There’s an app for that.

Not much to say. I spent most of my free time in the past few days reading and trying to figure out what to manufacture.

I still learn new things every day in EvE though. Yesterday I learned about a little application, I heard about it before but had never actually used it. I was talking in the channel about needing some way to just, copy and paste my blueprints so that I could easily see what I needed. And turns out, that there’s an app for that.

Or at least sort of. I have yet to figure out how exactly it works but I do think that this thing is going to make my life a little bit easier, just like EvEmon and Aura.

As always, there are apps for everything. I love it.

Stay tuned o7

Planning towards efficiency

Due to the fact that I’m going to a Steel Panther concert tongiht, I decided to spend last night making sure that I have enough materials ready for manufacturing on Thursday. I made sure that I wouldn’t have to worry about the queues until then.

Or at least I hope I did. As most of you that have been reading my blog may know, I’m not that good at planning.

I tend to forget one thing or the other every single time I go about my production runs. You’d think that after failing at bringing everything with you that I’d have learned. But you would be wrong.

Next to my production planning I installed EvEMon again and made a queue for both my industrial character and combat character. Due to me not knowing what to do with the industrialist for now, I’m training her to become an Ishtar pilot. It’s one of the many ships that I’ve always enjoyed watching and that I still can’t fly. Thus she’s learning right now.

According to the plan it would take about 50 days before she can fly it and use the correct drones. I’m hoping on shorting that a bit.

Giving her the ability to fly a combat ship is not without reason though. There’s a deeper meaning than just wanting to fly an Ishtar. 

Due to the fact that I tend to mostly create T2’s I decided that it was high time for my industry alt to start using research agents herself. I know, I know, you’re thinking: “Why haven’t you done that already?!” 

Pure laziness really, but I’m on my way to changing that. This is part of my ‘Get a bit more efficient’ plan.
It’s a small step, but I’ll get there… Eventually.
“This will help too.”

Stay tuned o7

Radio silence, done, hopefully

I’ve had a busy week behind me. Haven’t been able to do much on EvE. My employer sent me on a Microsoft training (Hyper-V and System Center Virtual Machine Manager) and I’ve spent most of my free time playing around in my own server environment.

Next to that I decided to drastically change my complete home experience by going from Windows 7 to Windows 8. And I did that by formatting my computer, I made back-ups of my important files but everything else went *poof*.

Most of my Friday night was spent trying to figure out how Windows 8 works and downloading the EvE Client again. I also needed to reinstall EvEmon and after doing that I smacked myself in the head for not saving my plans. Good thing I wasn’t following them anyhow.

I’m sure this is something more people do, you create a whole plan in EvEmon for you to follow, you think along the lines of: “This is the path I’m going to go on” and then once it’s time to finally update your queue.. You don’t do it, you just put something else in there, making sure that all the time you spent figuring out the best way to train, was futile.

Or I could be the only one. My training is nowhere near as efficient as it could be, I don’t have my attributes set right, and I definitely don’t have a 1 year plan to use said attributes with. I should do it but the main problem I have is that I have absolutely no idea what I want my characters to train. I just swing it and do something I might enjoy.

For example; because I have no idea what to train on my industry alt, I am currently training her to be able to fly an Ishtar, which would take about 38 days before she can even get in one. She has absolutely no combat skills whatsoever and I just decided to start her on that path. Is it smart? Probably not. Do I know what I could do with her instead? Nope.

Today I’m going to be updating my manufacturing queues and buying some things I need to do that. I’ve already spent the last hour putting up sell orders, turns out I forgot to do that too *woops*.
Next to that, it’s a very sunny day, so I’m going to be taking my motorcycle out for a spin, and spend an hour or so afterwards to clean that beast.

The evening will be spent on a roam, I can finally fly interceptors so it’ll be fun to be finally able to keep up with the guys and not be caught in a bubble.

Fun times will be had. Or at least I hope so.

Stay tuned o7

Let’s go flying!

A few days ago I came online at the right moment. The alliance was going to go out in Stealth Bombers, looking for targets.

I’m a big fan of bombers despite the fact that I only have a little experience with them. But still, this would be a great time to get some more of it.

On top of that, we’d be using a Sin along with the bombers to make use of the short range jumping technologies so that we wouldn’t have to do it ourselves. When I heard that I couldn’t help but get even more eager about this, I had never bridged before so that’d be another first for me.
The night was on to a good start.

“What now? We wait? Oh..Well okay.”

Cue the waiting. Because of the fact that we weren’t going to be roaming ourselves, we had scouts out that were checking for targets for us, I didn’t mind, that gave me some more time to check my fit and make sure that I put the bomb away. We were only going to be using torpedoes anyway.
After jumping into a Purifier instead of my Nemesis I joined the rest of the 15 or so bombers and waited until a target was found. 

“Pretty colours”

At around this time I learned that I really should pay more attention to what is being said to me in Teamspeak or even Fleet chat. As I never used a bridge before, I had no idea what I had to do. I figured that if it was lit, I’d jump automatically. I was wrong.

“Wait, what’s going on, why am I not jumping too?!”

