because it was once more the same person doing that to you.

That’s what’s so great about this game. I used to play other MMO’s, I still play World of Warcraft occasionally, and I have never felt the same string of emotions in any of them like I do in EVE.

And that’s because what you do in this game matters. Whether you’re the first tackle on a titan, or the person stocking a market (or crashing it) whatever you do, will have an effect on tens, if not hundreds of other players.
This is not something that happens in many other games. In general when playing another MMO it doesn’t really matter whether you’re there or not. They might care personally, but the game itself doesn’t get better or worse without you there.


I need to get myself a Naglfar

I need to get myself a Naglfar

The past few weeks has been spent trying to help some fellow wormholers defend their home against HardKnocks, scanning for new places to hunt in, doing some PvP both market PvP and otherwise. And trying to make ISK.

We failed saving them, but I have a few nice screenshots

We failed saving them, but I have a few nice screenshots

A few days ago while scanning I was in a C2, there were a lot of signatures to scan down and I saw an Astero pop up on d-scan every few minutes. I didn’t really bother myself with him, figuring that he was going through all the wormholes, I was in an Astero myself so he was spending is time not much unlike I was spending mine.

I had one more sig to scan, a relic site, when it disappeared from my overview. This Astero was hacking relics. That was my cue to try and kill him at last, I already had everything bookmarked and it was time for some other kind of content. I warped to a relic at range, lo and behold, only half a minute after getting there the guy popped up on grid. Now, keep in mind, I had been scanning this wormhole for the past 10 minutes, he must have seen my probes. But I guess he thought he was safe, going to the cans slowly. I was on coms with two of my corpmates and asked them if they could bring in fast tackle. I had a scram on my astero but no point. So they brought sabres. I made them hold on the wormhole into the C2 while I figured out the best spot for them to warp to.

Turns out there was a small asteroid I could bookmark right next to one of the last three cans he’d go to. So I did. After having them jump the hole and hold cloak I told them to wait, right up until the guy started hacking the can. As soon as that happened I had them warp to the bookmark I had just made.

A minute and one dead Astero later I could go on my merry way into finding a highsec in our little chain.

Despite this being a fairly standard procedure, it still gave me the so called “PvP-shakes” not because I would die or anything, but because I didn’t want this guy to figure out I was stalking him. To suddenly warp off and leave us with no kill.

I have literally never had any of those feelings in another game. When you PvP in EVE, there’s a kind of adrenaline rush, whether you win or lose, there’s always the thrill of the hunt.

Stay tuned o7