We do, even if you don’t want to be near one in real life, we all love looking at fire. It’s entrancing.
I blew up my first citadel the other day. Well, not just me, we had a fleet of course. But I did not see the explosion coming. I had no idea about it, and it was amazing.
I’ll just let you see for yourself in the few screenshots I made.
I did lose another hound this weekend. I need to stop flying squishy ships, which is why I bought an Omen and a Gila and brought them inside the wormhole. I have a bunch of other ships on my “Get them inside” list but I need to start earning ISK again because I only see my total dropping.
The fact that PLEX prices are way down since last time is not helping at all. I have 11 PLEX parked in Jita that I bought when they were at 1.2b a pop. So that’s currently little over 3b loss just on those. Maybe I should use them to get extractors instead. I heard that they are a nice moneymaker. But that’s for another post.
It seems that I should have been paying more attention to what was going on in the wake of citadels coming around etc.
A few months ago I had decided that it would be a good idea to put my ISK into PLEX because they seemed the most stable at the time and I figured their price would more than likely get higher at some point in the future.
Well, I guess I was wrong. After spending the last few weeks abroad I came home the other day and was able to log in, only to see that due to the fall of PLEX, my current worth has dropped around 4b.
Now, it’s not that much but still, I’m a hoarder, I like seeing my ISK rise instead of drop, so it does hurt a little bit.
But I’ll survive, I have told myself countless times that I should not be sitting on my ISK piles like that and should do something with them.
A few months ago my plan was to make a citadel of my own with it, but that got scratched when we were evicted out of our wormhole.
Which reminds me. I need to get back into a wormhole.
It’s been about ten days since I last wrote. Which doesn’t mean that I haven’t been doing much, I just didn’t really find any inspiration to write.
Mostly because I haven’t been doing anything very interesting. Or at least not really.
Wormhole space needs patience if you look for targets, which is something I don’t have, I am not going to wait on a site or stare at a hole for hours on end. No way will I submit myself to doing that.
So I do relic sites or combat sites. Scan down holes in the chain, move from one point to the other.. Whatever I can do to keep me occupied.
I’ve been trading a bit though, and I made myself a bit of a profit in the past week. Nothing compared to what I see other bloggers get. Not even close, I wish I did, I’m actually jealous of them doing that but also glad that they know what they’re doing.
Because in general, I don’t really know what I’m doing, I just get lucky. Last Tuesday I didn’t really make use of the Skill Extractor/Injector trading. In hindsight I probably should have done so but I didn’t. I did however make about 600m profit in station trading by noticing a bit of a price change happening on one of the items I trade in. So that’s nice.
Speaking of the injectors and extractors. I have read the opinion on these of lots of people. Some hate them, others applaud them, and more are neutral towards it.
I am neutral leaning towards the positive side of them. This has mostly to do with the fact that I do use the character bazaar. I used to want ISK, so that I could use it to buy a character suiting my skill need, I wanted to fly everything out there (as long as I could afford it). I have since then gotten off this sentiment and even got quite attached to E’dyn. However, this does not mean that I would not pay ISK/Euros/Whatever currency you have. To get a bit of a boost in my skill points.
I have an industry alt with more than 3million in SP in mining. I haven’t mined in years, and I’m not going to either. So I got myself 10 extractors, extracted it all and gave it to my wormhole alt. I know that due to doing it like this I have lost about 1m in SP, but honestly? I don’t really care about the loss, because I didn’t use it anyhow, and now, I used that SP that was never going to be used again. To perfect my Tengu skills and to train up my Proteus skills. Meaning that now I can not only do more damage in a Tengu, I can actually fly a Proteus. With just a tiny injection of skills.
“So pretty”
I shouldn’t look at them too much though. They’re a bit of an addiction. I get why, I do. And if I allowed myself, I would buy injectors. But luckily I don’t like losing ISK. So we’re safe from doing that. For now
Two nights ago (Thursday on Friday), we officially moved into our own little wormhole. It took a while to anchor and online the tower, to set up the guns etc, but we finished around 2am. So all in all, a good night.
So yesterday was our official first day in our own little hole in space, our own little C2. It was a good day, a fun day, and content was had.
