My first ever

Yesterday was a good day and a bad day. Bad, since I lost another ship. My fourth, well fifth, since moving to null. Which, I guess isn’t all that much if you look at it.

Good, because I had my first ever solo kill. Yay! And it was a bit of an accidental one too.

I’m building up a little moon goo empire in Null, meaning that currently I have 6 towers working for me. Which is nice since it’s some sort of passive income generation like PI. Only thing I need to do is make sure that there’s no people stealing it, and that it’s fueled/emptied on a monthly basis.

I currently try it on a bi-weekly basis because I can. And means just a little less ISK in the Occator.

So, while getting my monthly supply of fuel, I was scouting for my hauler and saw a Helios at 10km from the gate. I figured that he would warp off but that did not happen, so I locked the Helios, burned towards him and started shooting. I can only guess that they were AFK, I didn’t even have a scram fitted. But I don’t care, I got a kill! Also got the pod but that one was worthless.

About 10 minutes before I had gotten the pod of someone whose ship was just destroyed by someone in the alliance. So another lucky kill there.

After the fuel run I was asked to join on a quick little roam. I was planning on going to bed early, but, that didn’t really happen.

So I reshipped to my Cynabal Mark II and went on my way to the wormhole we were going to use to get to a more target rich environment.

It started of nicely with two Cerberus, a Vexor and Caracal kills. When we did that and jumped around the systems some more they decided to try and stop us, getting together a little 12 man fleet. We jumped on an Armageddon but when going to the next system they were waiting on us. There were only 6 of us so we couldn’t handle that…yet.

We went back to our own system, called in some more people and decided to see if we could get them to make a fleet to stop us again. On paper we would do pretty well, but unfortunately one of our logi pilots was pretty new at doing what he was supposed to do and was out of rep range for most of us when the fight started. Partly due to miscommunication and just not paying enough attention.

Suffice to say that I lost Cynabal Mark II. But not to worry, Mark III is ready for action.

I won the ISK war last night, killing more than I lost, so I’m happy.

Stay tuned o7


So much to do, so little time

The wheels of my inner mind have been working overtime in the past few days on what I will be doing in EvE the coming weeks. Not because I’m bored and have nothing to do, no, it’s the exact opposite. I have no idea where to start this time.

Since joining the corporation I currently fly with I finally have things to do. I’m finally going out on roams, plan on new things etc etc.

I lost a ship the other day. The third one in a few weeks. And I don’t mind as much as I used to when losing something. Why? Because I’m having fun that’s why!

And that’s the whole point isn’t it, you’re supposed to have fun flying the ships you fly, instead of worrying about losing them. I’m starting to finally learn this lesson, it took me a while, and dozens of different corporations but I’m getting there.

Other than roams I’m having one of my alts train for jump freighters. The one thing I don’t like about the place I currently live in is the lack of a market. So I decided to finally put all of my liquid ISK to use and set up a market over there. Or at least try to.

I just need to figure out which items to stock. I think I’ll start with the corporation doctrines and work my way up from there. I already have a bunch of buy orders in place in Jita. Now I just need to figure out the logistics of the place.

I’ve also set up my PI in one of the systems and was lucky enough to recruit a few people into shooting down the Interbus POCO’s still left in the system. I honestly don’t get why these guys are not doing any PI over there, I found three Plasma planets within our little pipe. So I was confused when I saw the Interbus POCO’s still there. Oh well, I helped them set up new POCO’s, paid for them out of my own pocket and everything. In the long run it’ll be more interesting for me anyhow with a lower tax rate.

And last but not least, I took over a bunch of Moon mining POS’. I have no idea how it works and how much they’re going to make me, or cost me. But it’ll be an interesting little experiment. Although I’m 90% sure that I’ll be making a profit off them once the month is done. Unless someone decides to shoot them down that is.

All of this, happening because I finally decided to make friends instead of staying in my own little corporation. I’m glad I got out of my little bubble.

And I’m curious to what will come next.

Stay tuned o7