So much to do, so little time

As per usual, I have been “busier” than I thought I would be doing other things (gaming, lots and lots of gaming).
I have been meaning to write more often but unfortunately, didn’t.

My fault, so, hello there.

There’s been a few things going on in EvE, on one hand you have the new event that’s Dr. Who inspired, and on the other you have all the people complaining about it. That’s about all I know since I am staying away from reddit a bit. At least the eve one.

Every single time I go on /r/eve I regret it, mostly because everyone is so damn negative.

Sure, they’re not wrong about the fact that whomever is at the top is currently making very, very dumb decision (Ratati?).
But instead of being an echo chamber of negativity, at least try to spread some joy too.

What I was meaning to write about a week and a half ago is about me being a dumbass. Not necessarily out of stupidity, but more being a bit too cocky in what I was trying.

The new event started, I had a nice little Astero, and I was going to do some scanning.

There was a nice connection to our wormhole and a few relic sites around so I decided to hit them up. The high-sec static was nice little extra, because this meant that maybe, just maybe someone would come in with a purely hacking ship and land on me.

And lo and behold, a little heron popped up. Now my train of thought was “Oe a Heron, that’s going to be an easy kill”

I was wrong, very very wrong. Turns out that I was actually scanning around in EVE University’s home hole and I had no idea. Not only that but instead of looking up the name of the heron pilot, I was just “eh easy target”

This little Heron had a bite and I lost an Astero. It was fun though, and I learned a lesson. The first one being that I shouldn’t judge a Heron for it’s cover, and the second that my Astero was not tanky enough at all. If I had better repair modules on it there would not have been any issue at all. But hey, live and learn. Afterwards had a nice chat with the pilot and I asked for his fit, mostly because I wanted to know where the bite came from, this so I could have it happen less in the near future.

Two days before this we had a fleet going on, I am trying my best to join every single one that we do since I do want to play the game more often. We were messing around in null with Horde a bit, trying to get them to undock more ships. Which they did, but hey, I survived, so that’s nice!

Escaping intact is always great

Stories like this is what makes EVE great, the sandbox in it all. Yes, the scarcity is bullshit, yes there’s less pilots in space and that’s a shame. But those who are still out there are still making stories. Less so than before but they’re still there.

And they’re more than willing to bring out the big guns

So how about instead of complaining on reddit about the lack of pilots, you start undocking? Who knows, you might actually have fun.

Stay tuned o7