And we learn something new

The other day I decided to finally go out and explore a few wormholes. Taking out my Cheetah I started to launch probes left and right, scanning for an entrance. I first started in the System I usually do my missions at. Close to home, and if I found something, even better.

This is where I made my first of many mistakes. I know absolutely nothing about scanning, I know you need probes and you need to keep configuring them and pressing that scan button until you find a 100% one.
So that’s what I did, after a while I found an unstable wormhole, giddy as a little kid that just got his first gaming system I pressed jump and entered without checking the info.

Guys! I found something!

Little did I know, that I would just be dropped 12 systems further, in another high sec system. I finally check the info and noticed that this wormhole drops someone in a random high sec one.

Thinking to myself: ‘Ok E’dyn, rookie mistake, this can happen to anyone, lets head back and try again’
Luckily for me I was still idling at the WH entrance, otherwise I would have had to scan again to find it.
So we go back, and this time I go a few systems further in, into low sec, thinking that I might be able to find something better here. Lo and behold, I find an entrance to unknown space. I go in, immediately warp away from the hole (because that’s what I think you have to do) and cloak up. To then start idling at the hole, wondering what on earth I will need to do next.

I should have bookmared that hole

I was amazed at the discovery scanner, there were a total of 15 signatures in the wormhole. Of which 11 were already at 100%. Asking in a channel I asked them if this was normal but unfortunately none of them knew anything about wormholes so I was left to think that it was.

Oh well, 4 others to scan so I might as well do that. And here’s where I made another mistake. I warped of to the nearest planet at about 70km, forgetting to bookmark the hole I just came from.
No big deal you’d think, that’s just a few scans away. So I start to scan and find another WH entrance, according to this one it goes into unknown space. So, I went ahead and clicked jump, because that’s what you do when you have no idea what you’re doing.

And the confusion starts, I wanted to enter the wormhole, I was in a clone without plugs so if I did something extremely dumb, I could just decide to self destruct.

After pressing jump, I got stuck, and I have absolutely no idea what happened, nor could anyone in any channel I talked in answer. My ship was calibrating, and I was cleared for jump in x amount of seconds. So I kept pressing the jump button, nothing happened. But according to my UI I was getting pulled into the hole. After the timer ended, I was still stuck in the same animation, and I was still in the same system. But for some reason I couldn’t warp away, I couldn’t even reload my probe launcher, because according to the game, my ship was no longer located in the same place.

I stared at this for quite some time

And when I tried to jump again, it told me I was polarized and needed to wait for 5 minutes or so.
And we wait, after the 5 minutes were up I was polarized once more. ‘Strange’, I think to myself, ‘Something must have gone wrong with the client, better turn it off and on again’. Because that’s what you do when you’re in IT and you come up with a problem, that’s the first step you try, you restart and check if the problem is gone.

After the restart I was warped away from the hole I was getting sucked in. But this time I had made a bookmark! So let’s try again.

No luck, and no idea why I have no luck. No explanation why I’m not going into the next system.
Around this time I started to realize that without anyone able to explain to me why certain things work or not, I would be in over my head.

After another restart, I scanned up the exit to low, and went back to base. Having not won any information, other than the fact that I’m not that good at scanning, and that I’m in over my head when it comes to wormholes.

And then there’s the whole d-scan. I have yet to figure out how that works, I did use it. And there were two orcas and a caracal in the hole with me. The only problem was the fact that I didn’t know how to find them. I had forgotten where a POS gets anchored, and I didn’t want to warp to every moon and every planet to check.

In hindsight I could have used Google, but I didn’t think it would have mattered.

Docking up, I store the Cheetah, not giving up my hopes on exploration yet, but logging of with the idea that I needed someone to show me the ropes.

Stay tuned o7

Not that good at writing things down

Trading has been put on a definite hold for now. Mostly due to the fact that prices seem to be dropping everywhere.
So I’m just going to build a small stockpile and then when prices rise again I’ll have a nice amount of profit.

At least, if they rise, but I’m sure they will, it’s the holidays, people just have more time to play right now.

I’m ashamed to say, that after playing EvE for so long I have finally found a use for the transactions tab in the wallet. I have never, in my whole life on EvE clicked it, until a few days ago. This little thing would have made everything so much easier if I had known it existed sooner.
As one of the people I talk with stated: “You’re a trader, you make a nice amount of ISK by trading, and you never used that tab? WHAT?!”

I know, shocker, it came as quite a shock to me too when I found out how much that can help when you’re trying to figure out how much you paid for something because you never write it down.

Speaking of never writing things down. I have made about 10 trips to Jita yesterday. That doesn’t seem like much, but I did it in 2 hours time, in an Iteron that could have done everything in one trip if I cared to remember everything I needed.
I didn’t take the bpcs along and I hadn’t written it down so everytime I came to Jita I remembered a maximum of 2 things I needed.. But not the amount I needed.

I’m not that good at this spreadsheet online game this week, can you tell?