I saw everyone around me jump, and I just hung there in space, looking around me trying to figure out what just happened. Turns out I need to right click the Black Ops ship and press jump. Oh well, lesson learned, time to wait again.

After a while we heard our scout go “Oh shit, oh shit, fuck fuck, get over here!” So I bet you guys can figure out what happened, there was a target, and the scout only noticed when he was right on top of them, or shall we say the other way around.

We jumped, got bubbled and started calling targets and shooting. They knew we were around and had prepared accordingly. I followed the Fleet Commander’s calls as I burned out of the bubble, right as I got out a, few more ships got called in and we were told to warp away if we could.

I just sat there with a smile on my face as I warped towards one of the moons and cloaked up. It was the third time in a few days that I went out for some PvP and got myself a few kills extra on my killboard. According to what was said on TS we did lose the ISK battle, but it’s not like I cared about that, I was PvP’ing, and I was enjoying myself a lot.
“Time to go”

As far as my ISK making goes, I’m still manufacturing, and for some reason making more ISK than a few weeks ago. Which makes no sense because I’m doing less work than I did before. If I had more time I would be trying to figure out how this is happening. But right now I’ll just shrug and be happy with it.

And on a final note. I’ve been accepted on the Fansite list on the EvE Online site. Yay! I doubt I’ll get more people coming over to read my stuff, but it’s nice to know that the people at CCP think I’m worthy enough to be on there.

Stay tuned o7 

First time Null and some more industry

It finally happened, I have joined a corporation in Null sec. After thinking about it for a few weeks, I decided to join a friend in Null sec. I joined Thursday, but due to real life I only had my first real interaction with Null yesterday evening. And I have to admit, it was quite fun.

I’m not that good of a PvP’er, not even close, and I’ve only done a few roams through low sec, only killing a few ships before. That changed last night, as I went out on a roam with the Nullsec corporation I joined and my friend as FC. They were all in interdictors, I was the only one in a T1 frig. 
The roam started great, only two jumps from our start base we came across a Talos, didn’t take too long for it to get killed and I actually had the final blow. What a surprise there, and it gave me a smile on my face. Operation success, seeing that I didn’t think I’d be doing much.
It was rather quiet for most of the evening, we didn’t think we’d be finding anything anymore until the comms started talking about a Tengu. One of our scouts found him and was trying to kite him, making sure that we could get there to kill it. It took a while but we did it, we killed a Tengu. Not only did I have my first null sec roam, it also made my killboard total go up with quite a bit, having a total of 1.34b extra in kills. Yay!
After finishing the roam I logged into my industry alt, only to notice that most of my manufacturing jobs were done. As is my habit, I had nothing in stock to put new ones up so I went to Jita to buy some of the T1 products I need in order to make them into T2’s. As I get there and check the market I noticed that there were only 8 of the T1’s in stock, and I needed 800 of them. Cue cursing from my end. 
Figuring that I’ll be needing a lot more in the future, I just bought 500m in material and let a friend ship them to the POS in his Charon (I owe him, he’s been my pet hauler for quite a bit).
I now have a few hundred of T1 products cooking in my labs, and today or tomorrow I’ll have to start writing down a bit again. Because chances are, that I’ve forgotten to get a whole bunch of products again. 
My spreadsheet-fu is seriously lacking here. 
Stay tuned o7

Revisiting on an old idea

One of the many reasons why I always told myself I didn’t want to go to null sec, was the Call to Arms.
I didn’t like the idea of having to be at the beck and call of an alliance or corporation, having to go defend a piece of space I didn’t really care much about.

Seeing that I always figured that Null is all about PvP, and I’m sure it is, somewhere.

But I decided to revisit on that idea, after talking to one of the people in one of the channels I frequent.

I’m thinking of trying out Null, not in a renter corp but in NPC null, no CTA’s to worry about, only the fun. Or that was the pitch.

We’ll know in a few days whether or not it’s true.

Stay tuned o7

Efficiency is not part of my vocabulary

I am nowhere near as efficient in my manufacturing as I should and can be. I tend to restock my products at the last moment. I click ok on my assembly line, and suddenly notice that I’m missing R.A.M. tech, or Tritanium, or any of the other things I need, to complete my process.

I really should just have a large stock of everything, but I’m lazy. Although one could argue that if I really was lazy, I’d actually have a big stock, because that would mean that I would not have to go to Jita as often as I am doing now. But the lazyness is translated more to the fact that I don’t feel like calculating/checking what everything is that I need, buying it, and afterwards getting it all to my home base.

But I should put up more buy orders, I have zero of those, and that’s a bad thing.

Trading in general is something I am not doing right now, my little experiment did give me a bit of playroom, I made about 1b from the 100m I invested in it. But I wasn’t too good at it, it took me too much time to figure out what I should buy and sell, that I just decided to not do it for now.

I do have a few buy orders on my trading alt, mostly for implants, because they keep on selling anyhow. But shh, I never said this, we’re not supposed to give away our secrets.

The past week I was able to have my net worth go up by 300m, and I have absolutely no idea how that happened, because I just did some manufacturing, then again, this week I actually did manage to make sure that every line was occupied so maybe I did good on that part.

