Skill queue fun!

It’s been a week now since I started the new character. This character was created with two goals in mind. Having a third character to fly a Rattlesnake with for when I finally decide to do C5 sites. And flying a Dread.

In order to make it a little easier on myself I bought 10 skill injectors and injected them in the character. Giving him 5 million unallocated skill points. I have only used part of them right now to get his cybernetics to lvl 4. This so I could put +4’s in him. I am still unsure if getting +5’s would be worth the cost. Seeing that they cost about 80-90m more per implant than a +4, so for now I’m leaving it at that.

I did the new opportunities on this character and also did two of the advanced career agents. Namely the military and advanced military one. I actually liked it. But I used to run level 4 missions all the time so I guess this is partly nostalgia for me. After finishing them he was brought in Jita, due to my general laziness I tend to buy everything I need in Jita.

Having an actual plan for my skills on one of my character is fun. I don’t really do much planning, both my other combat alts and my indy alt have no plan. I randomly put skills in their queue and hope they’ll be useful in the future. E’dyn is currently training JDC V aftering having finally finishing logistic cruisers V. Unfortunately Jump Drive Calibration is a skill that takes about 40 days to get it from IV to V. So this will take a while.

With the skill plan I have for the new character his first goal is to fly a rattlesnake asap with the fit I use. In theory this will finishing in about 30 days. After that he will start training into a Naglfar. It’s not that I have a Naglfar right now, or have an actual plan to put one somewhere, it’s just nice to have the option. Due to living in a C2 the only way to fly one in the wormhole is to build one in it. Which I might do eventually, we’ll see.

My other alt is also training a few more skills for the Rattlesnake, after that I had Astrometric Rangefinding and other scanning skills ready in her queue. I might decide on changing that. She’s my go to scanner for the chain but I’m not sure if it’s that much better to have those skills at lvl V.

I’ll need to check that out.

Stay tuned o7


Death by glorious explosions.. Or not?

A few weeks ago it was decided that on the second of September we would be doing a capital roam through null sec. The idea was to fly around until we get a fight.

So that day was yesterday and I’m a bit disappointed. Once more null sec did not deliver what I expected it would. This time I expected it to deliver a quick and sudden death. But unfortunately this was not the case.

We had a fleet of around 30 people. Of which 20ish were in subcaps, 3 cynos and 7 dreads.

We figured that if we went gate to gate, we’d have at least someone who would light a cyno on our ass and give us a fight. We were wrong, dead wrong.

We went to the TEST staging system, talked in local, showed our caps and all they did was tell us that we probably had PL waiting somewhere to jump in as soon as TEST fought.

A strange reasoning but ok. All in all the fleet was pretty boring. Where’s the fun in going out with capitals if everyone stays docked up.

Now, TEST did use Delve as an excuse, since supposedly they’re deployed there. I guess that’s possible, I wouldn’t know really, I don’t care for null sec politics and have no idea what goes on where. The joy/curse? Of living in wormhole space.

At least I got a few nice screenshots out of it. If I didn’t screw it up you should be able to see them in a gallery below.

I also started a third account again the other day. I want to fly a capital. My dream ship is a Nyxx but I can’t afford that. On second place capital wise I would put a Naglfar. Due to the fact that I am already training my main into so many things, I decided that it would probably be easier to have a new toon just for that.

And thus E’dynn was born. Basically number two. I will be training him towards Naglfar, and also as a rattlesnake pilot. This way when clearing sites in the C5 I will have 3 rattlers I can count on. Making the site clearing so much faster. It will take a bit of training, but I’ve got time. At least with this character I actually have a plan.

If there’s one thing I suck at it’s making skill plans and sticking to them. I’m currently training E’dyn for JDC V but I have no idea what I’ll do next with him. Feel free to drop me a few hints on what might be usefull 😉