Not only, did we get our first official Corporation kills in the hole, we laughed a bit, and we made some ISK doing sites.
My little PvE Tengu, she’s a beast
I’m not sure if we’re going to top yesterday, I’m pretty sure we hit a peak there somewhere. That was one of the jokes that was made on TeamSpeak.
It started out, when logging in, with seeing a little Cheetah on scan. Nothing special, I tried tracking him down and failed there. When I was checking out one of our statics I noticed him warping back to the wormhole and off he went.
That could have been our first target, but alas, that didn’t happen. A few minutes later I noticed a Venture on scan. The same guy, had reshipped to a Venture, he was coming to mine our gas! Targets!
I told my friend and we were getting ready, I’m 90% sure that he wasn’t checking out D-scan because he must have seen us reship into a bomber etc (Literally only cloaky ship I got in there atm that isn’t a scanner)
I tracked him to a gas site and I was slowlboating my way to him cloaked. However, my friend couldn’t curb his enthusiasm and he warped to me, in his Heretic, while I was still 40km off the venture. The plan was for me the scram him, so we could also catch his pod with the bubbler. Unfortunately, he uncloaked me and I guess the guy was paying a bit attention because warped off into the sunset, never to be seen again. We miserably failed on scoring our first target. I will not let him down for this.
Half an hour later, while we were scanning down our sites, I suddenly noticed an Astero on scan. This guy didn’t rename his ship to something else so I could check out his Zkillboard, he already lost an Astero once, maybe we could let him lose another one.
Queue me training to D-scan his position, only to realize he was in a signature that we hadn’t scanned down since it arrived about 5 minute earlier. Good job on us there.
My friend took out his combat probes, and well, the Astero wasn’t paying attention to d-scan because he could pin him down. We warped in our cloakies to the site, and 26km from the Astero….
My friend de-cloaked due to one of the collideable objects in the site. The Astero noticed us, and warped off. Talk about anti-climax right?
Again, will not let him live that one down.
As you can imagine, I thought that would be it, the Astero wouldn’t come back. I was wrong. Imagine my surprise when 10 minutes later the same guy popped up on D-scan. He was in a relic site, and this time, we did have it scanned down.
I warped to the site, stayed away from the collideable objects and when I was 20clicks off, I de-cloaked, scrammed him, and my friend de-cloaked his ship and then warped in his Herritic.
Turns out, bombers aren’t that good to kill frigates. It took us ages, but, we got him, and the bubble made sure his pod didn’t escape.
I’m 99% sure that if he took out his drones, he could have killed both our bombers. Those things had no tank. But I’m also pretty sure that he panicked and just wanted to try and get away from us.
First kill! Yay us!
We had a static not far from Jita, which we wanted to use to bring in some more ships. And while my friend activated the hole on his Occator, he had travel control happen to him, and after that a static close.
I warped to the hole to see if it was still there, it wasn’t. There was however, a Heron, which either just got in, or wanted to go back to high sec and had the wormhole collapse right in front of him.
I don’t think he saw it coming, he definitely didn’t see me coming. I scrammed him, told him I’d get him home and then let our newest hole-mate warp in on his drake to get in on the kill.
Turns out the pod was worth about 200m. In a 41m Heron, that was an odd choice.
But we got a few kills out of it, I’m super happy with this move, and definitely looking forward to what else might happen.
Little over a year ago, me and a friend of mine tried to settle in a C4 wormhole. We failed, but it was fun.
In the past few days we got to talking again. He had joined a C5 corporation but still felt the itch to settle in a lower class one. Which brings us to yours truly.
I’m enjoying myself in the Null sec corporation I’m in, however, I have other alts. Alts without a purpose, they are just sitting in shiny ships in Jita or Amarr or whatever other system I logged them out in last.
Which brings us to another little plan that has been forming up and coming to closure. We’re going to try out another wormhole adventure. But this time! We won’t be going into a C4, no we’ll be settling in either a C3 or a C2. Since that’s a bit easier to run sites in solo without having to scan more exits, pay a LOT more attention etc. etc.
We’re currently busy scanning down holes, checking if there’s any activity in them, checking out the planets etc. etc.
