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It’s so pretty!

A few weeks ago I upgraded my entire gaming desktop to Skylake.

For those of you who don’t really follow technological news, Skylake is Intel’s newest architecture, it got released with two new processor chips, the i5 6500k and the i7 6700k. Seeing that I not only play games but also do some virtualization and whatnot I went with the i7.


What’s happening

Well, it’s been a while since my last post. I would say that I’ve been busy but that would be a lie because I’m not. I’m currently playing Elder Scrolls Online again. A co-worker of mine plays the game and seeing as I got bored with WoW once more, I decided to start ESO again….


The worst luck

I have the worst luck when it comes to playing Rocket League. I love the game, I do, but I just can’t seem to get a break while playing. Either I get set up with someone who can’t hit the ball, or the other team gets lucky.. Extremely lucky even. A nice example of this…

Sheltered life

In november we’ll all have the pleasure to play Fallout 4, among others. Of all the games that’s coming our way it’s the one I look forward to the most. And in order to not keep us empty handed while we wait, Bethesda released “Fallout: Shelter” for IOS & Android. The IOS version has been…

Saying Goodbye

Goodbye my old friend, I have neglected you for too long. I should have done more with you, I should have used your special skill set of talents instead of just letting you wither away in darkness, watching as you trained harder, waiting for the day that I’d finally take you out to help you…