Kspace is a scary place mkay?
Recently, I decided to consolidate my characters and moved all but one out of wormhole space.
This due to the fact that our friendly neighbourhood Titan builder needs some help with the killboard.
Not that I’m that good at pvp but I have a bunch of combat toons that can pretend they are.
I was spread out a bit too thin, having my main in Jita for the time being after deciding to take a break from C5 space, and then two of my toons in a C2 C4/HS hole with a bunch of friendly people that were so nice to take me in.
But I decided to switch a few things around and joined the C2 corp fully with one of my toons and then fully committed my other characters to null.
Which is, weird.
It’s very strange for me to go through space and see so many “allies” or “blues” as one would say in the game.
or the past seven years, I’ve been primarily focused on wormhole space. Only recently having started doing more in known-space with my little industry venture that I’ve been talking about in previous posts.
So suddenly making my base in a Horde owned piece of space is a bit.. Weird to say the least
But whatever, this is a whole new adventure and I’m going for it.
I haven’t done much yet, but today was a day where due to extreme insomnia the past few days I decided to explore a bit.
And what better way to explore than by grabbing my trusty pacifier, a cloaky proteus and go out searching for the space I just left.
The amount of relic and data sites that are not being done in null is crazy high, but eventually I found a wormhole.
Eventually I found a Gila in a C1 that was obviously not paying much attention, I use combat probes to scan, and I wasn’t paying attention and all so it took me a few minutes to realise I scanned down someone doing sites.
I honestly thought it was bait for a second, but turns out he wasn’t.
My first kill on my main in over a month, it felt nice.
More will come!
Stay tuned o7