As for the combat alt, he has finally gone out of the station! After a few weeks, it was about time! But I didn’t do any combat, I did scan a bit, even went through a few wormholes, enjoying the view. I did forget to make screen caps, but I’m going to point fingers at the fact that while I was playing yesterday, I was also watching a few online training videos for work related things.

Multitasking, yay!

I’m going to try and do more tonight, we’ll see this weekend if I actually succeed in this or if I fall asleep because I’ve been working my butt off.

Stay tuned o7

Trading and other things

I started a station trader a few weeks ago. I don’t think I’m very good at it. I think I’m just a bit too lazy to do the research which would be good to sell and what wouldn’t be.

I made him start out with 100m and am currently working with a 1b buy order and 400m in sell orders. He was working in Dodixie but I decided to go to Amarr since it’s a bit closer to where I usually am at with my other characters and I actually haul things between Jita and Amarr every once in a while if the goods I manufacture sell for more there.

While trading I kept thinking who on earth would sit in front of his or her computer all day updating the orders for 0.01 isk. That has got to be the most boring way to spend your game time. Some of the people who do it are probably botters but still.

I like undercutting them with bigger margins though. As long as I make a profit, even if it’s only 5%, I’m a happy camper.

Working as a station trader is helping me get to know the market a bit more, I can see why some goods sell well, others don’t. But I’ve only been working it for a few weeks and have yet to get that ‘Eureka’ moment where I know of a few goods that I can invest in and sell in order to get my billions a month.

But it’s fun, it’s new, it’s .. Well not very exciting but at least I’m doing something new.

Speaking of doing something new. I’ve had a few offers from Wormhole corporations, and one in particular was a bit interesting,  I’m going to try them out, be their so called “Guinea pig” 

Yay, Viator!

A good day to blow things up.

Yesterday was a fun day on EvE. Not only did I receive a few evemails about joining WH corps, I also tried out something new.

Let’s talk about that first. What did I do? Well in a spur of the moment I decided to try and get the last Interbus Custom Office in our system down. I was checking my planets and saw that most offices had already been shutdown except for one. So I asked people in the channel I chat in if they were up to it and after about 20 minutes of me going to Jita in 3 accounts and buying a few “glass cannons” we were ready to start.

Seeing that I didn’t actually know what to use to destroy the POCO and I thought that you might get a suspect flag (can you tell that I haven’t read up on this?) I decided on two hurricanes. Neither of them doing that much damage, one was at 750dps, the other 540dps. The lower DPS one wasn’t able to use T2 turrets so that was why it was a bit lower.
The third account is a newbie 1 month old one that was flying a drake with 150dps.

Suffice to say, what I had was not nearly enough to take it down. Luckily I have people who sort of like me enough to come and help me. 
Hey guys, when did we get shadows?

Seeing that we’re all noobs one way or the other, our DPS total was about 3-4k across 6 characters.

While we were shooting at the Office my Industrial character was slowly making her way to Jita in an Orca to buy a gantry and the necessary upgrade items.

When I got back to our home system we were at about 40% shield left. So I did what any person would do. I let my Orca drones fly out. That’s right, we have an orca on our Interbus kill mail!
I’d have laughed if the Orca had the final blow

It took awhile, but I’m pretty happy with the fact that our corporation is currently the proud owner of a POCO. I have no idea how long it will take but I like it because we did something new, and as a group. It was fun.
Yay, building things!

While all of this was going on I was looking at the wormhole mails I got and talking to one in particular. This guy turned out to be fun to talk to and I was planning on sending my application right after we were done with what we were doing.

Unfortunately, this person’s patience level wasn’t very high. Seeing that I was busy on 4 accounts at the same time I didn’t look at my main’s chat window a lot. After a few minutes he started to tell me that I should quit my corporation immediately and apply to his. I told him I was a bit busy and he kept telling me I should quit and that he’s waiting for my application.

Suffice to say that I reversed my earlier thoughts on him being a nice guy. Which means that I’m still looking out for a corporation to join. My forum post doesn’t seem to be too popular. I guess nobody wants someone with +30m SP but absolutely no idea what he’s doing. 

I will need myself a babysitter in W-space.

Stay tuned o7

Fear of the dark

I did it. I made a ‘Looking for Corporation’ post. The only problem now is, that I haven’t posted it yet.
I can’t decide on whether I want to have my main (this guy) or the alt that I have in RvB in a WH.

Logic dictates that I should do it with my main character. He’s most skilled, almost able to jump into strategic cruisers and in general the character I like playing with the most.

But will this fact not change when I am no longer able to go out without the “fear” to lose a ship.
Because this is what this is all about, I’m afraid of the life beyond High-sec, I never even went anywhere but high sec for longer than a few hours.

Fear of the unknown is something most humans deal with, and I’m dealing with it in a game.
I’m trying to do what most people in high sec are afraid of doing, and that’s taking that step towards the other life. Where danger lurks everywhere. Or at least that’s what us carebears think it does. Maybe I’m exaggerating, maybe I’m not.

But I have to make a decision