You win some, you lose some
From time to time when you hunt, you don’t get any kills. A perfect example for that was us rolling a bunch of holes during the week and not having any luck. Literally doing twenty different Null sec systems and only finding a VNI here and there that was at his keyboard. Not that we care about catching those.
Yesterday however, was a good day. We had a wormhole into Providence at first. And as most of you know. Providence is an amazing ground for hunting. They have their KOS list but even if you’re on it they tend to ignore you until it’s too late.
A perfect example was me being in a system, with my sabre, for over ten minutes and still being able to tackle three different VNI’s that were ratting. That was just for shits and giggles though. My fleet was too far out so I just tried soloing them see what happened. Unfortunately I couldn’t kill them but I wasn’t stupid enough to stay in my own bubbles so was able to get away every single time.
If not for that one interceptor I probably would have killed one of them.
A little later we had a few guys in local “laughing” at us. I say laughing because they just thought it was funny we had a Stork along. Figured it wouldn’t hurt. They were playing station games, undocking, docking. You know the drill.
Cue us going on a gate. And one of them coming to a ping on said gate. At which point I warped back to station at 100, put up a bubble, wondering if he’d be stupid enough to warp back.
He was.
So that was providence. The first part of our Sunday.
After that we enjoyed ourselves by rolling a few new holes. In one of them we hit the jackpot. Delve. Goons. Rorquals. Three of them in fact. We had them all tackled, had them all panicked. And right when their support fleet came over we killed one of them. One is better than none, three would have been better. But all in all, good fights were had and we had a lot of fun.
The joys of wormhole space though. One day you might not get anything, but eventually, you’ll get what you want.
Stay tuned o7