Once we find a hole to live in, the move will start. I’m looking forward to starting another adventure in w-space. I have tried before, I have failed, but it was a lot of fun and that’s what matters. And if we can make some more ISK in the process, well, that’s even better isn’t it.
While doing all this I’m also training up an alt as a jump freighter pilot. This was done with the idea that it would make things easier for me to start a little Null sec trading hub in my new home system.
This freighter pilot will also be used as a bit of a service for the wormhole, so two birds, one stone kind of thing.
I just need to learn how it works, but I’ve got Singularity for that, once the skills are trained at least.
Now to figure out if I want to keep producing T2 stuff or if I’m going to be giving up on that. The profit on some of the stuff I made has literally dropped 80% in the past few months, on some things even going as far that the price to sell it, is the same price as the resource cost. Something I’m used to when talking about ships but never about components.
We’ll see what happens, the good thing is, I still have a few other sources of income and I just keep expanding my little empire.
The wheels of my inner mind have been working overtime in the past few days on what I will be doing in EvE the coming weeks. Not because I’m bored and have nothing to do, no, it’s the exact opposite. I have no idea where to start this time.
Since joining the corporation I currently fly with I finally have things to do. I’m finally going out on roams, plan on new things etc etc.
I lost a ship the other day. The third one in a few weeks. And I don’t mind as much as I used to when losing something. Why? Because I’m having fun that’s why!
And that’s the whole point isn’t it, you’re supposed to have fun flying the ships you fly, instead of worrying about losing them. I’m starting to finally learn this lesson, it took me a while, and dozens of different corporations but I’m getting there.
Other than roams I’m having one of my alts train for jump freighters. The one thing I don’t like about the place I currently live in is the lack of a market. So I decided to finally put all of my liquid ISK to use and set up a market over there. Or at least try to.
I just need to figure out which items to stock. I think I’ll start with the corporation doctrines and work my way up from there. I already have a bunch of buy orders in place in Jita. Now I just need to figure out the logistics of the place.
I’ve also set up my PI in one of the systems and was lucky enough to recruit a few people into shooting down the Interbus POCO’s still left in the system. I honestly don’t get why these guys are not doing any PI over there, I found three Plasma planets within our little pipe. So I was confused when I saw the Interbus POCO’s still there. Oh well, I helped them set up new POCO’s, paid for them out of my own pocket and everything. In the long run it’ll be more interesting for me anyhow with a lower tax rate.
And last but not least, I took over a bunch of Moon mining POS’. I have no idea how it works and how much they’re going to make me, or cost me. But it’ll be an interesting little experiment. Although I’m 90% sure that I’ll be making a profit off them once the month is done. Unless someone decides to shoot them down that is.
All of this, happening because I finally decided to make friends instead of staying in my own little corporation. I’m glad I got out of my little bubble.
Let’s talk about, Planetary Interaction. Bear with me here, this is going to be quite a bit of text but worth it.
For those of you who have no idea what Planetary Interaction (PI) is, you’ll find out here. And even find out a bit on how to set it up.
PI is basically the extraction or reprocessing of materials from planets based in any given system. You can do it in High, Low and Null sec.
High Security planets are slightly worse for extracting materials but if you feel like setting up a factory planet (we’ll get there) it’s perfect.
The extracted and processed materials are mostly used in the creation of T2 items or fuel. Meaning that the items you extract and process, are worth quite a bit of ISK on the market.
In order to start with PI I urge you to get the following skills: Command Center Upgrades (Get it to lvl 4, your command center needs to be upgraded in order to get more buildings on your planet), Interplanetary Consolidation (Each level in this means one extra planet. At 3 you have 4 planets, at 4 you have 5 planets and at 5 you can have 6) and remote sensing (this is so you can check out the goods on the planets from a few light years away).
The main reason people do this, is to make a passive amount of ISK each month. Why passive? Well because you need to do a minimal amount of effort for a few hundred million ISK a month.
In general all you would need to do is set up your planets (20 minutes, ish) and afterwards come back to them every other day, press a few buttons (not more than 5 minutes) and be on your way again. And in the end you go get your materials (30-60 minutes) and get them to a market hub for sale.
Lava? I’m not afraid of lava!
Now! On to the good part. Setting up your planet.
