
End of chapter one

On Saturday we decided to leave the wormhole that we moved to a few weeks ago. This due to multiple reasons, the one that made the decision the easiest was the fact that it was turning into a huge ISK-sink. And only two people trying to make it work, isn’t easy in a C4.

The decision was made after I lost a Raven while rolling one of the statics. I didn’t mind the loss, not at all, it was beautiful and I didn’t see it coming at all.
We were rolling another C4, which at the time seemed inactive, nobody around and we figured it was safe enough to take out our Ravens to roll the hole. What happens is that you use the mass to get the hole to critical mass and after a certain amount of jumps through it, it should pop behind you.
“Bubble up!”
Cue the first jump, it went perfectly, we go in the other C4, MWD’s on (this is to increase our mass) and then go back out. Now once you jump through and back in, you get a timer stopping you from jumping for around 2 minutes, so you wait until it expires before going back through. 
I’m guessing that our first jump alerted the locals to what we were doing, because once I jumped in for the second pass, two Proteus’ uncloaked on me and scrambled me. I wasn’t too worried at first, I could just jump back through, if it wasn’t for the fact that they started to bump me away from the hole. I immediately alerted the other Raven to not jump through and asked if the ones in the hole could help me out. I could tank it for a while but there was only me and my friend, he couldn’t really do anything against two Proteus’ solo and my Raven only had smartbombs and neuts. I did do some damage, but not nearly enough to outlast it.
A few minutes later I lost my Raven, bounced to a planet in pod, exchanged “GF” in local and bounced back to the wormhole and into our POS. 
We talked about our wormhole life, decided to call it quits in the C4 and started moving out a few hours later, when our connections gave us a good highsec system to jump to. I also lost a pod while jumping back and forth, this time to a smart bombing legion (woops) 
The last of our assets got moved out yesterday and shipped to Jita with PushX and Red-Frog (got to love courier services). 
While moving assets I did lose another bomber to a gate camp in Aunenen, a system that’s supposedly known for its gatecamps. I did not know this. But after losing the bomber I went back to the highsec system I had my assets in, this time with a Cheetah, probed a hole, and got lucky with it’s other connections because one hole further there was a highsec connection 2 jumps from Jita. Which made it extremely easy to get the two Tengus I had stored in the system next to Aunenen back to Jita.
Who knew that wormholes could come in handy like that! 
Not only did I move out of the wormhole this weekend, I also joined another two bombers bar runs on my bomber character (Saturday and Sunday) and had a good amount of fun to make up for my losses, got a few more kills out of it too.
“I think they were mad we killed a Thanatos and Proteus”
Despite it being somewhat of an ISK sink I did enjoy my time in a wormhole of our own and am already thinking of going back to one, however, this time there’s got to be a better plan. Either ally with someone and join them in C4 or move into a C2. 
We probably should have seen those problems coming but it’s another lesson learned, and that’s what matters most, people make mistakes and we learn from them. 
Plus I’ve been losing a ton of ships the past couple of weeks so I’m finally learning how to not care too much about losing a ship, yay!
Stay tuned o7

A milestone of sorts

 A hundred, the number of posts that this blog currently contains (with this included) so this post, is a milestone for me.
I have been blogging for a year and a half now, some of my posts being fun to write, others were written because I felt like I had to put something on here. I’ve had a few people contact me ingame telling me they liked my blog which made me smile, and other people comment on my posts asking why I did certain things. 
Like at the very beginning people asking me why I called myself a noob despite having a ton of ISK at hand.
Writing about EvE helped me in figuring out certain aspects of the game and made me into a better player. I am still very much a noob (as my wormhole adventures show) but I’m learning and enjoying what I do in the game, which is what matters.

I spent a long time writing about high-sec and my industry, some of my null sec parts and now wormhole space. There are still so many things to explore and I plan on getting there eventually, it might take some time but I’ll get there.

Thank you, dear reader, for sticking with me. Or hello new reader and welcome to my blog. Some of my posts might be boring but I hope that some of the other blogs will make you smile or at least think about your own time in EvE.

I have no idea what my future in the game might hold but I will try and continue writing about it, as long as there’s one person reading, I’ll be a happy camper.

Now, onto the other stuff!

Last week I decided to dust off my Rens and Amarr traders again, so I’ve been doing some station trading and experimenting with items I used to buy and sell over there.
I’ve had moderate success and made a slight profit for now, so that’s good. 

Seeing as I browse reddit from time to time I came across a post from the creator(s?) of Eve-mogul giving people the opportunity for an extended trial of their tool and I have to admit that I’m impressed with it. It’s not really giving me all the options that I might want or need (seeing as I do both trading and manufacturing from a few accounts) but if you’re into trading, why not go check it out. 
I’m not sure if they still offer the extended trial but new accounts get 7 days, which isn’t bad either.

