The thrill of the hunt

The thrill of the hunt A few days ago I was getting familiar with scanning again. This because in the past few weeks I haven’t been doing it much while playing on the laptop. During my mapping of the holes surrounding our home I came across a few people on my dscan. Nothing major, a…

How to get into it?

A few days ago, someone I know asked me how to get into PvP. It took me by surprise and made me think long and hard about the how. In the end, I couldn’t really give him a good answer. EvE is so much different than other games when it comes to PvP. If you…

Kite or death

It took a few days but my old domain is FINALLY forwarding to the new one. Took ages. But we’re off to a good start. Not only did I fuck up on the site installation a few times, I also had to mess around with the import a bit. But I feel like it’s doing…

Site shenanigans

I’m not going to be talking about PvE sites on eve, no, literal site. The wordpress. I’m sure that you as a reader (hello there) have noticed the slowness of the site. There’s not many plugins running here but I am running from a shared hosting. I have decided to go out and see if…

I finally did it

The thing I have been talking and thinking about for the past couple of months (even years) has finally happened. I have started playing again, actively. The past few weeks I have been looking at /r/evejobs and wondering on whether or not I would find a group that I could join. One that I could…

The itch

The past couple of months have been the same as for everyone, COVID happened, I’m not allowed to go to work at the office anymore so have been working from home since februari, and I’m getting extremely bored being at home not doing anything. I’ve tried so many games in the past couple of months…

A long, long time ago

I’m sure you guys know the rest, but if you don’t. It’s “In a galaxy far away” Sometime around the same time I first started playing EvE Online I was also playing the SOE/Lucasart MMO called “Star Wars Galaxies” Last week, when on the way to the gym a friend of mine reminded me of…

Moving around

The joys of moving to and from wormholes. Always quite the adventure when you don’t have a great connection. I’ve moved tens of billions of stuff through wormhole space in the past weeks, I have moved multiple times more than that in the past. Even going as far as moving around capital construction parts for…


Eviction target

For those of you that, like me, have been living under a rock the past few days. Here’s some news for you. Hard Knocks is getting evicted by Goonswarm. I don’t know much about how and why but from what I gather is that The Initiative has been planning to do this for the past…


Those of us that live in a wormhole are used to being left out by CCP or taken up the ass when it comes to people living in other parts of the EvE online universe. We’re used to it, it’s been like that ever since people figured out that they could live in wormholes. But…

New Design!

I’ve been helping out my mother with a new design for her site and decided I should update my own. So now that happened too! Things are a work in progress still. And I’m still building a house too. Have to say that buying a Mavic Air drone was one of the best decisions I…