Enjoy o7


Waiting for the Queue

Every time I log onto my one other combat character, I check her queue. I do this because I decided to train her into a T3 just in case I wanted to get her into a wormhole again. Last time I played with a friend in a WH it was awesome to have two characters, one on each screen, helping out myself and my friend. The two of us had four in total.
I’m actually in a wormhole now, as I stated before, but unfortunately I haven’t really done anything other than the first day that I joined. I blame myself, EvE is a game where you need to create the content and not wait for content to come your way. 
What with me playing other games too, I just didn’t feel like spending time in EvE. This also is reflected with me not stating here much. (Blame ARK, riding dino’s is just so damn awesome)
Still, the fact that I’m not logging in every day, and that I’m not writing as much as I used to or as I should, doesn’t mean I’m not doing things for the game.
A friend of mine has started again since now that he’s back from holidays and no longer has any exams he has some time again, so I might just be logging in more often again if he does. The game is always more fun to play when you have people you know playing it. And I’m not much of a TeamSpeak person to start getting to know my alliance members. Which is another shame on me I guess. 
Usually when I log on TeamSpeak it’s on my own server to talk with one of my good friends when we play a game of League of Legends or do some GTA: Online together, nothing more nothing less.
For bombers bar I just log in to hear what’s going on and what’s expected but almost never do any small talk, it’s just not how I am.
Anyhow, I’m not dead! Just, waiting for the queue.

Skill queue online?

Starting tomorrow, you will no longer have to log in.
Or at least not on your alts that you’re training. As most know by now, tomorrow is the Phoebe release, and it’s bringing something in the game that nobody really saw coming. Or at least I didn’t. 
The 24 hour queue will disappear, you will no longer have to check up on your queue to check whether or not it’s still running or if you forgot. Starting tomorrow, you can put your whole skill plan from EvEmon in there. 
Which is a good thing, or at least it is if, like me, you have a few characters just skilling up for certain parts but you’re not doing anything else with them. With this new feature I won’t have to remember to check up on them, I’ll have hundreds of days on training already put up on them. Yay!
The one thing that might be bad about all this is the fact that not only people with alts will have no reason to log in. I myself have been there before, logging in just to update my skill queue, but when doing that I did start to talk to people and do things with them from time to time. If you don’t need to log in anymore because you have years of training ready, you won’t have any reason to start talking anymore and you might just not log on anymore. 
But I guess CCP saw more positive points on all this than the negative ones.
I have to admit that other than that I don’t know much more about the Phoebe release, I saw the invention changes but turns out they decided to wait with those for the next one. We’ll see.
As for what I’m doing in game right now, it’s pretty boring. I sold my POS parts, I moved to another system on one of my characters, I’m putting lots and lots of blueprints in my invention slots and I’m about to start FW on another character.
Pretty curious to see how that will turn out. It’s about time I tried it, who knows, I might just like it. 
Stay tuned o7

Radio silence, done, hopefully

I’ve had a busy week behind me. Haven’t been able to do much on EvE. My employer sent me on a Microsoft training (Hyper-V and System Center Virtual Machine Manager) and I’ve spent most of my free time playing around in my own server environment.

Next to that I decided to drastically change my complete home experience by going from Windows 7 to Windows 8. And I did that by formatting my computer, I made back-ups of my important files but everything else went *poof*.

Most of my Friday night was spent trying to figure out how Windows 8 works and downloading the EvE Client again. I also needed to reinstall EvEmon and after doing that I smacked myself in the head for not saving my plans. Good thing I wasn’t following them anyhow.

I’m sure this is something more people do, you create a whole plan in EvEmon for you to follow, you think along the lines of: “This is the path I’m going to go on” and then once it’s time to finally update your queue.. You don’t do it, you just put something else in there, making sure that all the time you spent figuring out the best way to train, was futile.

Or I could be the only one. My training is nowhere near as efficient as it could be, I don’t have my attributes set right, and I definitely don’t have a 1 year plan to use said attributes with. I should do it but the main problem I have is that I have absolutely no idea what I want my characters to train. I just swing it and do something I might enjoy.

For example; because I have no idea what to train on my industry alt, I am currently training her to be able to fly an Ishtar, which would take about 38 days before she can even get in one. She has absolutely no combat skills whatsoever and I just decided to start her on that path. Is it smart? Probably not. Do I know what I could do with her instead? Nope.

Today I’m going to be updating my manufacturing queues and buying some things I need to do that. I’ve already spent the last hour putting up sell orders, turns out I forgot to do that too *woops*.
Next to that, it’s a very sunny day, so I’m going to be taking my motorcycle out for a spin, and spend an hour or so afterwards to clean that beast.

The evening will be spent on a roam, I can finally fly interceptors so it’ll be fun to be finally able to keep up with the guys and not be caught in a bubble.