As for the wormhole life it’s boring from time to time, but I talked with my friend and we’re looking into joining an alliance, or atleast find a few other people we can chat with. If you, my dear reader, have any suggestions, feel free to shout it out to me. I’m always up to meeting new people!

And once more, thanks for joining me on my adventures.

Stay tuned o7

Why do you even try?

Someone’s been trying to manipulate the sentry drone market in Jita the past week. Prices have been fluctuating between 1.2-1.9m for a Bouncer II in the past few days and the same happened with Curators earlier in the week.

I can’t help but wonder why this person did what he did. More than likely to make a quick profit but in order to do so he/she had to buy every single Sentry drone below his wanted price and then put them up again for way above their normal sell price. That would mean that one person in Jita is currently sitting on a few thousand sentry drones.

The problem with this is, that he/she is not the only one in this certain market. On any given day you can see the prices change fast and stock go (if you camp it) relatively quickly. Which is because drones is something that everybody need and they tend to die quite a lot. If you want to take over a market, don’t do it with something that is relatively easy to make, certainly not something that fluctuates on a daily basis.

I wonder if the person doing it made a profit. I know I did, I still had some drones lying about and decided to sell them as soon as I saw the price change for the better.

Now I can’t help but wonder if Gardes and Wardens are going to be next. Maybe I should stock up on them too…

As for my industry, I’m making a nice profit again by manufacturing. Although I’m not seeing the profit in jEveAssets, this is because I am putting more and more ships and ISK into the wormhole I occupy with a friend. I think I spent about 700-800m on helping with the fuel, a new poco and ships. Which is quite a bit seeing that for now I’ve only done sites ones. Which made me about 60m in half an hour so maybe I should do more of these.

Courier contracts are saving me precious time and ISK (because I’m bound to be blown up) but sometimes they don’t get filled, despite me giving 1m per jump (it’s only 4 jumps people, comon!).

I did try taking Red-Frog or Pushx but they take even longer than public contracts and I do not have the patience or time to wait for them to fill. This is mostly because I still don’t plan enough ahead and usually notice that I’m out of raw material once I want to click “Start” and it doesn’t do anything.

I keep saying that I should change my ways, but we all know that if by now I still haven’t learned to plan ahead enough, I probably never will.

Stay tuned o7

We should have double checked

When living in a wormhole, there are a few things you’re supposed to do, or so I’ve learned.
The first one is to always check D-scan, no matter where you are, even if it’s in your POS, you want to check it. The reason for this is that you want to make sure that, if someone just decloaked, you know it. Because most people that live in wormholes fly around in cloaky ships, you never know if someone’s in there with you but you need to check D-scan anyhow. 
The second one is to bookmark, bookmark EVERYTHING. You warp to a site? You bookmark it. You warp around planets? Bookmark a few spots so you can go there if you’re in a bind and they won’t be able to find you as quickly if you were to just warp to a planet. 
You come into a hole? Bookmark the spot, found an entrance to another one? Bookmark.
It’s a very important thing because when you don’t bookmark certain spots, and you forget a scanner, you’re basically screwed.
And then there’s the lesson that I learned a while back but forgot to use earlier this evening:
“When entering a wormhole, before jumping through, check it’s life.” 
I’m sure that those of you who are normal to living in wormholes knows what’s coming next. For those of you who are, like me, not too familiar with the mechanics. I’ll try to explain.
When you check the detailed information of a wormhole, it stated where it leads to (Highsec/Null/Low/Unknown space, which is another wormhole), how much time there’s left before it disappear, because that’s what they do, they disappear. How much mass has jumped through and how close it is to collapsing due to the fact that too many ships went through. And last, what kind of ships that can jump through it.
The time left on one, and the stability of it are very important. If it’s critical it can collapse behind you when you jump through. When the time states that it’s at the end of its life, that means that soon enough, it will collapse. You don’t know for certain when, but it’s going to happen sooner or later. 
So when jumping through, you check it, always.. 
Guess who forgot.
All in all it’s not entirely my fault but still. My friend that I joined up with in w-space wanted to run a few sites since he hadn’t made any ISK in the past few weeks due to IRL stuff like exams, gf agro etc. etc. So, while watching a movie, I said “Sure why not, I’ll join”… We fleeted up and I followed him into our C2… Which was cleared of sites. “No biggy we can still make a bit of ISK in the C1” so we jumped through to the C1. Without checking so that’s where we both screwed up. We jumped to a site in the C1 and cleared it. 
After doing so I noticed that I forgot to bring ammo so said that I’d just go back to the POS and pick some up. Cue me flying back to the C1 entrance to the C2 that leads back home.. I come at the bookmark and.. Nothing.
Just a bunch of empty space is staring back at me. Did I go to the wrong bookmark? Was the bookmark off a bit? 
These two questions are denial, you’re hoping that nothing bad happened. So I logged in my other account and jumped into the C2 to check up on the C1 entrance. Nada, it was gone. That’s when I told my friend and he didn’t believe me, so of course he jumped to our bm. Said something along the lines of “Fuck” and went to his alt to check too.
We were stranded in a C1.. No biggy, we have probes, right? Right?! Yeah, no, we didn’t.
Oh, another thing to do in a wormhole: “Bring probes!”
So we figured that the quickest way out was to self-destruct.. We did say hi in local, hoping someone would be willing to give us an exit or even probes for a few mill, but no luck. We lost about 200m in ships that night, clearing a silly C1.

