The thrill of the hunt

A few days ago I was getting familiar with scanning again. This because in the past few weeks I haven’t been doing it much while playing on the laptop.

During my mapping of the holes surrounding our home I came across a few people on my dscan. Nothing major, a Drek here, a scanner there. You know, the kind of traffic you expect in wormholes.

I jumped into a C5 wolf-rayet and my eyes lit up, my dscan showed five Nestors and a Leshak, along with their Mobile Tractor Unit.

Now, normally when people are out farming in space, they pay attention to d-scan and vamoose the moment someone pops up. I’m not sure if these guys were just pretty sure that nothing would happen or that they did not see me but they stayed there.

After messing around with dscan a bit I came to the conclusion that the site they were in was already despawned, this conclusion was made firmer once I noticed that they had the Sleeper spawned.

So what do you do in a situation like this?

Well, you decide to see if you still know how combat probes work.

They did

So I moved out of their dscan range, got my combat probes, and scanned them down. I think I took less than 2 seconds to grab the mtu to 100%

Normally, when I do C5 pvp, at this point I would have seen it happen, but I used to do it in dreads and I kept spamming dscan the whole time, mostly because a site didn’t take too long to clear in the first place.

These guys, did not see it. So I warped at 100 and now I had eyes on them. Slowly they were poking away at the sleeper.

Unfortunately, nobody was online, it was a slow day, almost evening, around the time when most people are eating etc etc. So all I could do was keep my eye on them.

I wanted to drop a saber on them and kill the mtu as they ran but unfortunately I did not have any sabers left.

I did try and kill their salvager, but this one did pay attention.

During all this, I had a bit of an adrenaline rush. For reasons that most of you know, even seeing your would be target is a rush. And I kept thinking I was uncloaked too so that didn’t help much 😉

Next time, I’ll try and actually have something to shoot at.

However we did kill a Rorqual the other day too with the corp fleet, so that’s always nice for the killboard.

Stay tuned o7