I’m not saying that I know much about correct set ups or even what works well and what doesn’t. I’m just going to show you how mine are set-up. I’m sure that there are things I can improve upon and if you have any comments, feel free to drop them below, I’d be happy to discuss and improve upon what I’m doing now.
The first thing you need to do, is decide in which system you want to start your PI endeavours. Do you want to do it in your home system, or do you have a system your industry is based in? Well, click on the name and check which planets are there. You will see all different types of planets (Barren, Temperate, Storm, Lava…) every planet has a different kind of materials that can be extracted from them.
To know what you can do with the planets in your system, head over to http://eveplanets.com/ this site allows you to click on a planet, and it’ll tell you what can be extracted/created here.
Resources are split up into 4 groups (T1, T2, T3 and T4) T1 are the basic materials, the ones you extract directly from the planet. T2 and higher are created from the other materials. T2 uses T1 materials, T3 uses T2 materials and T4 uses T3. Easy right? Right.
In this example I will be using a Barren planet. And on it I will be creating Mechanical parts. These sell in Jita for about 10 000 ISK each at the time of writing. My planets can create 240 parts a day. Meaning that at the end of the month I have 288mill (4 planets * 240 parts * 30 days * 10 000 ISK). Not bad for only a bit of work right? Right.
Please not, that if you want to set up a planet, you need a command centre in your inventory, in my example it will be the Barren Command Centre.
In order to create Mechanical Parts, you need to extract Base and Noble metals from a planet. Go to the planetary overview and press scan. Press the base metal options and you’ll see a bunch of green and red, maybe white on the planet. These are the concentrations of the metals. Now, press Noble metals. You’ll see the same thing. What you need to do, is to find a spot, with Base and Noble metals concentrated near each other. Or at least near enough. Seeing as you will need to put an extractor on each. Place your command centre around here somewhere, I’ve been told that your command centre doesn’t need to be too close by but, just put it there, better safe than sorry.
Scanning a barren planet for Noble metals
Once this is done we can start with the extractors, click on extractor control unit, and set one at the edge of each concentration. Once you click on it, you can assign Head Units. Click on the metal of which the concentration you picked, and place four of them on it (check my below example if you wonder what I mean with this.) Once this is done, check the extraction size. I put mine on 3 days of extracting. Make sure that the areas don’t touch, you get a slight penalty when they do. Once this is done, do the same for noble metals.
You’ve just started extracting. The next problem to tackle is sending the good around your planet.
What I do is make a storage facility, send everything there, and from there on out send things to the different facilities. That way you have one local point on your planet that gets used for storage.
Set your storage facility, press control, click it and then click your extractor. You’ve just made your first link. These are used to send goods from one facility to the next. You can send your products by clicking your extractor, and the second icon (products). You’ll see that your metals aren’t routed yet, so click create route, press your facility and create route again. Now every single cycle it will get send to your storage facility.
Next, place a basic industry facility near your storage unit and link it with the unit. These are needed to create the reactive/precious metals. Click on it, press schematic and scroll down for the correct one (reactive or precious). Make sure to link up your facility once more. And make a route for the product created.
You also need to send the T1 product to this facility, so go to your storage facility, click on routes (4th icon) and make a route with your noble/base metals to your factories. There we go, you have just started your creation of T2 material.
One more and we’re almost good to go.
The last one works the same as the Basic facility. Put down an advanced facility, link it up, press the schematic and make sure they’re linked to your storage facility, set up routes and you’re now making mechanical parts (once the first few cycles have completed from your basic facilities).
In order to get your products off planet, you will need a space port. This is the last link in your chain. Put down a space port, link it with your last factories or storage facility, and set up a route for your mechanical parts to the space port.
Once a month, you will be going to the customs office of the planet, and transfer everything in your space port to it. Which you can then drag into your cargo bay.
Not, that you can transfer your materials from planet to POCO without being near the customs office, you just have to be in the same system. So make sure that you’re safe until you go grab it. Don’t blame me for dying 😉
As a little added extra, you can also make a factory planet. This usually means that you import the T1 or T2 materials to the POCO and from there on make it into T2/T3/T4. This is what high-sec planets are usually used for. Buy your T1/T2 in your local hub, and process it for a nice little profit!
