Round two, start.. Preparing

Little over a year ago, me and a friend of mine tried to settle in a C4 wormhole. We failed, but it was fun.

In the past few days we got to talking again. He had joined a C5 corporation but still felt the itch to settle in a lower class one. Which brings us to yours truly.

I’m enjoying myself in the Null sec corporation I’m in, however, I have other alts. Alts without a purpose, they are just sitting in shiny ships in Jita or Amarr or whatever other system I logged them out in last.

Which brings us to another little plan that has been forming up and coming to closure. We’re going to try out another wormhole adventure. But this time! We won’t be going into a C4, no we’ll be settling in either a C3 or a C2. Since that’s a bit easier to run sites in solo without having to scan more exits, pay a LOT more attention etc. etc.

We’re currently busy scanning down holes, checking if there’s any activity in them, checking out the planets etc. etc.

Once we find a hole to live in, the move will start. I’m looking forward to starting another adventure in w-space. I have tried before, I have failed, but it was a lot of fun and that’s what matters. And if we can make some more ISK in the process, well, that’s even better isn’t it.

While doing all this I’m also training up an alt as a jump freighter pilot. This was done with the idea that it would make things easier for me to start a little Null sec trading hub in my new home system.

This freighter pilot will also be used as a bit of a service for the wormhole, so two birds, one stone kind of thing.

I just need to learn how it works, but I’ve got Singularity for that, once the skills are trained at least.

Now to figure out if I want to keep producing T2 stuff or if I’m going to be giving up on that. The profit on some of the stuff I made has literally dropped 80% in the past few months, on some things even going as far that the price to sell it, is the same price as the resource cost. Something I’m used to when talking about ships but never about components.

We’ll see what happens, the good thing is, I still have a few other sources of income and I just keep expanding my little empire.

Stay tuned o7

Taking it down

I finally did it. After talking about it for weeks and thinking it all through, I finally took down my PoS.
When I first bought the POS from a friend it was mainly because of the way industry worked back then. In high sec there were almost no lines that were useable as an inventor/manufacturer other than those in backwater places too far from the market hubs.
At the time I had no idea what a POS was except for a way to do the things I wanted to learn how to do. 
Jump forward to the update that changed that. Suddenly you could use stations again, the whole industry bit changed, I no longer had to click hundreds of times in order to update my factory lines, and stations were a viable way to work once more. Having a POS still gave you slightly more options in the manufacturing/invention speed. But still, was upholding said POS and fueling it worth the slight speed upgrade? 
In my case, it wasn’t, or at least not anymore. Due to RL taking a lot of my time and EvE slightly being on the background I couldn’t continue the way I was. Spending 500m a month on fuel while I only used my lines once per day or less. I didn’t make as much as I used to due to my lack of time and I was basically barely making break even, all of this due to the cost of fuel. 
So I did the logical step, I took the POS offline and brought in all the modules, figuring that I wouldn’t be needing them anymore. If in the future I decide to set up a POS again it won’t be where I’m currently at anyhow. I would just move.
Taking down the POS took a lot longer than setting it up. Which was annoying, not only do you have to unanchor every single structure one at a time, you have to go scoop them to your cargo hold. And as you all know, you need to be rather close in order to start scooping.
This was done with a lot of warping out and in at the bookmarks I made for the modules. Seeing that when you’re flying an industrial to tear down your POS, speed is not part of your vocabulary. 
After I was done (or so I thought) I took the tower offline, which was one of my many mistakes, seeing that I still had two batteries hanging around the tower, and in order to unanchor them the tower needed to be online. It took me over an hour to have it come back online, unanchor the batteries and then take down the whole tower again. Shooting it all down would have been faster, a lot faster. But that’s hindsight for you.
So now I’m towerless and using the station to do my thing. I have no idea what the future will bring for my industrialist, but I know it won’t entail fueling that tower each month. Yay! 

PvP, Bombing and then some

Sunday was a better day for me than Saturday. There was a call for bombers and after dusting off my Nemesis I joined the fleet. After waiting for a while we had about 25 bombers ready to go, all of us with scorch bombs.
Okay, let’s do this!”

We got bridged about 62 jumps from our starting point, in order to get perched around a POS. I couldn’t help but tip my hat towards the FC for making two perches for each squad. Each perch giving another angle of attack.
“Sitting here, waiting, anticipating”

According to intel there was a fleet was going to come into the system soon..Ish.. So we waited for their cyno to light up, ready to shower them with fire, just to show our appreciation.

It took a while but they eventually got there, which meant that the party could start for us. We did a warp bombing run. Something I have never done before (but hey that’s not saying much). 
What this means is that we aligned to the target, and then we got a squad warp about 30km off, when landing you de-cloak and drop your bomb, after which you get the hell out of there.
It was fun, on the first run I killed an Eos and got a few extra kills on my board. But the second run they were prepared. A Sabre bubbled up and silly me had an afterburner instead of MWD, so I got killed rather quickly.

But it was enjoyable and that’s what mattered. We all brought bombs for 4 runs, so 2 more to go. I saw a few other kills and some of the other bombers dying.
But in the end, operation success.
“I hope I survive this!”
I warped to one of the stations and then noticed a few other ships for sale in another one of the stations. I should have known better than to warp there, but I didn’t.

So I lost a capsule and an Impairor, no big deal, it was an instant ride home and I could grab some coffee while figuring out what to do next.

What I was going to do next involved going to Jita on my industry and buying a few implants.
I have a bunch of jump clones around, but wasn’t using any of them. I was flying in an empty clone because I live in Null. And getting podded is just a silly way to lose ISK.

So I bought +4’s, jumped into another empty clone and am currently parked in that one. I’ll be jumping back and forth from that one on days when I go out in Null. That’s mostly on the weekend so I can jump to him on a Friday and jump back on Sunday.

My other implant clones were sporting +3’s but that 1 extra gives a little more oomph.
Implants are handy to get a little bit of extra training done, so I’m going to use that. Should have thought about that 2 months ago.

Stay tuned o7