I’ve had a busy week behind me. Haven’t been able to do much on EvE. My employer sent me on a Microsoft training (Hyper-V and System Center Virtual Machine Manager) and I’ve spent most of my free time playing around in my own server environment.
Next to that I decided to drastically change my complete home experience by going from Windows 7 to Windows 8. And I did that by formatting my computer, I made back-ups of my important files but everything else went *poof*.
Most of my Friday night was spent trying to figure out how Windows 8 works and downloading the EvE Client again. I also needed to reinstall EvEmon and after doing that I smacked myself in the head for not saving my plans. Good thing I wasn’t following them anyhow.
I’m sure this is something more people do, you create a whole plan in EvEmon for you to follow, you think along the lines of: “This is the path I’m going to go on” and then once it’s time to finally update your queue.. You don’t do it, you just put something else in there, making sure that all the time you spent figuring out the best way to train, was futile.
Or I could be the only one. My training is nowhere near as efficient as it could be, I don’t have my attributes set right, and I definitely don’t have a 1 year plan to use said attributes with. I should do it but the main problem I have is that I have absolutely no idea what I want my characters to train. I just swing it and do something I might enjoy.
For example; because I have no idea what to train on my industry alt, I am currently training her to be able to fly an Ishtar, which would take about 38 days before she can even get in one. She has absolutely no combat skills whatsoever and I just decided to start her on that path. Is it smart? Probably not. Do I know what I could do with her instead? Nope.
Today I’m going to be updating my manufacturing queues and buying some things I need to do that. I’ve already spent the last hour putting up sell orders, turns out I forgot to do that too *woops*.
Next to that, it’s a very sunny day, so I’m going to be taking my motorcycle out for a spin, and spend an hour or so afterwards to clean that beast.
The evening will be spent on a roam, I can finally fly interceptors so it’ll be fun to be finally able to keep up with the guys and not be caught in a bubble.
Fun times will be had. Or at least I hope so.
Stay tuned o7