“Taking the pod express”

Mistakes were made, they will not be made again. 
Or at least not in the near future when it’s still fresh in our minds
Stay tuned o7

Explosion due to stupidity once more

I lost another ship this weekend. This time it happened due to another person blowing me up, and my own stupidity. Well, just my lack of common sense and staying somewhere for a bit too long while not cloaked.

I’m planning on joining a friend’s corporation in a few days, said friend is setting up a WH corporation with a few other people he knows. Seeing as I have no idea how to scan down signatures, or even use d-scan, I decided to train myself a bit.

So I shipped up in a cheetah, set out to low sec and started to scan down the different sites and signatures in a system in order to train myself some more on the “how does this work” part of it all.

While doing so I found a relic site, and as it turned out, I had a relic analyzer in my Cheetah. So I decided to go and have a look, maybe even get lucky in “hacking” the site.

Not only do I know nothing about scanning, I also have no idea how hacking works… Zero clue whatsoever. So while I was staring at the screen wondering what all those things that I could click meant and why some would lock up after clicking five times, someone found me.

I suddenly saw a manticore pop up on my screen and immediately got locked and scrambled. One volley of torpedoes later and I was warping away in my capsule to the nearest gate.

I learned that I should pay more attention, and definately should not be trying out hacking if I have no idea what it’s all about. Using D-scan would probably not have helped in this case seeing as the manticore was cloaked, but still, it wasn’t even opened.

The person shooting me convoed me afterwards, thanking me for getting myself blown up, he had been in the system for a few days waiting for a kill to happen and told me that I was his first ever solo kill. He was even kind enough to offer me to pay for half of my loss.

I declined this of course, I have plenty of ISK and congratulated him on his first solo kill and patience. I would not be able to just wait for days until something happens.

After doing a few jumps, I got back to Jita and shipped up in a new cheetah. Ready to continue my training.

I need to be ready in a few days, need to be able to hold my own in W-space. Because if nobody’s there to get me an exit, I’ll have to do it myself.

Other pastures

Last week, a friend I made in EvE told me that I should join the corporation he had joined. He’s been talking about it for a few weeks now ever since he moved into Wormhole space and he said that I should try it too. Seeing that it might give me an opportunity to come out with my combat character some more.

Fast forward to Monday and I am accepted into the corporation, all I had to do was get myself a few ships and move to the wormhole.
“Who needs a scout, I can handle this!”

Something that I did yesterday, I bought myself a few frigates, a destroyer and a battleship and spent about an hour and a half moving one ship after the other into the wormhole. It gave me something to do, it even had me thinking about fits. Although I have to admit that it didn’t help me in thinking too hard about them since once I figured I was settled I noticed I had forgotten dampeners and ammo (woops)
“I’m a pretty fly, with a nasty sting”
Joining a wormhole corporation is something that I talked about in the past, I even thought I had joined one before but turned out that they were actually high sec mission runners like myself who happened to have a POS in a hole that they went to from time to time. Which is cool, but not what I wanted. What I wanted was to live inside one, and not just alongside one.

Hopefully my move will allow me to experience this side of the game from close-by instead of just reading about it. It’s scary, because I can’t scan to save my life, but I guess that just means I’ll have to learn.
“Let’s get this show on the road!”

Other than the wormhole move and figuring out what’s next on my list in the new corporation, I will be using this weekend to run a few tests on my industrialist. I’ll be updating my way out of date spreadsheet, to check if I still make a profit (because who counts this stuff psh!) and whether or not it’s more profitable for me to stay in my POS, or if I should just tear it down and start working from a station.

