Finally, we got ourselves a little speed boost!

Remember way back when this blog started on Blogger? Of course you don’t you probably didn’t read it, but I do remember it.
All the way in the beginning of this blog, it was hosted on After a while of that I decided that it would be a good idea to move it to my own domain and host it as a WordPress one.

Over the years I noticed the blog taking longer and longer the load, making a lot of the people coming here give up on loading and just leaving the page. I kept telling myself that I’ll fix it at some point and never did.

A couple of days ago I poked my sister about it, she makes WordPress sites in her spare time and knows more about these things than I do.
Seeing that she was in the hospital at the time she offered to help me since she suddenly had more time to kill than she normally does.

And here we are now! The site actually loads up quite fast. In comparison to just 3 weeks ago the speed test over at Cloudflare gave it a score of 100! Instead of the silly 70 it had previously.

Turns out that one of the biggest culprits was the RSS feed on the sidebar. Partly because I was using a plugin that was deprecate, and partly due to the nature of RSS I guess.

So that’s been moved to a different page.

She even added a few fun buttons in the bottom of the blog to show how little I write!

I’m happy with the fact that it’s speedier, it was starting to annoy me too, so I can’t imagine how the two people reading this blog must have felt.

Feel free to check out older posts if the slowness stopped you from doing so before!

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