Training queue fail

The problem with not having to check my training queue as often as I had to in the past. What with us being able to put training for up to 10 years in there. Is that you can forget about a few characters and their training.
I logged into my stealth bomber the other day and turns out she hasn’t been training anything for the past 5 days. Woe is me!
But this is a good lesson for me. I should update my queues again, make sure to get them a good training plan and stick with it.
My stealth bomber is currently grabbing mastery IV in stealth bombers and learning how to fly a Tengu. 
It’s not like I’m actually going to use a Tengu but it’s nice to have that option.
As for E’dyn, I’m not sure yet, he’s currently training his scanning skills because as you know from previous posts, I’m not that good at it. But I have no idea what to do with him next. 
Always wanted to fly a Nyx though, maybe I should work towards that.

Queue up

The problem about having multiple characters across multiple accounts is that after a while, you forget where you were going with them, and have no idea what to train.

I currently have 4 characters I use on a regular basis, two of them are for manufacturing and two are combat. One of which is in Thera in a stealth bomber just because, and she’s been training for mastery of them for months. My other, is me, or my avatar. I train around in multiple combat ships so that I can be of use anywhere.

My problem now is that I have no idea what I should train my indy character for. I’m interested in capital production but will probably never get there and other than that I just create the same things, over and over again, she’s been maxed in that kind of production and invention so right now I’m wondering “What’s next”.

The fact that I’m wondering about it also means that maybe I don’t need a third account, and I should just ship her over to the other account with the stealth bomber and my other manufacturer. It’ll probably save me a few bucks a month, it’ll just cost me plex. Something I dislike to spend. Or 20 bucks.

I have 10 hours left to decide.

And in other news, I found a new wormhole corporation, I talked to them a bit and decided that they seemed like a fun bunch, as of the day before yesterday E’dyn is floating around in a wormhole again.

I spent my first few hours in it exploring again, going through a few holes, and scanning down a few others. The reaction time of my new corps mates is amazing. I scanned down a LS hole and when I jumped through it there was an Omen on the other side, I told them and a few seconds after we had 5 people around the hole. Too bad the omen jumped off, it would have been pretty awesome to have a kill in my first few hours.

But I’m sure other opportunities will arise. There’s plenty of time for that.
I just need to start moving more ships inside

Stay tuned o7

Time vs Reward

Everything in EvE is time related, you need time to earn ISK, time to get your skills higher, it takes time to do missions, scanning, whatever floats your boat.

And what do we get in return? A reward, wether it’s the ISK or finally being able to fly that sweet sweet battleship you’ve been pining for.

I started thinking about this when figuring out what to write, I had a nice little post ready for you all, stating the reasons why I haven’t actually written much the past week. And all of that, is due to time, or the lack of it.

Some people are on EvE for hours on end, but in the end they only spinned their ship while talking to their friends. Is that rewarding? Well I hope that they find it rewarding.
I hate not being able to log in as long as I want, since I started working again my free time has been dwindling down to only a few hours a week. Which is normal, you have to earn money.

But I feel guilty when I don’t spend enough time on EvE, seeing that it’s an MMO and I’m still not smart enough to have my accounts pay for themselves. Plural, I have four accounts, two of which are combat oriented, of which one is in RvB. And two that are industry oriented. One of those wasn’t even supposed to be subbed anymore since I was only training a character for 50 days on it but I forgot to get in npc corp on time so I just subbed him another month.

Back to the topic at hand though, the time I spend in EvE these days is far less rewarding for me than it should be. Which is due to the fact that my measurement of it being rewarding is way off.
When I see my wallet rise, I think of my time as being spent in a good way. And I’m sure that a lot of people think like that.

But I should stop thinking like that, I should go out and destroy other ships, let my wallet drop because I needed to buy more ships to destroy. Unfortunately, that’s something I can’t do. So I log in, update my lab queues, planets, etc. And I log back out because it’s time for me to get some sleep for the next day of work.
I can’t wait until I get to the point where I finally have to do as less as 1 hour a week to earn the big amounts of ISK. But unfortunately I don’t see that happening any time soon, partly because I suck at trading, and partly because of my lack of time to research things. And when I do get to research, I seem to suck at that too!

I did make 600m this month, so I guess that’s better than nothing at all.

Here’s to hoping.

Now here’s something for you to think about;
What does reward mean for you in the game vs the time you spent on it. And, as a bonus.
When you only have half an hour or an hour to spend, what do you do? What does it do to you that you can’t get the most out of the game?

Pew Pew

Stay tuned o7

Taking it down a notch

A few days ago I decided to take my invention running down a few notches. The past few weeks I’ve been inventing non-stop. Every time the 10 jobs I could run were completed, I started another batch. Which means that right now I’m sitting on a whole bunch of T2 bpc’s.

I decided that it was time to finish manufacturing all of them and calculated that this will take me two or three weeks. In that time I will not be inventing as much as I’m used to, but still try and make sure to upgrade my research jobs.

Instead of putting multiple manufacturing jobs a day, I went to a few two day jobs. This is because of the fact that due to my new work I have a lot less online time than I had the past few months, couple that with the missus and you get the picture.

What does this all mean in general? Well, easy, that I haven’t been able to play as much as I would like to, but, I have been planning. But a plan only goes as far as first contact.

As most of us know, once we try to put the plan in action, other things come around the corner to screw with you.

I use EvEMon, I bet a lot of us do, and I have a plan on there for my industrial character. The only problem right now is, I have forgotten why all of those skills are in the plan. I know what they do, and why they would be good to have, but I just haven’t got a clue why I put them on that character. What was I going for you ask? Well it seems like I was skilling up on exploration skills.

But I can’t for the life of me know why… This character has zero, absolutely zero combat skills, so in order to do sites and not get her ass kicked too hard, I’d need to train in at least a few offensive ones…Right? Or am I wrong? I know absolutely nothing about exploration, the only exploring I’ve done is once with a friend of mine (who did most of the work I just came in to clean it up) and during the tutorials.

I guess that’s why I wanted to train it.. Juicy, juicy loot
My own little space bubble
Stay tuned o7

Oh no, the queue!

I started a new job today, so I have a lot less online time than I did in the past couple of weeks. Which means that I won’t be able to update my inventions as much as I’d like to. Unless of course I sneak into the game on my work laptop but, I’m not going to do that just yet.

The one thing I did forget to do yesterday was to update my skill queue, and while I was at work I couldn’t help but think of something that I had forgotten, but I just couldn’t think of what it was. Until I got back home after going to the gym first.. I had forgotten to update the skill queue of my RvB character. The horror!

I had to rush upstairs, turn on my computer and quickly update, I’m sure some of you know what this is like, not having your queue running feels a lot like having wasted the precious, precious time to skill up. Luckily I only missed about an hour, so it wasn’t that bad. But it’s been a while since a game basically compelled me to log in just to update something.

I wonder if the people who do station trades have a thought process like that too. I wonder if they think about logging in to update their orders, or if they just don’t really care much if they miss it a few hours, or even days.

I’ve been looking into the markets a bit to maybe do some station trading, too bad that I can’t decide on what product I might go for. I could go to a mission hub and do it with ammo, but what use would that be when I’m also supplying the ammo there. 

Not that that’s what I’m making, no sir, not at all

There are still so many things I want to try out, and there’s so little time. I’d love to try my hand at wormholes, but maybe I should try out exploration in general first… Yeah, I’ll do that, wormholes are probably way out of my league.
I found something! Too bad it wasn’t worth the time finding it

Stay tuned o7

ps:  I just noticed that Merchant Monarchy put up a post about my blog. People are actually reading what I’m writing, yay! Thanks!