
I can’t help myself

I’m an MMO player at heart. What I mean by this is that despite the fact that I play other games, MMO’s will always be the games that I like best.

This all started ages ago with Everquest and Star Wars Galaxies, but the real culprit of my love for MMO’s was, and maybe even still is World of Warcraft.

You can say what you want of Blizzard, but when you look at the game they created all those years ago, and see it still standing you can only tip your hat to them and give them a small applause.

WoW is a game that you can get bored of for months, or even years at the time, but it still has some sort of siren’s call to make you come back to it.

Case in point: Myself.

I first started playing the game in august 2005. I was 16 at the time and had finished my first summer job. The paycheck of said job went to building my own pc. Because before that I had to share it with my two sisters, which basically meant playing one hour, waiting for 2. You can imagine the amount of fighting that was done about “I need one more minute”

After that, in October 2007 I subbed once more, ever since March 2007 I can notice a trend in my subscription history, subbing for 3 months, waiting for 4-6 months and then playing the game again for a while longer.

This has been going on for years and it still gets me.

I started playing the game again on the 26th of June, I’m currently starting my third month in. Last time before that was in December 2014. We’ll see how long I’ll be playing this time.

I have to admit that one of the only reasons I started playing again is because my friends are playing. MMO’s are nice because you can play with other people. But I noticed that I only play them for longer than a few months when I have friends playing them, and when we have common goals.

I’m currently leveling a few alts, if you’re in EU Twisting Nether, come say hi. I won’t bite.

I might just hit you if you’re alliance though.

I love making alts
I love making alts


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