I logged on the other day, because I was poked by a friend of mine about something that was said about the state of wormholes.

His poke reminded me of the game once more, about the fact that I miss it. And that I’m not playing it right now.

I hate not playing actually, I hate not having a place in the game right now. No friends to log on with, nobody to play with.

Because EvE in a whole, is the most fun when playing it with the people you know, with people you like hanging out with. It’s also one of the only communities that has made me a few lasting friendships.

Luckily I still play games with some of the people I met in EvE, but every few weeks I think on the game, and have this wish to come back to it. But without an idea on how to go at it.

There’s multiple factors at play in this. I don’t want to do anything in Null sec, at all. I hate sov wars I hate the blocks and I absolutely loathe the fact that most people I have seen in null sec are afraid to do anything unless they have 10 times the numbers of the other team.

I’ve tried roughly 3 or 4 different null sec coorporations, the only guys that weren’t like that, are the ones that lived in NPC space, they didn’t care, they were fun to play with and I had a lot of fun hanging out with them on TS.

Unfortunately they went to SOV space and I have no idea what they’re up to now, maybe I should poke someone again, see what they’re up to.

I’m still in w-space right now though, having joined a friend’s russian friends. I’ve had a few fun encounters with them, but mostly don’t log on because of the language barrier. Which is a shame.

Well, that and the fact that the other guys that joined along with me aren’t actively playing anymore either.

The joys that are life and work.

Having typed this. I think I’m going to poke a few people. See if I can shift some things around. Try and become semi-active once more.

Not that there’s many people reading out there, but if you think you have something that could interest me, poke me. For the love of Bob poke me!


Stay tuned o7