If the prices aren’t too high for my manufacturing and invention I might just tear down my POS and just use the headquarters. Seeing that having a POS means spending 500m a month in fuel. So if the cost of working from station isn’t too high, I can just start doing that.

While creating T2 items I noticed a slight decrease in the market movement of some of the modules I make. Meaning that I’ve been scratching a few of the list in the past couple of days. I still have a few thousands blueprints that I’ll have to invent (holy crap why did I make so much copies of everything) but once those are all done, I’ll be checking which I liked creating the most and, of course, where most of my profits came from.

So plenty to do and figure out for me in the next couple of weeks!

Stay tuned o7

What about wormholes?

Plans, you make them, you break them.

I have so many things in my mind that I’d like to do but I just don’t do them. So many things I want to try out but don’t have the time for them.

A few days ago I was asked if I was interested in joining a Wormhole corporation. Which made me start to think about living in one.

They intrigue me, I love the idea of wormholes, I like the fact that there are no stations and that you need to provide for yourself. And as I said in the past, I’ve actually had a bit of fun in a few already, both PvE and PvP wise.

The one big problem I have with them, is the fact that I’d need to be able to scan. Which is one of the many things in the game that I suck at. 

I have the correct skills, all at IV or better, and yet I can’t find anything even if it meant saving my own life.
A while ago I went into null with a cheetah just to check if I could train and get better at scanning. I knew there were sigs, I knew where to find them. 
And yet it still took me over an hour before I finally scanned down two of them. Two, out of (give or take) eight. While I know that there are people out there who can do it much, much faster. It’s safe to say that the idea of scanning even more quickly turned into disgust.

This, along with some things I hear about them, and the limited experience I have in wormholes, makes me think that I might not be put out for it.

I just don’t have the patience to scan down things, to wait at a wormhole for someone to pop up. Even to go out hunting for ours through different ones only to get stranded when it collapses behind me. Something we all know happens.

“Someday we’ll be together”

But if not wormholes, what am I going to do? I need to get out of high sec because it’s keeping me down, I’m not actually doing anything and haven’t done so in quite a while.

The answer? Low sec.
The new problem that came from this? “What corporation”

So now I’m going to go and search for a corporation, willing to take me on. Maybe one that’s noob friendly, because I know for a fact that if I go out for a kill solo. I’m going to get my ass kicked and my frozen corps handed to me on a platter.

Let’s see where this path I put myself on leads.

Stay tuned o7 

World Cup and EvE-Betting

As most of you know, the World cup started last week. Those of you who have no idea what it is and are blissfully unaware because their country doesn’t really participate in the whole soccer thing: Good for you!

I live in a country that was able to qualify itself, which is a good thing because we’ve been waiting on this for for a few years. Or so I’ve been told since I don’t really follow it myself. But it’s easy to get sucked into the whole atmosphere concerning the World Cup.

Which is why I’ve been actually following it quite closely the last couple of days. Saw a few awesome matches and a few that were disappointing.

What does this have to do with EvE you ask? Well, due to a friend of mine betting on soccer, I figured I could try this too, but not with my hard earned euros, but with ISK.
The fun thing about EvE is the fact that almost everything is permitted, even using your ISK to bet on out of game sports. Some people even make a nice amount of ISK on this, so I figured, why not try this out and see what happens.

I haven’t been using my ISK for anything other than the whole Prospect building “fiasco” so it’s time to make a few dumb arrangments and use it on something silly like gambling.

I’ve put 60m ISK on a few matches and nearly tripled that, so I’m kind of giddy with excitement that I actually made the correct bets. But we all know that I’ll lose it all in a while. But that’s no big deal, 60m isk is easily made in an hour or less.

Next to the betting I’ve been browsing the forum and talking to friends to see what I want to do in the game. I made an alt that I’m currently training into stealth bombers only, since I like flying them. And I’m training my main in the use of interdictors.

I’m not sure yet where I want to go with him but hopefully I’ll figure this out one of these days. Low sec is waiting for me and a friend is trying to get me to come into the wormhole.

Might just take him up on that, although I really, really need to practice my scanning if I do..

Did not see that coming.

The other day, after browsing the market a bit, I decided to check up on my wormhole PI ventures. I had noticed that my launch pads were filling up slowly and it was time to go and empty them.

Good thing that the entrance to our WH was marked about 7 jumps from where I was. That meant I didn’t have to do too many jumps in my trusty little Nemesis. 

After getting in the wormhole and checking if nobody else was around I stored my Nemesis in the corps’ ship bay and took out one of our Epithals. When I cleared the second POCO I suddenly noticed an Abaddon on D-scan, I figured he’d be looking for me in the POCO’s so I jumped around a bit and cleared the last one.
Once that was done I quickly went back to the POS and took out my trusty Nemesis, warped to a safe, cloaked up and told my other corps members that there was an Abaddon in our hole. One of them was gas mining in a venture a few holes from ours and told me to search for him while he slowly made his way back.