I hope this was somewhat enlightening for you my dear reader. And may you make a nice little profit from whichever planet you decide on.
If you still have no idea, or want to learn more, there are some pretty good videos about PI on YouTube that can help you out too.
First of all, I’d like to wish you all a happy new year and that hopefully it will be a good one.
Normally people do resolutions, I decided to skip those this year, I don’t hold myself to it anyhow. I might go back and see if I can find the ones I made last year though, see if I actually did anything that was on that list.
I’ve spent the last few days eating way too much food. Christmas party, Christmas leftovers, some more Christmas stuff at family, New Year’s dinner, after the fireworks some more food etc. etc.
Safe to say that I ate way too much, in too short a span.
But! This is a blog about gaming, and mostly about EvE since I’ve been playing more and more of it the past few weeks.
I joined a Null sec corporation two weeks ago and have been slowly learning my way around null, going on roam, getting to know them and trying to figure out things to do when not on a roam.
The one thing I hate about null is the fact that every time I think about buying something, I can’t. Because there’s no market here, at all. Most people have the stuff they need in their hangars so the newcomers are a bit fucked from time to time. Which means that I need to use the corporation’s hauling service to get stuff from Jita to the home base. But unfortunately that still means I need to wait until someone does the hauling.
This made me think about maybe making a market there myself. It’s not impossible but without no knowledge of what other people might need, it could be a bit hard. I might just grab a whole bunch of the doctrines and put them on contract with a slight profit. Should get me some ISK at the very least. But I can’t do that with my combat alt, meaning I should get one of my traders over here etc. etc. We’ll see.
For some reason nobody here does PI. It confused me, since PI is such a great way to make passive income, or even supply your own things when you make T2’s. So I’m looking into it too. There’s still Interbus POCO’s around, they’re easy to destroy and claim.
Other than that, roams! And plenty of them. I’m finally having things to do, and as you can see, plenty of things I still need to work out. The New Year is off to a good start.
Last week I finally joined a new corporation, and the past few days I’ve gotten more action than I did in the past few months.
I’ve gone on roams, I made a jita shopping list, even tried out ships I had never flown before.
I’ve been on two roams now in a Svipul and I enjoy the ship. I love the fact that it changes it’s look if you go in a different mode and it’s quite fun. Not only that, I haven’t lost one yet! Hooray
I did lose a claw a few days ago but that was my own fault. Silly me trying to be hero tackle. That obviously failed because I also failed to land on any other kill mail at the time.
The one thing I still need to get used to is that unlike when I was in High Sec, I can’t just open the market browser and buy whatever I need. I can’t, because the current market is non-existent. The corporation I joined does have a service from Jita to their home so that’s nice. Means I just need to make more shopping lists and figure out what I need and when I’ll be needing it.
Although it did got me thinking of maybe, just maybe setting up shop over there too. I’ll be looking into that once I’m used to it some more.
Unfortunately my ISK making ways have dried out a bit. My production lines are currently not doing anything because the profit I was making per day wasn’t enough anymore. 20million a day vs 100+ half a year ago. It’s a shame, it was easy ISK, and now I have no idea what to do to make more of it.
I’m trying my hand at station trading in Jita and Amarr a bit and I’m making ISK with it, but also only a few million per time, my production used to net me more. So I’ll have to figure out something new. Maybe in Null, maybe somewhere else.
I’m still thinking of w-space, and I’m looking around, I still have another combat character that I’m training to get into a wormhole, so maybe I can have her join a wormhole crew. If they’ll have me.
I’m sorry if you now have a certain ‘Frozen’ song in your head… Ok no, I’m not, I like the songs, most people do.
Anyhow, these past few months I haven’t done much industry wise, but a friend of mine asked me if I was interested in his latest little scheme. I told him I had to think about it after his explanation and the more I started thinking about it, the better it seemed to sound.
Basically, I was asked if I wanted to join him in null sec with my indy character and start moon harvesting with him, and slowly but surely, start on our own little super/titan building process.
I’ve always wanted to build titans but not on my own, so if this thing actually happens, I’ll be a few steps closer to my goal. Along with the fact that I’ll be a bit more active again. So win/win situation! Unless we lose a few freighters, that’d make us go back to square one, but I’m being positive here, I can do this!