Fun times will be had. Or at least I hope so.

Stay tuned o7

A newbie’s experience

Please note; I have tried to make this blog somewhat comprehensive but when rereading it  I noticed that it seems like I go from one point to the next without finishing the previous. Let’s just blame this on me being sick and my medication, shall we? Good

The past week I’ve seen a lot of people try out EvE again. Friends of mine, people on forums I’m a member of.

And most of them have absolutely no idea what’s going on. It made me wonder, is this because of the fact that the tutorials aren’t that good. Or is it because in this day and age, people don’t actually read the instructions anymore.
“Do I have to?”

The last time I’ve done the tutorials was over a year ago, I made a new character and decided to kill some time doing them. I can’t remember them being too hard to understand. But are they actually good enough to let someone understand what EvE is all about. Because in the end, the only thing that they do, is show you how to manufacture, how to start a mission and how to mine.

They’re great because you get a bunch of skills and starter ships for your adventure, but then you just get cast into the deep end, with no lifejacket and a basic idea of how swimming is supposed to work.
Which is why about 2 out of 3 people (might be more, this is just a random number I am making up so don’t use this against me) stop playing once they did the tutorials.

Good thing there are people out there that enjoy helping others out, showing them the way and answering questions. When someone asks me something about industry or whatever I do in the game, I try to answer the question in a comprehensible way. I fail from time to time but I’ve had people tell me that they understand the game better because of what I’m telling them. (Do not that I never state that what I tell them is actually the correct thing, I am in fact, a noob)

“Oh, pretty lights”

It’s a shame though that so many stop playing because they don’t know what to do. Or because they’re waiting for that certain skill to finish training so that they can go out and have fun. Which is mostly the point where I tell them that they can have an equal amount of fun in a frigate as in a battleship. More so in fact due to the frigate being a lot quicker.

The problem for our newbros is the fact that they have no idea what they can do. I explain them what I do in the game and tell them that I can help them if they want to go that certain route. But there are so many options to go to, that it can be a bit too much.

Places like E-Uni are nice, but what happens when a newbie doesn’t want to be part of such a big corporation, what happens when he wants to do null but has no idea what the consequences of these things are?

I remember starting EvE without a clue what I could do, I was training everything, because the tutorials never did explain to me that sooner or later, I will regret spending time in training a skill that I will not use.
Makes you wonder though, how can you make sure, that people don’t stop playing. You help them, but where is the line for helping them. You don’t want this to be too easy a game, but you still want more people joining you in your game.

So tell me; how do you do it? 

As if you know what you’re doing

I have spent most of my evening jumping around different systems on my ex-RvB alt, trying to get all of its assets in the same spot. Let’s just say that it’s taken me quite some time and I’m even close to being finished.
I don’t like a mess in my assets window, on most of my accounts they are spread in about 4 or 5 systems. On that one alt, the assets are spread in 16 systems. Hence the clean up.

I’ve been able to just trash some things, Noob ships that were docked somewhere because I once went into the station without a pod.. Ores that were so low in number that using my time to bother with them would actually make me lose ISK.

Most of the spread right now is between Jita and one of its previous bases of operations near Amarr, seeing that this character used to run L4’s, in a time that I can no longer remember.

While “playing” I was checking EvEMon a bit and I couldn’t help but notice that I don’t have any skill plans, for any of my characters. I create one, and then I just ignore it and just wing it, deciding on the fly what to update the queue with.

I really should stop doing this, not only is it inefficient, it’s also not really helping me into knowing what my characters can and can’t do.

As the readers of my blog know, I flew a Dominix a while back. Which is a great example of me not knowing what I can do. Because when I was first asked if I could, I said no, until I was linked the fit and I noticed that I can actually use sentries, and that I can get into a Dominix. Now, that second part is just plain stupidity on my end because I fly a Machariel and have Gallente Battleship on V so I should have actually known better, but that’s beside the point.

The point is that I have absolutely no idea what to do with my two combat characters and my industrial character. I don’t know what to train and I just pick skills at random that look good. 
Or I start working on the mastery and then just stop doing it altogether because I noticed another one that I liked better.

I didn’t actually resolve to do anything special this year. But if I’m going to, maybe I should just start with making a skill queue and decide on a path to take.

Stay tuned o7