The past few weeks have made me realise how handy a second screen is. I’ve spent the past few weeks in England playing just with a laptop instead of my normal system. And let me tell you, that I do miss my extra screens.
Rolling holes, scanning,.. Everything is so much easier with a secondary and even tertiary screen. The lack of extra screens made it so that I did not feel confident enough to do the things I normally do, which is play around with two or three characters at the same time, so I just kept to my main, or scanned around a bit with my scanning alt.
But this changes again tomorrow. I have trained my third rolling alt into a support role so next time fleets happen I can have him tag along in a Guardian or something. And I can use one of my alts as a tackler.
Things are happening, and they are good!
I also can’t juggle multiple games at the same time without extra screens, I missed out on a phoenix the other day because I was right in the middle of a game of League of Legends.
Normally when they call for help I undock real quick, get on comms while I still mess around in LoL (I only play ARAM or the fun modes) but alas, I was too late.
Oh well, won’t happen again anytime soon.
Stay tuned o/