“I’m sorry, it’s complicated”

Now to find a way to use this ISK, to make more ISK.

As a little sidenote; I’ve been thinking about trying something new, corporation wise.
My industry alt is in a corporation of her own, but it’s pretty lonely. I want to join some other corp, in which I can still do my manufacturing etc, but I don’t like the idea of giving up my POS. Anyone have an idea of what I could try?

Stay tuned o7

Saying Goodbye

Goodbye my old friend, I have neglected you for too long. I should have done more with you, I should have used your special skill set of talents instead of just letting you wither away in darkness, watching as you trained harder, waiting for the day that I’d finally take you out to help you fulfill your destiny.

But alas, it was not meant to be, I didn’t have time for you, I told you things like; “Later, we’ll hang out later.” All one big lie, a lie I told myself too, because I thought that I would make time for you. But I never did.

I bet you’re wondering what this means, why am I writing this. Well it’s easy. I had to make a very hard decision earlier. I decided to let go of one of my accounts, sell one of my characters and transfer another one. So that I am now working with only two accounts instead of three.

The third account had two characters on it, my trader and another combat alt. One I was training as Caldari, I wanted him to be able to fly in a SNI and a Tengu. But after long consideration, I sold him.
“Isn’t she a thing of beauty”

He was supposed to be my go to PvP character. An alt I could log on to in order to have some fun. An extra when I went out missioning. But I never actually used him. The only times I logged on him was to update his queue. No more, he is in someone else’s hands now. And hopefully that person will use him for his intended purpose.
“Who wouldn’t want to fly you”

My trade character will join my Indy’s account. And I might train my industry alt so she can do some boosting. Seeing that when I’m out doing L4’s she’s not far behind, salvaging the wrecks.

After selling the alt, I started thinking about the Character Bazaar, and how much I like it, and I bet others do too. In no other MMO are you able to purchase characters with you ingame money, characters that are stronger, better than what you play with. If you’re not happy with your character, or you want another one in a certain field but don’t feel like training him/her since it will take too long, you just browse the bazaar for what you want and deposit some ISK for it.

One of my long term goals when I first started playing was that I wanted the ability to buy a character I wanted with the ISK I made.

But seeing that I trained him myself, I don’t need to do that anymore. And yet, I still have the option. If I want another high skilled industry character, I can buy him or her. If I want a trader with a few months of training, I can buy him or her too.

You just need the money for it. I love the “freedom” this gives you; don’t like your character? Just sell him.
Or if you had the problem like me, if you know that you won’t be playing him anymore, you can turn him over to someone else and make a nice amount of ISK from it too.

I probably sold him too cheap, I wanted a quick sales and I’m not known for my patience. But I just hope that the person who bought him, will use him. Unlike me

Goodbye old friend. We had a nice run.

Stay tuned o7

State of play

It’s been a few days since I last logged in. Work, real life and so on making it problematic to find time to do so.

Which of course, meant that in the past week and a half, my characters have been idling, not producing anything, not doing any trading, and not doing any missions.

Logging in today I planned on changing that, so I logged onto my combat alt. I check my mails, find out we’re in a war and curse, seeing as he’s hanging around in Jita and can’t actually do much other than spin. Oh well, on to the next account and character.

I decided a while ago, that I really suck at trading, and that I don’t really like spending too much time on doing it. So I logged onto the trader, checked his buy orders, noticed how much lower everyone else’s sell orders are suddenly at, and logged out. Sooner or later the prices will go up again, and I don’t feel like selling at such a low price, despite still making a slight profit. 

Seeing as I don’t feel like using the trader much, I’m not actually losing any money on not trading yet, it’s all part of my so called plan.

After the trader, comes the industry alt and my POS. I’m lucky enough to have a few people who I can count on. Because otherwise my POS would have ran out of fuel last week. I wasn’t able to log on due to constant disconnects so asked a friend on steam if he could refuel our POS. Which he did, and I paid him back the fuel, yay. As for the use of the POS. I noticed a few copy runs being completed, and am happily inventing again.
Enjoying the sights while going out on a shopping trip”

I might just try something new and buy a few billion worth of materials to do a bit of experimenting on T1 production. Past 8 or 9 months have been spent on T2, might as well change things a bit. Which would mean  not using the research slots for invention but for research, so there’s multiple positive sides in that.
My day will probably exist of going to Jita, buy what I need, going back to HQ, figure out I forgot a bunch, and so on.

Despite writing everything down, and going to Jita thinking; “Ok, I know I haven’t forgotten anything” I always do forget things.

I bet I’m not the only one getting frustrated when you get back to HQ noticing you’re missing a few million units of Tritanium.

Stay tuned o7

Nothing but problems

I’ve had no luck in logging into any of my accounts the past couple of days.

I used to get a few socket restarts a week but these days, I lose my connection before even being able to log into my characters.

Suffice to say that it’s starting to annoy me a lot and I have absolutely no idea how to fix this, any other online game I play works fine. EvE just doesn’t want to work for me.

Guess I’ll have to watch some shows while trying to figure out a sollution.

Stay tuned o7