As most of you know by now, I’m not that good at pinpointing, anyone, and I figured that the Abaddon knew I switched into a bomber so he must be jumping around himself, I didn’t want to take combat probes out so decided that it was time for me to try out the D-scan way of pinpointing someone.

Let’s just say that I failed miserably, in the half our of jumping around, readjusting the angle etc etc I did not find anything, yet he was still there. Once my fellow corporation member came in the hole in his Manticore, it didn’t take too long to find him. Turns out he was taking sleepers on in one of the sites. One of the places that I forgot about. Oh well, time for a strategy.

We were both pretty much newbies when it comes to bombing, but we figured we could try and kill him with bombs + torpedoes. Seeing that our hole doesn’t like armor tanks.

I slow boated my way to one side, the other one to the other and we waited at 30km for him to take somewhat of a beating. While waiting another one of our corp came online and we told him to come over, he wanted to try out something new so made a ship and was coming our way.
That tiny speck right there, is my target!
As he was two jumps from our hole, I suddenly see a Sabre on D-scan.. Warping exactly on the Abaddon, at first I thought it was a friendly of him, up until the point that he put up a bubble. A second after the bubble was up, three Proteus’ de-cloaked in it.
Well, that guy’s thinking: “Oh shit”

I was just staring there instead of acting, while my corps member had already de-cloaked and fired his bomb, a second after I did the same, we figured we might as well try and get in on the kill mail.
My bomb came in too late, and I have absolutely no idea how much damage I did to them but it was a pretty fun experience. 
“Where did they come from?!”

It was quite a thrill too, to suddenly see T3’s uncloak on our target. 

I went back there as they were slowly going out of the bubble and my corps mate did so too, we had decided to see if we could bomb the Sabre as they were still in the bubble, so about half a second after stating that, my corps member decloaks, fires a bomb and… Explodes.
I couldn’t help but laugh, turns out one of the sleeper turrets got him, his bomb didn’t even come close to hitting anything.
The guys that took the kill talked in local, asking us if those bombs were meant for them. Because if they were, they didn’t actually do much.. But all we really wanted was to get in on the kill mail, and maybe blow up that Sabre.

I didn’t get any kills yet this weekend, but at least I didn’t lose any wrecks either, and it was pretty fun.. I might go roam later this evening, I still want to explode things.

Stay tuned o7

Sleepers don’t actually sleep.. Who knew

Last Thursday was the first time in my entire EvE career that I did two new things. The first one was flying a Dominix with sentry drones, and the second one was using said Dominix in order to do sleeper sites in a C4 along with a few corporation mates.

I had fun doing it, although it did require some of that patience you need as a wormhole dweller. Not only did I have to make 24jumps out of high to our wormhole entry point, all of this in a Dominix. When I got there I had to wait a bit longer because we needed to collapse the high sec entrance, and then find a good, unoccupied C4 to play in.

After three or four collapses we found one with 3 offline towers and decided this would be a good time to go do a few sites. It was about 00:00 here so I was starting to get a bit tired, but I really wanted to see how they worked.
Ok, let’s do this

My job was pretty easy, seeing as I was in a sentry drone boat, and the rookie of the bunch, all I had to do was launch my drones, put on my hardeners, and have my drones assist one of the others. Which gave me plenty of time to look around. Or at least it would have given me plenty of time if we didn’t go through them so fast. I was amazed at the speed we were doing them. 

What do you mean my friends are gone

The veteran among us was too, this was the first time he had taken anything different than ravens along and our 8 sentries + 1 raven were shooting down the resident sleepers quite fast. I think we clocked down on about 10 minutes per site. So that was pretty good.

I stayed for about an hour longer, providing over watch for the Noctis as he went about salvaging our loot and after that I jumped back to our own little wormhole, jumped into the POS and logged out, because I was dead tired and I had to go to work in the morning.

When I logged back in yesterday, I decided to set up a few extraction planets. Seeing that I have the skills trained up to level 3, but never actually used them on this character. I checked the planets and decided to just put up 3 lava extraction ones, making it easier to just extract and make 1 kind of material instead of multiple, seeing that I tend to be bad at logistics.

I had forgotten how easy it is to put up extraction jobs and let them run. This is a nice way to make some passive ISK, and it will make sure that I have to visit the wormhole from time to time.

Let’s just hope that I don’t get blown up when visiting a custom office in an Epithal

Stay tuned o7